spore evolution

Chapter 182 Delicious

Chapter 182 Delicious
Chen Feng looked at the barbecue in Chen Tianhao's hand eagerly. He also had a bunch of barbecue in his hand, but since he tasted Chen Tianhao's cooking, he always felt that eating his own barbecue was not so delicious.

Chen Tianhao kept rolling his hands while applying various seasonings, and the barbecue gradually turned golden brown, which was very attractive, and a bunch of them had already been roasted.

Then he handed the grilled meat to Chen Feng, who had been waiting for a long time. Chen Feng quickly took it over, and couldn't wait for the roast to cool down. Regardless of the fact that the roast was still steaming, he took a bite off a piece of meat.

"Dad, it smells so good."

With his mouth full of meat, Chen Feng didn't forget to say something.

Chen Tianhao touched Chen Feng's head with his clean hands, and said with a smile: "It's good if it's delicious, Dad will bake it for you more."

Seeing Chen Feng enjoying himself, he thought of Chen Ling who was still working hard in the research center. Thinking of such a young Chen Ling working so hard, he felt that he shouldn't do that.

Just as he was thinking, suddenly there was another person beside him.

The person who appeared was Chen Tianhua who had just come out of the research center. Chen Tianhua took two skewers of barbecued meat from Chen Tianhao, handed one to Chen Ling, and bit the other by himself. Solve a few by yourself."

Chen Ling took the barbecue and ate it happily. After she came out of the research center, she returned to her lovely appearance.

Chen Yi, Chen Baiyun, and Chen Shitou found a seat beside them and sat down.

"Why did you come out?" Chen Tianhao asked happily while stroking Chen Ling's hair.

A piece of barbecue was immediately disposed of by Chen Tianhua. Seeing that there was no more cooked meat in Chen Tianhao's hands, he got up and got a few skewers and grilled them at the same time. Hearing Chen Tianhao's words, he asked back: "Why, the patriarch didn't want to let us out?"

"Of course not. I was thinking of giving you barbecued meat just now. It would be even better if you come out to eat now." Chen Tianhao handed Chen Ling a skewer of barbecued meat. This skewer was the one that Chen Feng grilled just now.

"That's good. I haven't eaten barbecue for a long time. Hey, Chen Feng, you put seasoning on it... Hey, yes, put more on it."

Chen Tianhua took a dozen or so skewers with both hands at the same time, and was still not satisfied. At the same time, he instructed Chen Feng to apply seasoning together. When he came to this world, he felt very fresh about everything, especially for food, with a very big appetite.

Looking at Chen Tianhua's flat stomach, so much food, he didn't know where he was going to digest it.

You said, how can an intelligent life be so interested in human food.

"Brother Tianhua, this is a tribal leader I found today, named Jin Yong." Chen Tianhao introduced Jin Yong to Chen Tianhua.

"Huh, not bad, you found a new tribe in just one day." Chen Tianhua admired, while not forgetting to roll the barbecue in his hand, then looked at Jin Yong, and said to Jin Yong: "Boy, you Very good, strong enough."

Chen Tianhua thought it would take several days for Chen Tianhao to find a new tribe.

Jin Yong didn't know what role Chen Tianhua was, but when he heard Chen Tianhao call him Brother Tianhua, when Chen Tianhua sized him up, he could only smirk.

The two sides made another introduction, and Jin Yong and the others finally knew the identities of the people present.

After a barbecue meal, people from the old and new tribes were able to chat happily together, without any restraint at the beginning. If someone looked from the outside, it would be impossible to tell that these people were two different tribes before today.

People from two different tribes live together and have different living habits, which will inevitably cause various problems.

This is also due to the fact that both sides are human beings, and the traditional habits of human beings hide the habit of hospitality, and it is also due to the fact that Chen Tianhao has only developed in this tribe for a few days, and has not developed much.

When the tribe is found again in the future, it may not be as simple as it is now to integrate people from other tribes.

As for the tribes that conquered other races in the future, the matter of integration may be even more difficult to achieve.

All of this is still far away, Chen Tianhao didn't think much about it, there is an old saying that the boat will naturally go straight when it reaches the bridge, if something like this happens, there will naturally be a solution.

After eating the barbecue, Chen Tianhao felt that it would be more perfect if he had some wine.

Chen Tianhao's tribe did not find any plants similar to rice, and most of the time they mainly eat meat, supplemented by some plant leaves, so it is a luxury to want to drink now.

However, since Chen Tianhao taught them how to make pottery, the meat is not purely grilled, and there are various tricks, but the pottery has just come out, and there are not many tricks.

In order to let newcomers experience the delicacy made with pottery, some pottery is also prepared to cook some broth.

Someone from Chen Tianhao's side also prepared some broth, and the time was urgent, so the broth was brought out after everyone had finished eating.

Chen Tianhao served a bowl for everyone, and also for Jin Yong, and said, "Come on, Jin Yong, you can try this too."

Everyone has tasted the broth a few days ago, but after all, they only ate a few meals. Everyone still misses the delicious taste of the broth. They were already full, but after the broth was served, everyone drank it again A bowl of broth.

Chen Feng looked at the broth in the pot with unsatisfied expression, obviously wanting to drink another bowl, but Chen Tianhao didn't continue serving it to him, and said, "Okay, you've eaten enough today, you can eat it tomorrow."

Chen Feng put down the bowl in his hand with a look of reluctance.

Jin Yong was the one who ate the most. Jin Yong carefully held the pottery bowls. He had been paying attention to these containers since the broth was cooking.

These containers were never owned by his tribe before. Originally, he still couldn't forget them and wanted to know more about pottery.

As soon as he ate the barbecue, Jin Yong temporarily forgot about the pottery.


These two words were the only words in Jin Yong's mind. He never expected that the barbecued meat he usually eats could have such a taste. The aroma of the barbecued meat kept lingering in his mouth.

Sure enough, following the legendary patriarch is beneficial, and this is the first day to eat such delicious food.

In fact, this barbecue is similar to the barbecue of Jin Yong's previous tribe, the only difference is that the seasoning used is different.

But it is also because of the different seasonings that Jin Yong tasted delicious.

Just when he thought that the roasted meat was already the most delicious in the world, the broth brought over by Chen Tianhao shocked his taste experience again.


It's an unusual delicacy unlike anything I've tasted before.

Not only the meat is delicious and tender, but also the soup is delicious.

The delicious taste made him reluctant to eat him all at once.

Chen Tianhao seemed to see through his thoughts, patted him on the shoulder and said: "It's okay, just eat more if you want, there are more over there."


Jin Yong nodded firmly, further affirming in his heart the route of following Chen Tianhao.

After a bonfire dinner, by the time the meal was over, the moon was already high in the sky.

After Chen Yi and the others finished eating, they returned to the research center, and Chen Tianhao couldn't stop them.

(End of this chapter)

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