spore evolution

Chapter 190 Development

Chapter 190 Development
The next day, early in the morning.

The forest is very humid, visibility is very low, and there is fog everywhere.

In the forest, a group of people are already working in full swing.

Chen Tianhao also got up early in the morning, earlier than before.

After breakfast, go to the place where the wooden house is built to see the progress.

A large amount of wood has been divided and neatly placed aside, the foundations of 29 wooden houses have begun to be erected, and it is believed that the first batch of wooden houses will be built soon.

Fortunately, he is a person who directly learns from the system. It took only half a day, and the basics have been worked out. Chen Tianhao is very satisfied with this.

In addition to being satisfied, Chen Tianhao felt that he also needed to speed up his speed. Compared with the progress of other aspects, his progress in this aspect was a little slower.

They went to the research center to see their research progress, and entered the first research center, where the four people were all hard at work, all kinds of tools were being used, and even Chen Tianhao didn't notice when he came in.

Seeing them working with such high enthusiasm, Chen Tianhao was ashamed to disturb them, quietly left, and told the two guards at the door.

"Pay more attention to the movement inside, if you need anything, provide it to them as soon as possible."

They didn't give each other much help in research, so they asked the two to wait outside the door.

One is to prevent other people from entering the research center by mistake and disturbing the research work inside. Although no one will enter here now, it is just in case; the other is to take care of their diet or other odds and ends. Well, as soon as the researchers entered the research state, they forgot to sleep and eat. The arrangement of these two personnel was also to ask them to eat on time, but the effect of this did not seem to be very good. Chen Yi and the others should do what they want.

When they came to the second research center, the second research team led by Chen Wen was even worse than the first research team.

Chen Wen was the main one, and under Chen Tianhua's education, they were busy all over the place, and the work in hand didn't stop for a moment.

Pulling Chen Tianhua back, he asked about the research progress of the logging camp, and less than 20% of it was completed.

Now we are playing the basics, 20% is neither high nor low, and the speed will increase later.

No matter what, everything is going in the direction Chen Tianhao predicted. Everyone in the tribe has found their own position and is making contributions to the development of the tribe.

Whether it was Chen Yi, Chen Er, Chen Wen, or Chen Tianhua, everyone was working hard on the work in hand.

Even Jin Yong has found his own job, which is to train those children.

For this job, it is also a choice of desperation.

He didn't like administrative work very much, he liked fighting more. He thought that after following Chen Tianhao, he could go back to fighting, but after coming here, the development of the tribe has become stronger, but it seems that there is nothing about him.

Now people are mainly divided into four types of jobs, one is researcher, this is not for him, he will not consider being a researcher at all, the second is construction, construction is currently a kind of worker with more people, just let him go It would be better to kill him than to do this kind of work. It would be a disservice if he went there.

The third is lumberjack, which can be regarded as a laborious job, and it is quite suitable for him, but he also doesn't like it, and feels that he has not brought out his strengths.

The fourth is the types of work that remained in the previous tribe, such as feeding animals, not to mention this kind of work, which is completely ignored.

None of the four types of work is his thing, but he can't do such a thing as letting him idle and watch other people's work in full swing.

Finally, he aimed at the children playing in the tribal center, and he gathered the children together to train them in various fighting skills.

In fact, those children usually have someone to train them, but recently, in order to build various buildings, Chen Tianhao recruited many people, which resulted in the lack of training of these children these days.

These few days are the happiest moments for the children. They finally don’t need to train, and they are playing happily around every day.

It's just that this kind of good life is over before they can enjoy it for long.

Because they met Jin Yong, a guy with a militant hidden in his genes.

Every morning, every little guy was pulled up by Jin Yong and started to drill them in the open space.

Those little guys found that Jin Yong was much stricter than the previous coaches, and they were all trained to cry, but everyone was busy with their own affairs, so there was no time to take care of them.

Jin Yong vented his energy of not being able to go outside to fight on the drill children.

But fortunately, the physical quality of human beings is still very strong. If ordinary human beings were trained by Jin Yong in this way, I am afraid that a large number of people will fall down in a short time.

Jin Yong mainly trains the physical fitness and magic control ability of the little guys. You can often see Jin Yong leading a group of children carrying wood, which is called physical fitness.

Early in the morning, Jin Yong took the children and started the work of moving wood.

Chen Tianhao also saw Chen Feng among them, smiled, and rushed to the mine.

His main content today is to successfully refine a bronze ware.

Chen Tianhao approached the soil-eating beast administrator and asked, "Did that batch of soil-eating beasts excrete yesterday?"

"Not yet, but it should be soon." The soil eater administrator replied.

"Then pay attention, after those earth-eating beasts are excreted, it will be useful for me to gather those metals together." Chen Tianhao instructed.

Through previous understanding, the soil-eater administrator already knew that the excretion of the soil-eaters was metal, and they were not that sensitive to their excrement, so they went to visit the soil-eaters immediately.

In the depths of the mine, another group of earth eaters were devouring the ore.

There are a large number of earth-eating beasts in the tribe. Yesterday, they were asked to prepare clean earth-eating beasts in order to have clean metal. Now, after one night, they can devour ore in large quantities, thereby refining the ore.

When Chen Tianhao came to the mine again, after a night of devouring, the place has become very spacious, probably reaching the size of a basketball court.

Sure enough, the earth-eating beast is the best weapon for digging caves at present. In the absence of explosives, this speed can be regarded as extremely fast.

Of course, if Chen Tianhao really wanted to dig, in fact, he used an electric ball to attack, and the explosion caused was no lower than that of explosives. He just used an electric ball to attack, so don't want to own these copper mines so simply.

The most important thing is the metal-purifying function of the earth-eating beast, which is the function Chen Tianhao wants most.

"Patriarch, it's ready."

Only the voice of the earth-eating beast administrator came from outside, echoing in the mine.


Chen Tianhao walked quickly outside.

(End of this chapter)

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