spore evolution

Chapter 180 Relocation

Chapter 180 Relocation
Jin Yong's tribe is very simple, the same as the tribe that Chen Tianhao just arrived, except that the number of people is different, but it is not small.

According to statistics, this tribe has a total of 350 people, including 850 adults, 300 teenagers, and 200 children.

This means that Chen Tianhao's tribe has suddenly increased its manpower by more than 1000 people. As expected, relying on external sources to find tribes is the kingly way to develop the population.

Find a few more such tribes, and the population will soon exceed tens of thousands.

Of course, this is just Chen Tianhao's imagination. Considering that he has traveled to so many places today, and only found a human tribe in this place, he knows how difficult it is to find a tribe, let alone a dozen tribes.

"Jin Yong, move to my tribe."

This location is too far away from Chen Tianhao's tribe, and the number of people is too small. It is not a good thing to spread the development in two places. It is more appropriate to concentrate the people in one place for development.

"Okay, patriarch, I'll let them move to the patriarch's side." Jin Yong had long expected Chen Tianhao to lead the development of the tribe, and now Chen Tianhao made this request, of course he fully agreed.

Chen Tianhao checked the situation of this tribe. Except for the energy spar that has been preserved for a long time, there is nothing worth carrying. At most, the water storage beast and soil eater can be preserved, and the others are useless.

These two animals have always been kept in captivity in this tribe.

The water-storage beast, which can provide a large amount of water, is an indispensable creature; the soil-eating beast has also been kept by human tribes.

"Jin Yong, organize people to collect energy crystals and bring them there, as well as the water storage beasts and soil eaters, and get rid of the rest," Chen Tianhao ordered.

"Obey, patriarch." After Jin Yong replied, he immediately organized other clansmen to go to work.

I thought that there were very few things that needed to be sorted out, and it should be sorted out quickly.

About ten minutes later, Jin Yong jogged over with a football-sized energy spar in his hands and said, "Patriarch, there are too many energy spars, and we can't finish them all."

"Can't finish it?" Chen Tianhao thought that there might not be many spars in this tribe, but he found that every person who rushed over had more or less a few energy spars in their hands.

Chen Tianhao's own tribe also has energy spars, but there are not many energy spars, so he thinks there are not many energy spars here.

Follow Jin Yong to the place where the energy spar is stored, which is a cave.

The cave is not completely dark, but a white soft light is emitting, illuminating the entire cave. Inside the cave of about [-] square meters, energy crystals of different colors and sizes are arranged like hills.

Night Pearl?
Chen Tianhao discovered that the light source emitting soft light is a football-sized stone, just like the legendary night pearl, if I sell it for money, I'm afraid I will become rich in an instant.

Not to mention the luminous pearl, even taking out these energy crystals in front of him is a lot of wealth.

It is definitely impossible to abandon these energy spars here, a large number of energy spars means a large amount of energy.

For the use of energy spars, the only way to freely absorb the energy inside is currently, but it doesn't mean that these energy spars cannot be used in the future.

The energy in the energy spar is not low, and the energy in the energy spar is also a kind of energy. If it can be developed, it will be of great help.

Having experienced so many miraculous things, Chen Tianhao no longer looks at the world purely from the perspective of technological development.

Chen Tianhao is not surprised that magic technology will be developed in the future, but for now, the buildings provided by the system are still the main ones, and the future things will be considered slowly in the future.

"Let's do this first, I'll take you back to the tribe first, and then slowly move over there after you settle down." Chen Tianhao instructed.

It is impossible to give up these energy spars. The energy spars in this cave are several times that of the tribe. I don’t know how these energy spars are accumulated. If this place flies fast, it will be almost the same. More than half an hour away.

In fact, these energy crystals have something to do with the habits of this tribe. The people of this tribe are more aggressive and have killed many creatures, but they don’t use energy crystals very much. Over time, they become this small pile of energy crystals. stone.

After everyone left here, Jin Yong found a relatively large stone to block the entrance and exit. In fact, it doesn't matter if you don't need a stone to block it.

Not many animals would come to this place, just like Chen Tianhao's tribe, it was too late for those creatures to get away from here, so how could they come here on their own.

Besides, it took more than an hour to go back and forth, and nothing happened.

Carrying stones to block the door is like locking a suitcase. It can only block good people, not bad people. If the bad people really want to do something, no lock will help.

Except for the energy spar, there are not many water storage beasts and soil eaters. There are more than a hundred water storage beasts, including about [-] young water storage beasts.

There are only fifty earth-eating beasts. It is estimated that they think these earth-eating beasts are useless, so they only keep fifty earth-eating beasts in captivity. Compared with his tribe, it is indeed much less.

After getting ready, a group of people set off to the tribe where Chen Tianhao was.

When Chen Tianhao found Jin Yong, it was already in the afternoon. After checking and organizing things, more than half of the time had passed, and the sky had already started to set slowly.

Some people were arranged to drive away the water storage beasts and soil eaters, and others began to fly towards the tribe at a high speed.

The movement speed of the entire team was mainly slowed down by the water storage beasts. Without the interference of the water storage beasts, the movement speed of the team was greatly improved.

The crowd held the energy spar and slowed down their flying speed slightly. After more than half an hour, they crossed the river and finally returned to the tribe.

A group of flying creatures suddenly appeared in the sky, frightening those in the territory, thinking that there was a large-scale enemy attack, they stopped their movements one by one, as if they were facing an enemy.

Everyone took a closer look, it turned out to be their patriarch, and the people behind them were all human beings, and they started to do their own work one by one, but everyone still looked at the people behind Chen Tianhao, as if they were looking at the patriarch. Where did you find these people.

Just as Chen Tianhao landed on the ground, Chen Er had already rushed to the side to greet him.

Since Chen Yi became the team leader of the research center, Chen Er has been in charge of all the big and small things in the tribe.

"Chen Er, this is Jin Yong, please arrange their accommodation." Chen Tianhao pointed at Jin Yong.

Chen Er stretched out his hand to Jin Yong and said, "Jin Yong, hello, I'm Chen Er, and I'll be in charge of your residence."

Jin Yong didn't understand what Chen Er meant at first, but when he saw Chen Er stretching out his right hand, he quickly stretched out his right hand and said, "Hi, I'm Jin Yong, thank you for your help."

Chen Er held Jin Yong's hand, and the two knew each other.

(End of this chapter)

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