spore evolution

Chapter 189

Chapter 189
With Chen Tianhao's current technology, smelting copper ore is a bit troublesome, and he doesn't have a good heating method.

He remembered that the melting point of copper is probably a little over 1000 degrees, and the burning of charcoal can reach a maximum of 1500 degrees, which is just enough to smelt these copper ores.

The mission requires that 10 bronze wares need to be completed.

Chen Tianhao decided to make 10 pieces of bronze swords. He will finish this task first, and then he will make it slowly if there are new requirements in the future.

At that time, I am afraid that the smelter will have come out, so there is no need to slowly smelt copper like now.

Chen Tianhao came to the pottery making place, which was the place where he used to teach everyone how to make pottery.

A simple blast furnace stood there, untouched for days, and filled with charcoal dust.

Clean up the dust in the blast furnace, put in fresh charcoal, and then put the ore fragments picked up from the mine on the top.

This is the simplest method of smelting copper. Burn charcoal underneath, and when the temperature reaches the melting point of copper, copper will flow down from the ore into copper water.

There is no better way now, or you can connect a container of copper water in the middle, let the copper water flow into the mold made with soil, wait for the copper water to cool, and then knock the soil open, which becomes A simple copper vessel.

Chen Tianhao is a little envious now, those creatures with fire energy, if they also have fire energy, don't need charcoal to heat them up, if they just cast a fire spell, the charcoal can be saved.

His electric magic can only be used to make fire, and it is not very useful for heating at present.

Stretching out a small electric ball, the charcoal began to burn.

Humans may not be good at heating objects with electric magic, but they are proficient in using it to make fire.

I don't know how many years have passed since Chen Tianhao taught the people how to make a fire. Everyone has skillfully used their own skills to light a fire. Even children have no pressure on this.

The charcoal began to burn fiercely, the entire charcoal became red, and the temperature of the entire furnace was slowly rising.

In order to speed up the burning speed, Chen Tianhao lowered his head, blowing desperately at the vent.

It's just that Chen Tianhao's bragging style didn't make the temperature rise too fast, basically the original speed was slowly rising.

What a fool, I still need a blower. Without a blower, the temperature is too difficult to go up.

In theory, charcoal can reach a temperature of up to 1500 degrees, but that's just a theory.

In fact, Chen Tianhao had been lighting the fire for a long time, and the blue copper ore on the charcoal was still firmly placed on it, showing no sign of melting at all.

It is obvious that the stove has been burned red, but the copper ore on it has not reacted at all, it seems that the temperature is still not enough.

Chen Tianhao made a simple air blower with mud and wood, and aligned the air outlet of the air blower with the air inlet of the stove.

Turn the blower slowly, and the wind generated by the blower enters the blast furnace from the tuyeres.

The charcoal was blown redder by the wind, which made him see hope. Chen Tianhao desperately turned the wind blade of the blower.

With the blower, the temperature of the blast furnace rises very fast.

After about ten minutes, Chen Tianhao discovered that some black liquid began to slowly flow down from the ore above.

Chen Tianhao was overjoyed, it finally worked, and hastened his movements.

Artificial blowing is a very tiring thing, it took almost two hours, regardless of whether there is still copper in the copper mine above, he just gave up, because he was too tired.

It is still not possible to go to the copper mine directly, Chen Tianhao does not have the ability to go to the fire to get copper with bare hands.

When he saw liquid flowing down from above, he already knew that his copper mine had been successfully smelted, and what he needed to wait now was to let the temperature of the fire drop down.

He is already very tired, but he wants to see his results sooner.

I don't know where to find a long stick made of stone, and use the stone stick to pull the charcoal apart to help cool down.

After getting out all the charcoal under the stove, I found that the surrounding area was all black, and there was no sign of copper.

No way, didn't the smelting succeed?Was the liquid that flowed from the ore before fake?
Chen Tianhao recalled that during smelting, what flows out of the copper mine is a black liquid, and when it turns into a solid, it should also be a black solid.

In his impression, copper is usually purple-red or golden-yellow, so when he pulled apart the charcoal, he also looked at these two colors and didn't pay attention to black.

The charcoal is black, and the melted copper is also black. It is difficult to detect if you don't pay attention for a while.

Chen Tianhao rummaged through the charcoal again, and finally found something different from the charcoal, a large fist-black stone.

Looking at the dark stone, he secretly surprised: "No way, this is copper?"

Unwilling to give up, he continued to rummage in the charcoal pile, but did not find any large stones, but found some scattered stones, and he did not know whether they were copper, stone, or other metals.

Just when Chen Tianhao was wondering what he had gained, a system message came and solved his doubts.

"Congratulations on successfully smelting a piece of copper ore and obtaining a share of copper oxide."

"Congratulations on getting 100 points."

It's really copper, but it's not pure copper, it's copper oxide, so the smelted copper is black.

Bronze ware is really difficult to get. Originally, he thought that he could get it easily.

Now that I got it together, I realized that this bronze vessel is really not simple.

He really admires that the former human beings created those bronze and iron objects from scratch.

But it's him, Meng Lang. In the past, human beings developed step by step and slowly.

From stone ware to bronze ware, from bronze ware to iron ware, the changes of each era are achieved through years of changes and the efforts of everyone.

Now Chen Tianhao is only doing it alone, and he has also crossed the stone age, entered the bronze age, and even a higher age, which is already very remarkable.

But no matter what, Chen Tianhao is still a little far away from completing the task goal of the bronze ware. Maybe after he finishes the bronze ware, other tasks have already been completed.

Chen Tianhao is not a person who gives up halfway. Since he chose to make bronze wares, now that simple copper has been smelted, he waits for some tin ore to get out the tin, and then mixes copper and tin to form simple bronze wares.

The copper produced is not enough to make a bronze sword, and more copper mines and tin mines are needed.

At noon, I was too happy to mine the copper ore, so I didn't get some tin ore to smelt it.

Tin ore is an associated ore of copper ore. Generally, tin ore exists in places where copper ore is produced.

When Chen Tianhao was detecting resources before, he had already detected the surrounding resources clearly.

The place where it is mined now happens to have tin mines.

I was planning to go back to the mine to get some copper ore and tin ore to smelt. When I looked up, it was getting dark before I knew it.

I can only go inside to get ore and smelt copper ore tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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