spore evolution

Chapter 184 Learning

Chapter 184 Learning
"Brother Tianhua, is there a good way to distinguish their architectural talents?" Chen Tianhao asked.

Only by choosing the most suitable candidate to learn can we achieve the maximum performance.

Chen Tianhua is also like a human being at this moment, lying limply on the table, and said weakly: "Of course, as long as you have points, the system can provide you with anything."

Seeing Chen Tianhua's movements, Chen Tianhao knew that he was just imitating a human being, and he wasn't really tired, so he didn't care about his posture, but when he heard that he needed points again, he felt dizzy.

You need points for everything, you need points for buying blueprints, you need points for research, you need points for construction, you need points for learning, and now you need points to distinguish talents.

Points need a lot of points, now Chen Tianhao can't wait for the system to give him a task that can earn a lot of points, but he also knows that even if there is a task with a lot of points for him, it is not something he can complete now.

The better the reward, the higher the difficulty of the task.

"How to do it? How many points do you need?"

In order to develop more quickly, sometimes it is necessary to take certain risks. Wealth and wealth are sought in insurance. Sometimes we have to retreat from difficulties, and sometimes we need to face difficulties.

Chen Tianhua looked at Chen Tianhao in surprise, he didn't seem to think that Chen Tianhao really wanted to use points to distinguish talents, so he didn't continue to pretend to be lazy, sat up from his chair, and said with a smile: "Based on the current number of people in the tribe, You need 1000 points to get detailed information about everyone, including not only the construction skills this time, but also a series of aspects such as research. Even if you don’t have skills now, you can use this information for your reference whenever you need it in the future. .”

Chen Tianhao was overjoyed, the points required were not as high as imagined, 1000 points were not expensive.

1000 points can get the detailed information of more than 3000 people at present, which is simply too cost-effective.

What is most important in this era?


But when the population is fixed, the detailed information of the population is in hand, which is equivalent to having a sharp weapon. He can arrange everyone to the best position without wasting any human resources.

Checked the points he had. After the successful research of the residential building, he was given 1000 points. After the Jinyong Tribe merged, he was also given 500 points. Excluding the wasted 500 points for the construction of the second research center, now he has a total of Have 4000 points.

Immediately exchanged 1000 points for the detailed information of all the people in the tribe, and saw an additional interface in the system.

Opening the interface, I found that in the tribe, except for Chen Tianhua and himself, the information of 350 people had been completely displayed on it.

In terms of operation, it is also very user-friendly, and multiple screening options can be added.

Chen Tianhao can choose the candidate he needs in the fastest way.

For example, limiting gender, age, and level, everything is so convenient, thanks to the detailed information provided by the system.

Chen Tianhao felt that his 1000 points could not be more worthwhile.

Regarding human qualifications, according to the division of the system, it is currently divided into nine grades, from the lowest to the highest are F grade, E grade, D grade, C grade, B grade, A grade, S grade, SS grade, and SSS grade.

Qualifications only indicate his potential in this area, not that he will definitely be able to achieve certain achievements in the corresponding field.

People with low-level qualifications are not unable to master high-level skills, and qualifications are not necessarily static, qualifications only represent the current situation.

However, people with high-level qualifications are more suitable for the corresponding field than those with low-level qualifications. When Chen Tianhao made his choice, he must start with the high-level qualifications.

It took 1000 points to collect information, and then 100 points need to be reserved for researching the next blueprint, which means that the points Chen Tianhao now has can allow 29 people to quickly learn architectural skills.

In fact, the four researchers who studied the residential buildings also learned architectural skills when they succeeded in their research.

Chen Tianhao also wanted them to continue to study more blueprints, so he was not willing to let them do the work of construction workers.

Through the systematic screening mechanism, Chen Tianhao selected 29 people with the best architectural qualifications.

Among the 29 people, there are adults, teenagers, children, men and women. From these data, it can be seen that there is no difference in qualifications due to age or gender.

Originally, according to Chen Tianhao's idea, he didn't intend to let those children participate in construction work. After all, using children to do coolie activities feels a bit like child abuse.

In the end, it was Chen Tianhua who woke up next to him and said, "Don't look at your clansmen with the eyes of humans before you. Your current clansmen, even children, are far stronger than adults before. What's more, when you are young When you acquire skills when you are young, your growth rate is much better than when you are an adult."

It was precisely because of Chen Tianhua's words that Chen Tianhao decided to learn skills based on the number of people screened out by the system.

In terms of architecture, most of the 29 people with the highest qualifications don't know each other very well. Occasionally, some of them are familiar and have met several times.

But fortunately, they all have their own names, and he doesn't know where these people are distributed.

He didn't even eat breakfast, so he ran to the place where Jin Yong and Chen Er were resting, and gave them the list of people he needed, and asked them to come to the research center to study.

In fact, Jin Yong and Chen Er didn't know everyone, but it didn't matter. With their names, the number of people was not too many, and they continued to order.

About half an hour later, Jin Yong and Chen Er brought the 29 people on the list to the entrance of the research center.

Chen Tianhao put down the breakfast in his hands and came to the door, nodded to Jin and Yong and said, "Very good."

The 29 people were called over by Jin Yong and Chen Er without breakfast, thinking that something important had happened, and they were nervous at the moment, standing messily in the open space in front of the research center.

It's also because Chen Tianhao didn't make it clear when he gave the order.

Chen Tianhao said loudly to the crowd: "Everyone, you may not know what I'm here for. It's actually very simple. I want you to come here to learn how to build a house."

Build a house?
The people from Chen Tianhao's original tribe probably knew something. After all, when he studied the skill test before, they understood the relevant content more or less, but the people who originally belonged to the Jinyong tribe had no idea about these things. They were discussing cautiously aside for a moment.

"The method of study is very simple, just like you studied in the research center the day before yesterday. You only need to go in and find a place to sit down. Everyone line up and go in four by four to study."

After Chen Tianhao talked about it, he asked them to line up to enter the research center to study.

Under Chen Tianhao's order, 29 people began to line up in a long line and entered the research center to study.

Among the 29 people, quite a few of them belonged to the Jinyong tribe, and they were pushed into the research center with a bewildered expression.

(End of this chapter)

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