spore evolution

Chapter 181

Chapter 181
The drawings of the living houses have not been researched yet, and everyone still lives in the cave as before.

In order to increase the population at any time, there is a habit of opening up caves, but more than 1000 people flooded in at once, and the vacant caves are not enough to accommodate these people.

I have no choice but to let everyone squeeze in the cave. Fortunately, the big guys only sleep in the cave when they sleep, and work outside the rest of the time. It doesn’t seem very crowded at the moment, but it’s getting dark, and it’s getting dark. There are more.

As for the placement of personnel, Chen Tianhao doesn't need to worry about it, Chen Er will arrange accordingly.

Jin Yong and Chen Er were left behind to hand over the work, and all the energy spars in their hands were piled up in the warehouse. They said it was a warehouse, but it was actually a relatively large cave.

But having said that, the warehouse is not just used for storing things. The warehouse is not necessarily a house. I don’t know many people who have used cellars to store food, so this cave is also a perfect warehouse.

This warehouse is very large, about 300 square meters. There used to be a lot of messy things in this place, such as energy crystals, unfinished jerky and other things are stored here.

After Chen Tianhao found out, he was afraid that those dried meat and other things would affect the energy spar, and now this place has become a warehouse dedicated to storing energy spar.

Although the warehouse is very large, there is only a small pile of energy spars in the middle, which is far less than the many and rich ones seen in the Jinyong tribe.

When the energy crystals brought by the Jinyong tribe were placed here, a small hill finally appeared in the middle. After all the energy crystals over there were transported, this place could also become a hill of energy crystals.

Chen Tianhao also brought the luminous pearl over. The luminous pearl emitted a soft light to illuminate the space. Under the light, the energy spar looked extraordinarily beautiful.

There is no way to use energy crystals on a large scale for the time being, but there is nothing wrong with storing these materials in large quantities.

If the energy spar can be applied to various machines, it will definitely be of great use. This energy spar is like a mobile energy bank, and it is also an energy bank with a huge stock.

The energy in the energy spar is compressed and recompressed to form a solid state of energy.

Chen Tianhao has been obsessed with it all the time, looking for opportunities to use these energy spars.

The ventilation in the cave is not good, and we don’t light fires in the cave at ordinary times. This is one of the main reasons why people only sleep in the cave at night and usually go outside. No one likes to hide in a dark corner all day long. Inside, even with night vision capabilities, everyone still yearns for a sunny life.

After everyone had finished releasing the energy spars and the sun had not completely set, Chen Tianhao asked some people to go back and help those who were left behind.

The Jinyong tribe needs to pass through a river to get here. It doesn't matter if the water storage beasts, they can swim, and the river is not too urgent, so they can swim over by themselves.

Earth eaters can't swim, they can only rely on humans to carry them over. Fortunately, earth eaters are not particularly big, basically two people can lift one, and they can be carried over, but the flying speed is a little slower.

Some people stayed to help them cross the river, and the rest returned to the Jinyong tribe to carry energy spars.

When Chen Tianhao moved back to the energy spar again, the water storage beast and the soil eater had already rushed to the tribe and placed them in their respective resting places.

When Chen Tianhao returned to the tribe, it was already completely dark. There were still a lot of energy spars in the Jinyong tribe, far from being able to be transported twice, it doesn't matter if they can be transported tomorrow.

The sudden increase in the number of people caught the dinner preparers by surprise.

After learning that more than 1000 people had been added, they did not prepare food made from the pottery that Chen Tianhao recently invented. Instead, they killed a large number of animals and prepared to make a fire camp dinner.

The food made of pottery is very delicious, but it is too late in time, so it is faster and simpler to have a fire camp barbecue.

But even so, they waited for Chen Tianhao to come back again before reluctantly preparing the food. This was due to the fact that there were always captive animals, so that the food could be successfully supplied to more than 3000 people.

Usually, most of them do not have the habit of storing a large amount of food, and usually prepare food for one day.

This is related to the fact that there are a large number of animals around, so there is no need to worry about no food source, and it is also related to the inability to preserve food for a long time.

The person who brought back the energy spar immediately ran over to help.

Both were human beings, and they quickly became acquainted with each other like old friends.

With the help of everyone, bonfires were erected on the flat ground one by one, and all kinds of meat had already been neatly placed aside.

Except for a few people from the research center, everyone else came back.

Chen Tianhua was also in the research center. After discovering the bonfires outside the house, the glutton in his heart was aroused. He put down the tools in his hand and said to Chen Yi and the others, "We also go out to eat barbecue."

Usually each family eats their own food, and every once in a while, they will organize everyone to eat together to connect everyone's feelings.

Chen Tianhao didn't want his own people to become indifferent people, and it was Chen Tianhao's thoughts that allowed human beings to remain warm and hospitable during the genetic process.

Chen Yi and the others seemed not to have heard Chen Tianhua's words. They held various tools and studied various data. With Chen Tianhua's help, their research progress was accelerated. Home study, again curtailed.

Now their research has reached the critical end, as long as they persist for a while, they can develop successfully.

At the beginning, Chen was not very interested in research. When he really dived into research, he found that he was more interested in research. He was often so busy that he even forgot to eat. Whenever he broke through a stage, he felt a sense of comfort and accomplishment. .

Seeing that everyone was still studying, Chen Tianhua took away the tools from Chen Yi and the others, grabbed Chen Yi with one hand, and Chen Ling with the other, and ran out while pulling them.

The two of them were dragged out by Chen Tianhua like this, they struggled a few times, but they gave up when they couldn't break free, they knew that this uncle was no worse than them in strength.

Without Chen Yi, it would be difficult to carry on this research. Besides, after staying in this place for the past two days, it is really necessary to go out, and the two of them will go out together.

"Let's start grilling, everyone."

Chen Tianhao stood in the center and said loudly.

Next to him are Jin Yong and Chen Er. After they arranged their accommodation, they came here.

After everyone heard that it was time to start, they each took their favorite food and started their own barbecue.

Chen Tianhao also took one and started grilling. It has been a long time since Chen Tianhao first taught his people the grilling skills of humans.

Before there was no pottery, human beings had been using barbecue as their staple food, and their skills had already become rich and colorful, and various seasonings made barbecue more delicious.

Chen Tianhao was smearing honey on the barbecue meat, and then kept rolling it to make the meat more evenly roasted, and the smell of meat spread from the side of the fire camp.

(End of this chapter)

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