spore evolution

Chapter 177

Chapter 177

Chen Tianhao wandered around a few times again, but unfortunately, no new mission was triggered.

At this time, the three major things in the tribe: research, logging, and mining are all on the right track.Chen Tianhao felt that there was a large shortage of manpower, and he was vigorously building the tribe, and needed personnel everywhere, but there were only a few tribe personnel, and there was not enough.

Wanting to quickly increase the number of tribe members, Chen Tianhao turned his attention to the surrounding areas, where there are abundant populations.

In this world, the human race is not limited to the tribe of Chen Tianhao, there are many tribes in other places waiting for Chen Tianhao to discover.

At present, human beings are still high-end creatures. It is possible to find another human tribe at random, with a few hundred people less, and a few thousand more people. This is a way to rapidly increase the number of human beings.

Looking for other human tribes does not require too many people to participate. Chen Tianhao's flying speed is very fast, and he alone is enough.

However, before Chen Tianhao set off, he still needed to see if he could build another R&D center.

After these two days of construction, Chen Tianhao has 2200 points and a blueprint of the livestock farm.

To learn to earn points, but also to learn to spend points.

Building a research center does not require blueprints, only credits.

I found an open space next to the research center, put the R&D center there according to the previous method, and waited quietly.

Strange, why no response?

The open space is still an open space, there is no teleportation like it was during the previous construction, and there is no other movement.

Looking at the points again, it is indeed 500 points less, which happens to be the price of the research center.

Could it be that you bought a fake?
Chen Tianhao waited by the side for another ten minutes, but there was still no movement, only the loggers kept passing by, they saw Chen Tianhao standing here, they didn't come to disturb, and continued to do their own business.

10 minutes is enough to complete the construction of the research center. If there is no movement now, something must have happened that I don't know.

When Chen Tianhao came to the research center, he saw that Chen Tianhua was helping Chen Yi and the others to study the blueprints. With Chen Tianhua's help, the blueprints of the living quarters that originally took three days could be completed in only two and a half days.

But at this time, Chen Tianhao had no choice but to interrupt Chen Tianhua's research, and asked anxiously: "Brother Tianhua, I just spent 500 points to build another research center, why didn't it work?"

"You continue to study according to the method I just explained." Chen Tianhua stopped the movements in his hands and told them to continue their work. Then, he got up and sighed: "Patriarch, this time your points are wasted, some special buildings One place can only have one, no matter how much it is spent, it is useless, and the research center happens to be in this special building category."

After the establishment of the tribal center, in order to increase Chen Tianhao's influence in the clan, Chen Tianhua no longer called Chen Tianhao directly, but followed others and called him the patriarch.

Chen Tianhao didn't pay attention to this detail, and still used his address as usual.

"Ah, special building? There can only be one? Since it can't be built, can't the five hundred points be returned? Also, which buildings are special buildings?" Chen Tianhao asked in surprise.

Five hundred points is not a small amount. After finally accumulating a little points, a quarter of them was lost in one fell swoop.

Chen Tianhua shook his head and said: "This is impossible, I can only let you spend money to buy a lesson, you know, the system is very strict, I will tell you everything I can say, this time about the special building, it is You have to be abandoned once, it’s like saving a little when you want to build better buildings in the future.”

Chen Ling, who was on the sidelines, was lost in thought while talking, and she still couldn't solve one of the questions. Chen Tianhua solved Chen Ling's problem with a casual finger, and then continued to answer Chen Tianhao's question: "At present, there are only two special buildings. Centers and research centers, other buildings are multifaceted."

Chen Tianhao also knew this was the reason, but it was always a bit uncomfortable to be tricked by the system after finally accumulating points, but this time, he could just ask a little more about the rules, so as not to suffer even bigger losses later.

He recalled what Chen Tianhua said just now. A place can only have one special building. That is to say, if there are two places, there can be two research centers. This is also a way to increase the speed of research, but I don’t know how. Expanding one's own territory will definitely not be a simple increase in the area of ​​​​the territory.

Both the tribal center and the research center are special buildings. These two buildings are matched. There is the tribal center first, and then there is the research center.

But the location of the tribal center is very particular, so I have to ask.

Thinking of this, the frustration of losing [-] points was suppressed, and he immediately asked: "Brother Tianhua, how can we build more tribal centers or research centers?"

"Are you in a hurry to develop now?" Chen Tianhua joked with a smile.

"Brother Tianhua, tell me quickly, or you might waste a lot of points."

"Patriarch, the establishment of a tribal center requires you to have a new tribe."

"A new tribe? Do you mean attacking other tribes and occupying their territory?" Chen Tianhao remembered that Chen Tianhua had said before that he could rely on attacking other tribes to make his territory develop rapidly.

Chen Tianhua snapped his fingers and said, "Smart, that's right, while expanding your territory, you can also speed up the development of infrastructure."

It seems that this is indeed feasible. The key point is how to find another tribe. Chen Tianhao has been in this world for several days and has been around several times. Apart from his own tribe, there is no trace of other tribes in this area.

There are many shadows of other animals, but it is not an easy thing to become a tribe. At the beginning, he worked hard to enter the tribal age for his own race. In the end, he relied on his own consciousness and energy to get those spaceships. Only then did we enter the tribal age.

Now that I think about repelling those aliens at that time, it is still a bit unbelievable. My consciousness energy is really good, but if the aliens directly shot me at that time, it would be difficult to escape.

I don't think so much, the universe is so big, maybe I will meet aliens in the future, if I don't speed up the development, I may not have such good luck next time, and I'm afraid I will only become a prisoner by then.

Thinking of this, Chen Tianhao wished that he would own a lot of technology and enter the cosmic era in one fell swoop. Abandoning those illusions and being down-to-earth is the kingly way. Now that he has the buildings provided by these systems, the development speed will not be slowed down.

"Brother Tianhua, if you find tribes of the same kind as yours, does that count as having a new tribe?" Chen Tianhao remembered his mission goal this time, to increase the population of the tribe.

Chen Tianhua nodded and said: "This is another method I'm going to tell you. Find other people of the same kind and let them join your team. It's considered a new tribe."

This can be regarded as humane. After all, it is impossible to fight against the same kind. Now that the number of people is so small, it is too late to ask for more. How can we afford the consumption of civil war.

"That's great, I just want to go outside to search for the same clan, killing two birds with one stone." After finishing speaking, Chen Tianhao immediately ran out to prepare his search plan.

"Hey, wait, I have something to tell you." Chen Tianhua shouted from behind.

Chen Tianhao's speed was very fast, and when Chen Tianhua spoke, there was only a figure of his back leaving quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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