spore evolution

Chapter 179 Jin Yong

Chapter 179 Jin Yong
Jin Yong is the patriarch of a human tribe.

His name is simple, gold is the gold of the gold mine.

This surname came from their ancestors a long time ago, so long ago that they didn't even know when.

These ancestors used to live with Chen Tianhao. At that time, Chen Tianhao once said that the surname is the glory of a family. At that time, every small family chose a commonly used thing as the surname of their family. Intentionally or unintentionally, the surname Chen was avoided.

In his subconscious mind, he thought that Chen could only have this surname except for the king in the race, and no one else could.

Jin Yong's Jin family is also one of the surnames handed down. In other human tribes, there are more different kinds of surnames.

Human tribes, based on the current division, mostly live together based on the same surname.

Perhaps it was intentional by the system, Chen Tianhao returned to the tribe this time, and its members were all people with the surname Chen.

Jin Yongzhong's Yong character, his father hoped that he could lead the development of the tribe like a brave warrior.

And in the days of his existence, he was indeed as his father hoped, like a brave warrior, the bravest warrior in this tribe.

The tribe led by Jin Yong is small, just over 1000 people. Like Chen Tianhao's tribe, they are usually active outside and go back to the cave to rest at night.

The location of the Jinyong Tribe is surrounded by rich biological resources. In addition, the tribe members will raise some animals in captivity, and food has never been scarce.

Coupled with the fact that human beings are much stronger in fighting power than other creatures, at the beginning, Jin Yong often led his clansmen around to kill other strong creatures.

Later, Jin Yong was a little tired of this kind of life, and suddenly became lazy. Usually, as long as there is enough food, he will not go hunting. Only when there is really no food, he will lead his tribe to hunt outside.

I usually bask in the sun in the open space in front of the cave after eating, and my life is very chic.

On this day, as usual, Jin Yong rested in the open space in front of the cave after eating the barbecue.

The creatures in this area all know that there are powerful creatures here. Usually, no creatures will come here. It's too late for them to hide, so how dare they come here.


Suddenly there was a rushing sound in the air, like a sharp arrow hitting.

Jin Yong, who was sleeping soundly, was awakened by the sound. He rolled over and jumped up from the ground. An electric ball the size of a ping-pong ball had already formed in his hand and struck towards the direction from which the sound came.

The long rest did not make Jin Yong's early warning ability lose. When encountering danger, the instant electric ball all showed Jin Yong's strength.

The one who flew down from the sky was Chen Tianhao, who had been searching for a long time. After searching for a long time without any results, he suddenly met a human tribe. He was very pleasantly surprised, as comfortable as meeting clear and cool ice water in a hot desert.

Moreover, the number of this tribe has reached more than 1000, which made him very happy, and immediately flew from the air to the place where the human tribe lived below.

But before he reached the ground, a person lying flat on the ground jumped up from the ground, and at the same time he was attacked by an electric ball.

After Chen Tianhao saw the human beings, he felt very happy. He accidentally let the electric ball fly to a place less than ten meters away from him. He didn't want to use his body to try the taste of the electric ball. He waved his wings and quickly dodged to the side. The ball narrowly passed by him again and again, and the hairs all over his body were brought up to stand on end by the electric ball.

After Jin Yong released an electric ball attack, he began to prepare for a bigger electric ball. He was going to see who would dare to disturb his rest in this area.

When he took a closer look, it turned out to be the same creature as himself. It was strange that this person was not from the tribe.

After Chen Tianhao dodged the electric ball attack, he landed steadily on the ground. Seeing that the opponent was still preparing for the next attack, his whole body was also tense. To prevent the opponent from being short-sighted, he gave him another electric ball attack.

He didn't prepare any attack, just walked towards Jin Yong slowly.

Others noticed a person appeared in the open space, and immediately rushed over from all directions.

When Jin Yong saw that the attacker was a human being, he had already stopped the electric ball attack in his hand, and the blue electric glow lost its energy support and slowly dissipated in the air.

From the ancestral precepts, there has been such a sentence that people of the same clan must not kill each other, and must help people of the same clan when they are suffering. This sentence has long been deeply engraved in the human gene.

Therefore, when Jin Yong saw that the opponent was also a human being, he resolutely gave up his attack.

But the other party gave him a strange feeling. Although he had never met other humans, he believed that he would not feel this way when he met other humans.

As Chen Tianhao kept approaching, Jin Yong's feeling hidden in his genes finally emerged, and when Chen Tianhao stood firmly in front of him, he finally knew who the other party was.

I saw Jin Yong blushing all over his face. This is the joy of being hit by a surprise. This is the legendary patriarch.

In the ancestral training, there is also a saying that when you see a similar person and have a strange feeling, congratulations, you have won the lottery. This is the encounter with the legendary patriarch.

Whenever you meet the patriarch, it is the time when the race develops rapidly.

When Jin Yong took over the responsibility of the previous patriarch, he was still eager to develop his own tribe, but after a long time, he was tired of this kind of life. He felt that he was more suitable for fighting, but no one else in the tribe was more suitable As the patriarch, he can only continue to be the patriarch.

Meeting the legendary patriarch at this time, can he return to the exciting days of fighting?
"Patriarch, that's great, I've been looking forward to your coming." Jin Yong said excitedly with his right hand on his heart.

Chen Tianhao stood in front of Jin Yong, still thinking about how to communicate with the other party, who knew that the other party suddenly called him the patriarch.

This is not the point, the point is that Chen Tianhao heard a message.

"Congratulations on finding a new human tribe."

"Congratulations, your territorial area has increased by 4 square kilometers, and your total territorial area has reached 10 square kilometers."

"Congratulations on getting..."

That's great, I didn't expect to complete the first expansion of my territory in this way, and I also got some achievements, I got 800 points, which made him reach 2500 points.

Chen Tianhao was also very happy when he found that he had completed a task, and said happily, "Hi, what's your name? How is the situation in this tribe?"

"Patriarch, my name is Jin Yong. This tribe..." Jin Yong began to introduce the situation of this tribe to Chen Tianhao.

Jin Yong wanted to get rid of the position of patriarch as soon as possible, and Chen Tianhao wanted to understand the situation of the tribe as soon as possible.

During the question and answer, Chen Tianhao quickly understood the situation of this tribe.

(End of this chapter)

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