spore evolution

Chapter 187 Chapter 2 Research Institute

Chapter 187 The Second Research Institute
Chen Tianhao had someone clear the wood next to the research center, and he placed the second research center side by side with the first research center.

It has to be said that the speed of building things in the system is fast, and it should not be called teleportation.

After about 5 minutes, a brand new research center appeared next to it.

It is said to be brand new, but it is not new at all. The houses are all made of wood. It is only two days away from the first research center. From the outside, there is no difference between the two houses.

The only difference is that there is an extra word 2 on the door plaque above the gate, so that everyone can recognize that these are two different research centers.

As for the candidates for the second research center, Chen Tianhao chose four people who already had intermediate research skills. According to the population information, the research qualifications of the four people selected were not the highest, but they were also among the ranks of higher qualifications.

Chen Tianhao doesn't plan to let people learn research skills for the time being, at least it's impossible now that the points are tight.

The free learning opportunities have passed, and now learning from the system requires points, and he doesn't have so many points to invest in this area.

There were seventeen people who had intermediate research skills before, so Chen Tianhao didn't have to worry about the reserve of researchers in a short time.

Chen Yi and the four of them were still resting in the tribal center, and Chen Tianhao chose the four with intermediate research skills and the highest qualifications.

Give them the lumberyard blueprints rewarded by the mission. Now that wood is urgently needed, it's better to get the lumberyard out first.

The leader is Chen Wen, who is not very old, and is 23 years old. Considering the average age of the human race is 50 years old, this age is indeed a young man.

Under the action of the energy core, the bodies of Chen Tianhao's clansmen are generally stronger, stronger than most creatures. Most of the deaths are due to severe injuries. If Chen Tianhao's medical career improves, the overall lifespan of human beings can be shortened. be greatly improved.

Regardless of Chen Wen's young age, he is a well-known hunter in the tribe, with a powerful electric ball attack.

Before Chen Tianhao arrived, he was among the best in the tribe.

He also has a twin brother named Chen Wu, both of whom are comparable in strength.

Since Chen Tianhao came, especially after the test of research skills, Chen Wen found that he likes research more, just like his name, he prefers to do this kind of research work.

When selecting candidates for the first research center, he was extremely eager to be selected. When the first batch of researchers confirmed that he was not there, he was depressed for a while.

This time when Chen Wen heard that he was selected as the director of the second research center, he couldn't believe his ears. He was shocked and asked his younger brother Chen Wu several times before confirming.

Chen Wen just wanted to be an ordinary researcher before, but he didn't expect Chen Tianhao to appoint him as the director of the second research institute this time. He suddenly felt that his shoulders were a lot heavier, and then he became even more excited , Secretly made up his mind to do a good job in research.

Compared to Chen Wen, Chen Wu is not very interested in research, but he is also sincerely happy for his brother to be selected as a researcher.

Chen Wen tremblingly took the blueprint from Chen Tianhao's hand. This trembling was not fear, but excitement. He took a deep breath, calmed down the excitement in his heart, and said firmly to Chen Tianhao: "Patriarch, I will definitely complete the task."

In fact, when Chen Tianhao handed the blueprint to Chen Wen, the effect of the task of researching the logging camp had already come out.

Research Mission: Logging Camp
Research description: Level [-] lumberyard, with simple logging tools, can improve logging efficiency and is an indispensable building for your logging.

Number of researchers: 4 people

Estimated completion time: 3 days

Estimated success rate: 90% (original success rate 50% + bonus success rate 40%)

However, Chen Tianhao discovered that when Chen Wen finished speaking this sentence with great firmness, the success rate actually increased by 5%, and the estimated success rate reached 95%.

Chen Tianhao was dumbfounded, there is such an operation?It actually improved the operation by 5%. This is a rare skill, and I don't know how to improve it.

Chen Tianhua on the side explained: "His aptitude has reached level A, and this kind of mentality is helpful for research work."

Not long after noon, Chen Yi found Chen Tianhao in the back mountain, and said anxiously: "Patriarch, give us a new blueprint, and we can study it right away."

The temperature in the tribal center was very comfortable. Although Chen Yi was not too sleepy, he fell asleep quickly.

After sleeping for five hours, I got up from the ground, walked out of the tribal center, and found that there was an additional research center outside. After asking others, I learned what happened.

Immediately ran to Chen Tianhao who was checking the mining progress in the back mountain. He was not jealous of Chen Wen, but wanted to make more contributions to the tribe.

This can be seen from the research work he accepted in the living quarters. The entire research work has changed from the expected three days to two days.

A big reason for this was Chen Tianhua's help, but it also had a lot to do with Chen Yi's hard work. If Chen Yi and the others didn't have this eager learning spirit, no matter how good the teacher was, it would be useless.

"Why don't you sleep for a while?"

Chen Tianhao did not give him the blueprint, but greeted his body with concern.

Chen Yi can't wait to start research work immediately, but without the drawings provided by Chen Tianhao, he is a clever woman who can't live without rice, but he knows Chen Tianhao's character, if he doesn't let him know that he has rested enough, he will not let himself continue to work. Putting his face close to Chen Tianhao's, he said: "Patriarch, I'm really fine, you see my complexion is fine."

Chen Tianhao took a closer look, and found that Chen Yi's complexion was indeed good, much better than in the morning, when his eyes were slightly red in the morning.

Seeing Chen Yi's impatient look, he probably guessed why he came over anxiously. He must have woken up and saw the second research institute outside the door. He probably hadn't had lunch yet.

Let people heat up the lunch at noon. The lunch is broth and some rice, and let them bring the lunch to the tribal center.

The rice is a kind of rice-like thing that I found recently. It is all wild and has not had time to cultivate it.

These rice grains were met today when I went to the Jinyong Tribe to transport energy crystals. There are still a lot of this kind of rice in that area. Chen Tianhao tried it at noon, and the taste is not bad.

When the lunch was brought to the tribal center, Chen Ling and the other three little guys had already woken up. As for that boy Chen Feng, he had already gotten up and went to play somewhere.

Chen Tianhao had to sigh, the recovery ability of human beings, let alone Chen Yi recovered quickly, now seeing the three little guys, their faces didn't look tired at all, they were full of spirit.

Chen Yi ate the rice and drank the broth. He was thinking about the new research project in his heart, and he didn't even show much expression when he ate the delicious rice for the first time.

On the contrary, it was the little girl Chen Ling who ate rice as a delicious food for the first time, and she praised it so much that she ate twice as much food as usual.

"Be careful, don't choke."

Chen Tianhao patted Chen Ling's back with one hand, held a bowl of broth with the other, and then said to Chen Yi: "You also eat slowly, don't worry, I will give you the blueprint after eating."

Chen Yi didn't hear Chen Tianhao's previous words at all, only heard the following words, Chen Yi suddenly speeded up his eating.

Three times, five divisions, two, a big bowl of rice, he solved it perfectly in a few seconds, put down the bowl and chopsticks, and his mouth was still full of rice.

Chen Tianhao only heard Chen say inarticulately: "Patriarch, I'm done eating."

(End of this chapter)

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