spore evolution

Chapter 186 Quest Chains

Chapter 186 Quest Chains

Under the leadership of 29 masters, the work on the wooden house has been done in a hurry.

The 29 wooden houses started construction at the same time, and the demand for wood was huge. Fortunately, Chen Tianhao cut down the trees in advance, so he didn't have to be so embarrassed at this time.

As for the construction of the wooden house, it was already on the right track, as long as the construction was done step by step, Chen Tianhao didn't need to spend too much time on it.

After checking the points, there was only a single 100 points left there, Chen Tianhao deliberately kept these 100 points to prepare for the next research, otherwise, he could only see a huge 0 in the points column now.

Hey, it’s time to earn points again. How can the points be used up so quickly?
I checked the current task bar, and unexpectedly found that there was an extra task in the branch task bar.

It's a side quest titled "Building a Home".

"Brother Tianhua, why didn't you remind me of such an important task." Chen Tianhao frowned and asked, but his eyes did not leave the task bar.

Chen Tianhua said aggrievedly from the side: "Patriarch, I told you on purpose at that time, you said to check later, how did you become my fault?"

Although Chen Tianhua usually jokes and fights with Chen Tianhao, but when it comes to key issues like this, he has never been ambiguous.

Chen Tianhao recalled that this morning, when the first batch of students successfully studied and started to build wooden houses, Chen Tianhua once said similar words in his ear.

Knowing that he was wrong, Chen Tianhao turned his head and solemnly apologized to Chen Tianhua: "Sorry, I misunderstood you."

"It's okay, let's quickly look at your mission, this is not an easy mission."

Chen Tianhua was not so stingy, he waved his hand, let Chen Tianhao continue his observation.

When Chen Tianhao saw the title of the task, he felt that this task should be a big task, and it might be a bit unusual.

After reading it carefully, it turned out to be a unique task. This is a type of task that has never been done before, and it belongs to the stage task.

The difference between this kind of mission and ordinary missions is that as long as one of the missions of a certain stage is completed correspondingly, the corresponding mission rewards can be obtained.

In fact, this kind of task mode was a very common task mode in the previous life, and it can be seen everywhere in most games.

To be honest, the main tasks of each era can also be regarded as this model, and corresponding rewards are given for each completed task of a stage.

However, this task is a little different from the main task. It does not limit the order in which you complete the task. As long as you meet a certain stage, you can get the corresponding reward.

When Chen Tianhao saw the mission requirements and mission rewards, he felt that this mission was perfect for him.

Task name: Build a home.

Mission description: Have a good home environment, speed up development, and for a better future, please work hard to build.

Task requirement 1: Build 100 first-level wooden houses.

Task Reward 1: Points: 3000 points

Task Requirement 2: Build 3 Level [-] Livestock Farms
Task reward 2: Points: 2000 points, a blueprint of a first-class meat processing factory.

Task Requirement 3: Build 3 first-level mining farms
Task reward 3: points: 2000 points, a blueprint of the first-level smelter.

Mission Requirement 4: Build 3 Level [-] Barracks

Task reward 4: points: 2000 points, a blueprint of the first-level weapons factory.

Task Requirement 5: Build 3 Level [-] Farmlands

Task reward 5: Points: 2000 points, a blueprint of the first-level workshop.

Task Requirement 6: Build 3 Level [-] Logging Farms
Task reward 6: Points: 2000 points, a copy of the drawing of the first-class furniture factory.

To be continued.

There are a total of six tasks in the current stage of tasks. See the final task description, there should be more tasks in the future.

The task requirements of the six tasks belong to the buildings that have appeared in the mall system before. It can be seen that these tasks appear in the system to guide myself to build these buildings.

The rewards of this quest chain were beyond his expectation, not to mention the large amount of points in each stage, just look at the blueprints, each of which was never owned in the mall system, and more importantly, the blueprints for these rewards were related to Previously built buildings have a lot of relevance.

For example, after the construction of a livestock farm, a lot of meat will inevitably be produced, and a meat processing plant will be born accordingly. Although Chen Tianhao is not sure how the meat processing plants in this world are built and operated, he believes that the rewards given by the system will not be too bad .

Among the six task rewards, except for the construction of the wooden house, no drawing rewards were given, and the other five tasks gave corresponding supporting facility blueprints.

However, the point reward of the wooden house is 1000 points more. At this time when points are in short supply, it is also a good thing to have more points.

Judging from the current development situation, the wooden house must be the first to be completed.

Chen Tianhao was still looking at the mission situation, when suddenly a heavy metal-like sound came from his ear.

"Congratulations on completing the quest 'Tired Logger'."

"Congratulations on your points: 1000 points."

"Congratulations on getting a copy of the lumberyard blueprint."

After merging the number of Jinyong tribes, the logging team grew a little bit more, and the task of cutting down 500 trees was finally completed just now.

Originally, according to the normal speed, it should have been completed long ago, but the diameter of the trees now is scary, and the durability of the bone axes is relatively low, and the number of bone axes is limited, so that in the end, they can only rely on the stone axes that everyone has used for a long time I am chopping slowly.

This task was like a timely help, which solved his urgent need.

He forgot this morning that he had already found a new tribe. At this time, he should be able to establish another research center to speed up the progress of blueprint research.

Only 100 points were reserved, and now the 1000 points for this mission just solved his urgent need.

Suppressing the restless heart that immediately exchanged for the research center, he didn't want to waste his [-] points again, and asked Chen Tianhua at the side carefully: "Brother Tianhua, now the tribe led by Jin Yong has been merged by me, is it right?" Isn’t it possible to build another research center?”

"Yes, your current territory has reached 10 square kilometers, which meets the conditions for building a second research center." Chen Tianhua gave a more detailed answer. This is something Chen Tianhao didn't know before, not only need to find a second research center Tribes still need to make their territory reach a certain level.

Chen Tianhao pointed to the open space next to the first research center, and asked again: "Can the research center continue to be built here?"

Normally, a tribal center is equipped with a research center, and the tribal center doesn't have much use right now, so he doesn't want to waste 500 points building it.

"Of course, you can conquer more tribes and own more territories in the future. You can build anywhere as long as you like."


"Yes, anywhere, as long as you want, the only premise is that this place belongs to your territory."

"Then I can build in water?"

"Yes, as long as you can live in it, but it's better to study this kind of work in a relatively quiet environment, which will be more helpful to the research work."

"Hehe, I was joking."

Chen Tianhao sneered from the side.

He just wanted to see if it was really possible to build anywhere at will, as he said, and of course it wouldn't really be built in water.

If you really want to do that, it's your own death, and you can't blame others.

(End of this chapter)

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