spore evolution

Chapter 176 New Map Features

Chapter 176 New Map Features

Under the leadership of the soil-eating beast administrator, Chen Tianhao came to the dumping place of the soil-eating beast's excrement.

The abandonment site is not far away, after walking about 500 meters, it is just around the corner.

In the past few days when Chen Tianhao returned to the real world, he spent most of his time in the living area. He seldom came here. This time, if he wanted to trigger a mission, he would not come here, so he never found this discarded metal. The place.

This is a small valley, under the sunlight, it reflects colorful lights, and the surrounding mountains seem to be painted on it.

Chen Tianhao was still wondering where the light came from, and when he looked closely, it turned out that the excrement of the soil-eating beast was reflecting the light.

At a glance, the ravine was covered with colorful metal powders, and a lot of metal powders were randomly scattered all over the place.

Chen Tianhao looked at the scattered metal powder with heartache. It was easy to scatter, but it was troublesome to pick it up.

He used his mental strength to check the metal powder in the small valley below his feet. The mountain of the small valley was covered by more than two meters. If these powders were placed on the flat ground, they might be piled up into a small hill.

Chen Tianhao was very pleasantly surprised to get so much metal powder all of a sudden.

But besides being pleasantly surprised, he was also very distressed.

These metal powders are indeed good, but according to the current level, they cannot be used yet.

Hey, it's a pity, when you need it later, come here to pick it up again.

Chen Tianhao patted the Earth Eater administrator on the shoulder and said, "Find an uninhabited cave, and put the metal powder in the cave later."

"Metal powder?" The soil eater administrator was very puzzled.

"It's the excrement of soil-eating beasts. You collect it, and I will use it later."

"Okay, patriarch." The soil-eating beast administrator replied happily.

He didn't know what effect the soil-eating beast's excrement had on Chen Tianhao, but he always firmly believed that the patriarch's words were the truth.

If you want to complete the task of bronze ware, you can only find some copper mines again.

Leaving the earth-eating beast, he planned to go to the back mountain to find various mineral resources, especially copper mines, which was related to the completion of the task.

Chen Tianhao has consciousness energy, can detect the surrounding situation, and can penetrate all kinds of inanimate matter.

This is incomparable to the holographic map. Of course, the terrifying scope of the holographic map is also incomparable to the energy of Chen Tianhao's consciousness. The energy of consciousness and the holographic map have their own advantages and disadvantages.

When Chen Tianhao was searching for his clansmen in the biological stage, he once discovered a large amount of mineral resources.

He plans to use this method to find mineral resources as well, which is very suitable for the current stage.

Most of the minerals discovered by consciousness energy are on the surface, which means that they are easy to mine. If there is a vein hidden deep underground, it can only be used as a reserve.

Chen Tianhao usually keeps his consciousness energy at a distance of 500 meters around him. This habit is brought over from the biological age, so that he can know in advance when the enemy launches a sneak attack, thus achieving an early warning effect.

The distance of 500 meters can allow the energy of consciousness to break even and get a certain amount of exercise.

The upper limit of consciousness energy is increasing very slowly, but Chen Tianhao believes in himself, as long as he perseveres, the consciousness energy will definitely be able to make a big difference in the end.


A pair of blue energy wings stretched out from Chen Tianhao's back, with a strong flap, Chen Tianhao had already flown to the sky behind the mountain.

After Chen Tianhao left, the soil-eating beast administrator also started his work, collecting the excrement of the soil-eating beast.

Chen Tianhao's ultimate flying speed is very fast, but his speed at this time is not fast, it can even be considered very slow. Not far from him, some birds are startled from time to time, and after discovering Chen Tianhao, they each quickly escape from Chen Tianhao's place. around.

Chen Tianhao didn't pay attention to these birds. His purpose was to find mineral resources. In order to better discover mineral resources, he flew very low, sometimes almost touching the mountain wall.

Chen Tianhao has only heard about various mineral resources such as copper ore, iron ore, and silver ore. Unless he can distinguish the super obvious ores, he cannot distinguish other ores that are mixed with other substances.

Most of the ores he discovered before were very obvious.

No matter how slow Chen Tianhao's flying speed was, he quickly finished detecting the area behind the mountain.

Not far away, all within the territory of the tribe.

During the detection process, he discovered a new function of the holographic map.

In fact, it is not a new function. When Chen Tianhua introduced it before, he also said that the holographic map can reflect various resources, and ore is also one of them.

He found that it didn't matter if he didn't understand these ores, as long as he scanned the places with his consciousness energy and found various materials, they could be faithfully reflected on the holographic map.

This includes not only ore resources, but also tree resources, biological resources, etc.

When he discovered this function, he drove his consciousness energy to the limit distance, and the limit distance of consciousness energy reached five kilometers at this time.

At this moment, all kinds of resources in Chen Tianhao's territory, including the location five kilometers underground, are perfectly presented on the holographic map.

Various resources are presented in front of Chen Tianhao with a holographic 3D effect. The resources in his territory are still very rich, not only copper mines, but also various other ores. He also discovered a ruby ​​vein four kilometers underground.

If this mine was worth much in the past, it could have created several billionaires.

Chen Tianhao didn't plan to mine rubies. Rubies are useless to him, they only have a decorative effect, and even if they were to be mined, they have no ability to mine them now.

As for Chen Tianhao's main goal this time - copper mines, there are also in the territory, and there are more than one.

It's just that most of the copper mines are hidden deep underground, with different depths.

Using the holographic map, Chen Tianhao picked a relatively good copper mine, which was not far from where everyone lived.

Although this mine is not the shallowest copper mine, it is the easiest to dig, and there are enough places around it to dig copper mines.

The copper mine is located 100 meters below the inside of the mountain, and the nearest cave is 300 meters away from the copper mine.

Now humans have the help of soil-eating beasts, and the speed of digging caves is still very fast. The distance of 300 meters takes about two or three days.

Chen Tianhao moved [-] people from other places, plus forty earth-eating beasts, and started the mining work.

It's not that Chen Tianhao doesn't want to get more earth-eating beasts over, no matter how many there are, there will be no manpower.

One person can take care of two earth eaters, and no more.

Because the earth eaters need to aim at a fixed direction to devour the ore, and when they can't control it, these earth eaters will devour it everywhere.

At that time, the cave will be full of potholes, which will collapse if you are not careful.

It doesn't matter if it collapses, delaying work is a big deal.

(End of this chapter)

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