spore evolution

Chapter 183 Research Success

Chapter 183 Research Success
Chen Ling followed Chen Yi back to the research center to do research, and Chen Tianhao brought Chen Feng back to the tribal center to rest.

As for the others, when they came in the afternoon, they had already arranged corresponding positions. According to the assigned positions, they each found a place to rest.

Because the caves were not enough, Chen Er and the others refused to use the place where Chen Tianhao used to live.

It was Chen Tianhao who scolded them, and now they all moved to the tribal center to rest, and now that place is empty and empty, and it just happened to be taken out for everyone to use.

In the end, the cave where Chen Tianhao lived was also full of people. Fortunately, it was only for rest, and it didn't matter if it was crowded at all.

After the study of the living quarters is finished tomorrow, the construction of new dwelling houses can begin.

However, the increase in the number of people means that there are many more houses that need to be built.

The moon sets and the sun rises, and the night passes.

early morning.

Chen Tianhao was still asleep when there was a knock on the door.


The warm and comfortable environment in the tribal center made Chen Tianhao reluctant to leave the dreamland, so he just asked lazily, but he was still lying on the ground without any movement.

"Patriarch, it's me, Chen Yi."

After a knock on the door, only an excited voice came from outside the door.

"Chen Yi?"

Chen Tianhao jumped up from the ground with a single brain, and ran towards the wooden door quickly, without any sign of laziness just now. Could it be that the living room has been researched?

Chen Yi was very excited at the moment, and the overnight research did not make him feel a little tired. As soon as he researched the living quarters, he quickly ran to the door of the tribe center and knocked on the door vigorously.

He also didn't pay attention to what time it was. Normally at this time, Chen Tianhao hadn't woken up yet, but fortunately, even though he was very excited, he didn't forget that he couldn't just break in.


The wooden door opened, revealing Chen Tianhao's face, he just woke up, but his face was full of excitement, Chen Yi even saw some gum in the corner of his eyes.

Before Chen Yi could speak, Chen Tianhao asked first: "Chen Yi, has the research on the living quarters been completed?"

Chen Yimeng nodded and said, "Yes, patriarch, we succeeded."

His excitement has never been over, and he is still in a state of excitement. This is the first successful research project in the tribe, which is of great significance.

"Why so fast, didn't it take two and a half days?"

The two trotted towards the research center. They said yesterday that it would take two and a half days to complete the research. They didn't expect to wake up and hear this happy news.

The two came to the research center, the other three researchers and Chen Tianhua were still inside.

Without the research task, my body and mind relaxed all of a sudden, and the exhaustion from the sleepless two days suddenly surged up, and I lay down on the table one by one.

When Chen Tianhao saw this, he realized that three of the four researchers were children, and his daughter was only over three years old. The other children were still playing happily at this age.

Two days of long-term uninterrupted research made them physically and mentally exhausted. When there was research, they couldn't see it. When the research was over, all kinds of exhaustion immediately emerged.

Chen Tianhao didn't know about the completion of the research immediately, but lowered his body and hugged Chen Ling, and then said to Chen Yi and Chen Tianhua: "Both of you, take those two little guys to my side to rest."

Chen Yi is an adult, and his resistance is much stronger than those little guys, and he is still the one with the best physique in the tribe. The two days of research did not have much impact on him.

The three carried their three children to the tribal center to rest. Chen Tianhao also asked someone to cook some broth in advance and brought it to the research center.

After several people finished drinking the broth, Chen Tianhao began to inquire about the specific situation of the living quarters.

At the beginning, Chen introduced to Chen Tianhao how to build a living house. After the successful research, the construction method of the wooden house has been imprinted in his mind.

In fact, for Chen Tianhao, building a wooden house was a relatively simple matter, and after Chen Yi and the others succeeded in their research, it was similar to what he imagined.

However, Chen Tianhao needs to study residential buildings in the research center, mainly because others can quickly learn through the system and become a qualified construction worker.

It's not impossible for Chen Tianhao to teach them to do this kind of thing, just like making pottery, he can also teach them in the same way, but if he does this, it will take too long, and too much time will be wasted teaching people.

Time is money, and it's not as quick as this.

After learning about the specific situation, Chen Tianhao said: "Chen Yi, you should go back and rest too."

"Patriarch, I'm fine, I can continue to study." Chen Yi seemed to be in good spirits, but the two-day research was more or less affected.

"Go, you are the only person with advanced research skills in the tribe, and you will need to support future research. If you fall down, the development of our tribe will slow down a lot."

Chen Yi didn't insist anymore, said goodbye to Chen Tianhao, and went back to his place of accommodation.

"You can also go to my place to rest, that place is good and more comfortable."

Before Chen Yi reached the door, Chen Tianhao spoke from behind.

Now the place where Chen Yi lived was crowded with people, and he couldn't rest even when he went back. There was still so much room in the tribal center, so it didn't matter if one more person was added.

Chen Yi turned his head and wanted to say something, Chen Tianhao stared at him, as if saying, if you don't go, I will send you there personally.

In response, Chen Yi walked to the tribe center to rest on his own.

After the arrangements were made, Chen Tianhao said happily: "Brother Tianhua, how do you choose the person who will build the wooden house now?"

After the study of the living house is successful, there are two ways to build it. One is to exchange 100 points for a wooden house at a designated location, and the other is to use wood to build a wooden house by yourself.

The wooden houses exchanged by the system have special effects, such as warm in winter and cool in summer, and have a certain recovery effect on common injuries, while the wooden houses built by ourselves have no special effects.

Now that the population has reached more than 3000, it is naturally impossible to redeem with points. Even if you want to redeem, you don't have that many points.

"You choose to study at the research center as a construction worker. The same learning method as before, [-] points per person, including the church." Chen Tianhua replied.

Now there is no special place for education, so we have to re-borrow the teaching system of the research center.

Bao Church?
Chen Tianhao's eyes lit up, it sounded like it was much better than when he tested his research skills at the beginning, it's no loss that he spent points, and those who come in to learn at least can have a basic construction skill.

Although they can all learn it, Chen Tianhao believes that there must be people in the tribe who are extremely talented in architecture like Chen Yi, but Chen Tianhao has no better idea on how to identify these people.

He turned his attention to Chen Tianhua, maybe Chen Tianhua has a solution here.

(End of this chapter)

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