spore evolution

Chapter 188 Mining

Chapter 188 Mining
Seeing that Chen Yi didn't even have time to savor the meal in order to start research as soon as possible, Chen Tianhao was both happy and worried.

I am happy with Chen Yi's professionalism, but I am worried that his body will not be able to bear it if he keeps doing this.

The blueprint of the lumberyard has already been studied in the second research center, and now he only has the blueprint of the livestock farm obtained by completing the captivity task in a few seconds.

Chen Tianhao stretched out his hand in the air and meditated to get the blueprint.

Then he felt a wave of energy in front of him, and almost instantly, a roll of blueprints appeared in his hand.

Space teleportation, because I don't know whether it is magic ability or technological ability, but this kind of ability is not something that Chen Tianhao can master now.

Perhaps because of quality issues, transferring blueprints is much faster than transferring buildings.It was as if a pair of hands had grabbed it directly from somewhere.

Chen Tianhao handed the drawing of the livestock farm to Chen Yi who hurriedly finished his meal, and said with a smile, "Here, the research on the livestock farm is up to you."

Chen Yi took the blueprint with both hands, and said excitedly: "Patriarch, I will definitely succeed in researching it as quickly as possible."

Seeing that Chen Yi had the blueprint in hand, the other three people all speeded up their eating speed, as if delaying for a few seconds was a sinner.

"Ling'er, don't worry, eat slowly."

Chen Tianhao took a glass of water with a wooden cup and put it next to Chen Ling.

"Got it, Dad."

Chen Ling said she knew, but the movements of her hands did not slow down at all.

Two minutes later, Chen Yi led Chen Ling and the three of them into the first research center.

When they enter the research center, the research tasks also start.

Research Mission: Livestock Farm
Research Explanation: First-class livestock farms, with well-scientific captive animals, can accelerate the growth rate and growth effect of animals. A large number of animals can provide various kinds of meat, which is an indispensable building.

Number of researchers: 4 people

Estimated completion time: 2.5 days

Estimated success rate: 100% (original success rate 50% + bonus success rate 50%)

Chen Yi, who has advanced research skills, is really good. Both the logging farm and the livestock farm are first-class buildings, but the research institute with Chen Yi is half a day longer, and the success rate is also higher than that of the second research institute. 10%, reached 100%.

Don't underestimate the success rate. A 100% success rate means success, but a 95% chance of failure.

If people are unlucky, even 1% will fail.

In terms of research, it can be said that it is now on the right track. The two research institutes started construction at the same time, and the required buildings can be researched soon.

Now it is the building that is the problem, but I believe that under the leadership of those 29 construction workers, there will be a wave of rapid construction development in a few days.

In fact, Chen Tianhao's development speed is already considered acceptable. It has only been a few days since the system was upgraded, and all aspects have been on the right track one after another.

Logically speaking, it was indeed enough, but Chen Tianhao was not satisfied.

There is a lack of people everywhere in the tribe. After the Jinyong tribe joined, Chen Tianhao found that the tribe seemed to be even more lacking in people.

The main labor force in the tribe is only more than 2000 people, and the stalls are large, scattered in various places, and the number of people is not large.

Now Chen Tianhao not only needs a lot of people, but also a lot of points.

After checking the progress of the task, he set his sights on the task of bronze ware.

At noon today, he went to see the progress of the earth-eating beast. The passage has basically been cleared, and the copper mining can start soon.

Chen Tianhao asked Chen Tianhua to teach them in the second research center. The second research center has good motivation, but after all, it is the first research, so it is inevitable that they lack experience. It will be much better with Chen Tianhua's help.

The first research center has already had the first experience, and I believe that the research task will be much better for them.

After sending Chen Tianhua away, Chen Tianhao came to the tunnel dug by the earth-eating beast by himself.

Just when they came to the entrance of the cave, a person ran towards him, running very fast, and they were about to collide.

Chen Tianhao stepped away sideways, and stretched out his hand to grab the man, seeing that the man was walking in a hurry, he quickly asked: "Walk slowly, what's the matter?"

The man stood firm, looked up, and said loudly, "Patriarch, we have dug to the place you designated."

It turned out that the man left in a hurry to report to Chen Tianhao.

Before staying here, Chen Tianhao once said that he would be notified when he dug into the designated location, but just now Chen Yi came here and dragged him away.

Chen Tianhao was overjoyed, the location he designated was exactly where the copper mine was, and he ran to the depths of the cave.

In the process of running, Chen Tianhao radiated the energy of his consciousness, and he already had some understanding of the situation in the depths of the cave.

After a while, Chen Tianhao came to the deepest part of the cave. The earth-eating beast did not continue to devour the copper mine, but expanded the position aside.

"Go find some earth-eating beasts that have eaten relatively clean recently, or have just excreted."

Chen Tianhao asked the soil-eating beast administrator to look for it. Only he knew the situation of the earth-eating beast best.

Originally, the soil-eating beasts here could also devour the copper ore to obtain copper, but these soil-eating beasts have been devouring the ore here before, and it will take a long time for them to eat the copper ore and then excrete it, so he let The soil eater manager, get the soil eater who has eaten relatively clean recently or just finished excreting, so that he doesn't have to wait too long.

When the soil-eating beast administrator went to look for the earth-eating beast, Chen Tianhao couldn't wait any longer. Electric balls the size of marbles formed in his hands, about a dozen of them.

With a big wave of his hand, the electric ball mixed with blue light hit the copper mine ahead.


When the electric ball hit the copper mine, it made a strong explosion sound. Although the electric ball was small, its power was astonishing, and copper ore fragments flew everywhere.

Chen Tianhao bent down and picked up some ore fragments, and he was going to start smelting these copper ores by himself.

He couldn't wait for systematic research all the time. In fact, he found that it was a good way for him to teach people to make pottery.

Although this method is not as miraculous as the system's direct teaching, it is superior in that it does not require points, and you can teach as many people as you want at the same time.

Now those builders lead other people to build wooden houses, which can also be said to be this method.

"After the soil-eating beast manager comes back, let him devour the soil-eating beast over there."

Chen Tianhao said to a person next to him, pointing to the copper mine that he smashed.

Then he carried the copper mines and went outside, ready to find a place to start his smelting work.

Just as Chen Tianhao walked away, the soil-eating beast administrator had already brought forty earth-eating beasts, and there were twenty more people who came with them.

After receiving corresponding instructions, the new soil eaters started their work, and the previous batch of soil eaters were driven back.

In the cave, vigorous mining work began.

(End of this chapter)

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