spore evolution

Chapter 178 Explore

Chapter 178 Explore
Chen Tianhao waved his blue wings, flying fast in the air like a blue angel.

In order to facilitate the observation of the underground situation, Chen Tianhao flew at a low altitude, almost flying close to the trees.

This feeling of flying in the air is really good, a feeling I never had when I was a human being, but then again, since I came to this world, I have subverted the previous feeling.

Don't talk about flying, just talk about the electric ball, a skill similar to thunder magic, which is not owned by humans.

Of course, it was possible before, but Chen Tianhao had never seen it before.

Chen Tianhao realized that although he possessed several skills, the lightning magic seems to only have the attack skill of electric ball, shouldn't there be only one simple skill?

Like when I played games before, there are various skills such as Thunderbolt, Chain Lightning, etc. I don’t know if I can also have such skills.

People are always greedy. If you have one, you want to have more.

The rapid development of human beings in previous lives has a lot to do with the unique nature of human beings—greed.

If you want to have more, you will work hard to develop yourself.

During the flight, Chen Tianhao kept his consciousness energy within a range of 500 meters, because he didn't need to observe the situation underground, he only needed to observe the ground. This distance allowed him to use his consciousness energy without restriction.

It mainly observes the places where a large number of creatures live on the ground. If you want to form a tribe, you need to have a certain population base.

There are fewer people, not to mention the tribe, if you are not careful, you will be attacked by other ferocious animals.

This world is not like the previous world. It is full of crises, and most creatures have various magical skills.

This world gave Chen Tianhao the feeling that it was more like a magical world, but the magic in this world was still at a fairly simple level, most creatures could be discovered with only one or two skills.

Moreover, many of these skills use energy in the most primitive state. The electric ball attack that Chen Tianhao uses now is the lowest level of energy use, to put it bluntly.

If you want to improve the use of energy, you must either explore new ways to use it yourself, or use the system to provide it. However, the system does not seem to have found a way to improve your magic skills. Maybe you can consult Chen Tianhua next time.

Chen Tianhao's flying speed is not too slow, about 30 yards, and with the assistance of consciousness energy.

The detection speed is very fast, and a large area has been detected almost in a while.

This time, his main detection range was outside the territory, a range of [-] kilometers.

With the help of a holographic map in the territory, all kinds of resources on the whole map are marked on it, including population, including various creatures that occasionally enter the territory.

With the holographic map, even if there is an enemy sneak attack in the future, you can know in advance and be fully prepared, but all this must be based on keeping an observation state on the holographic map.

It's a pity that the holographic map can only show the map of the territory. Chen Tianhao flies to other places and can only observe by himself.

Although Chen Tianhao's speed is fast, the scope of detection is also very large. Chen Tianhao flew in the sky for about two hours, but still did not find any trace of other tribes.

During this period, he also found a large number of creatures living together. When he checked carefully, he found that it was just an ordinary creature, not the tribe he expected.

It is useless to find more of this kind of creature, at most it can provide a new livestock resource for his tribe.

At this moment, what Chen Tianhao lacks is not animal husbandry resources. In this world full of creatures, it is really possible to get a new kind of animal husbandry resources anywhere.

"Good luck to you."

After failing to find the tribe for a long time, Chen Tianhao had to suspend his exploration mission. The continuous two-hour flight did not make him feel physically exhausted. He found nothing, which made him feel physically and mentally exhausted.

This made Chen Tianhao sigh: "Is this world too big, or are there too few creatures that have evolved into tribes?"

In Chen Tianhao's impression, when the game evolves to the tribal age, other creatures around will soon evolve to the tribal age, so that players will not feel lonely in the game.

But this world is not a game world after all, it is a real world, but this real world is different from the world Chen Tianhao lived in before.

Other creatures in this world may not have evolved to the tribal age, and more of their own race entered first, otherwise they wouldn't have flown for two hours without getting anything.

Chen Tianhao felt that he needed to change his strategy. He searched along the river just like he used to search for his own race. In the past, he used this method to find those tribesmen.

Although there are some rivers passing through the direction Chen Tianhao chose this time, most of them are tributaries. The width of the rivers is not large. Normally, these tributaries can also breed tribes, but Chen Tianhao did not find the existence of tribes.

After re-choosing the direction of the main river, Chen Tianhao raised his flying speed to the limit.

Flying at high speed, a blue trajectory across the sky.

Half an hour later, Chen Tianhao came to the river that the tribe often draws water from.

Chen Tianhao started to detect on one side of the river, and the creatures beside the river suddenly increased, but this also made Chen Tianhao's identification a lot more difficult.

It is no longer possible to judge whether there is a tribe by the presence of a large number of creatures, because it is often encountered here that a large number of creatures live together.

Chen Tianhao's detection speed dropped a lot all of a sudden, and after flying for an hour, it was still less than half the distance of the previous detection at the same time.

But here, the frequency of encountering inhabited creatures is indeed much higher than before. In just one hour, Chen Tianhao encountered no less than ten waves of inhabited creatures.

It's a pity that these creatures are not the tribal creatures that Chen Tianhao imagined, let alone his clansmen.

But every time Chen Tianhao encountered a group of living creatures, he had to stop and check carefully to see if the other party belonged to tribal creatures.

Chen Tianhao didn't have the ability to identify tribal creatures, and the system didn't give corresponding prompts. Everything depended on his subjective consciousness to judge whether the other party belonged to the tribe.

This kind of subjective consciousness will miss many creatures that have truly entered the tribal age, but Chen Tianhao has nothing to do about it.

Maybe when encountering a creature that has really entered the tribal age, the system will give a reminder. If you don't get a reminder now, it should be because you have never encountered a real tribal creature.

After flying for more than an hour, Chen Tianhao turned back from the other side as he still did not meet any tribal creatures.

After flying for more than an hour, Chen Tianhao encountered wave after wave of living creatures.

At the beginning, every time Chen Tianhao encountered a wave of living creatures, he would investigate with excitement.

After the inspection, he was disappointed again and again. At the back, he was numb and just mechanically inspected the creatures on the ground.

Chen Tianhao, who was flying in mid-air, suddenly looked at the living creatures below with his eyes shining.

"Haha, I finally found you."

Then it flew down from the air and flew to the middle of the living creatures.

(End of this chapter)

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