spore evolution

Chapter 191 Coal Mine

Chapter 191 Coal Mine
Chen Tianhao followed the soil-eating beast administrator to the place where the soil-eating beasts were stocked. Someone had already collected the excrement of the soil-eating beasts.

I saw a lot of pottery containers about [-] centimeters high on the side.

The container is filled with purple-red and silver-white powders, and under the sunlight, the purple-red and silver-white lights are shining, which is extraordinarily dazzling.

Chen Tianhao looked at these purple-red powders excitedly. This is what he imagined the color of copper would look like. Those silver-white powders should be tin mines associated with copper mines. Tin is one of the most important raw materials for making bronze ware.

A few people were found to transport these metal powders to the location where the ore was smelted yesterday.

I have learned the lesson from yesterday, and the metal powder I got from the earth-eating beast today has already been purified.

Now just melt these metal powders and pour them into the prepared clay mold.

The burning temperature of wood is always not enough, and it is consumed faster, so a higher energy object should be used to provide heat.

To be honest, the energy spar is a very good carrier, it is full of energy, but now Chen Tianhao can't use other methods other than human body absorption.

He could only reluctantly abandon the energy spar and choose the coal mine.

Coal mines are a very good way to obtain energy, much better than charcoal.

Before humans discovered oil, for a long period of time, coal mines were used as the main energy source.

Chen Tianhao vaguely remembers that when he was a child, coal was used to make briquettes at home. Coal is a very important resource.

Most of the coal is hidden deep underground like ore, but some coal mines are exposed on the surface, and Chen Tianhao wandered around before, marking all kinds of resources around him on the map.

I have been looking for the location of the copper mine before, and I missed the important information of the coal mine.

When you open the holographic map, you can easily see all the resources on the map, and use the screening and retrieval function to instantly display information such as the location of the coal mine on the map.

There are not many coal mines. Within Chen Tianhao's territory of 10 square kilometers, there are only three coal mines.

Two of them are more than 300 meters deep. Chen Tianhao was pleasantly surprised to find that one of the coal mines was exposed on the surface.

The coal mine exposed on the surface is not high, only 10 tons, and the other two coal mines are more than 100 million tons of coal.

Although the amount of this exposed coal mine is not large, it is easy to mine, and a coal mine of 10 tons is already considered a huge amount for Chen Tianhao.

The location of this coal mine is a bit far away. It was on the other side of the river. It originally belonged to the Jinyong tribe. It was only after he merged the Jinyong tribe that he discovered the existence of this coal mine.

Sure enough, merging and conquering other tribes is the kingly way. After merging, Chen Tianhao found that not only the population has greatly increased, but even the resources have also greatly increased.

Chen Tianhao decided to get some coal first, so that he could sharpen the knife so that he would not miss the woodcutter. With good energy, the bronze wares could appear faster.

They found five people, brought some baskets made of branches, and went to the location of the coal mine.

The flying speed of human beings is very fast. After flying for about 10 minutes, Chen Tianhao came to the location of the coal mine shown on the map.

I saw that what caught my eye was a piece of pitch black. The entire mountain wall seemed to have been sprayed with ink. Coal mines were randomly scattered on the ground, and some weeds were desperately growing from the gaps in it.

"Everyone, pick up this kind of stone and put it in the place where I smelt."

Chen Tianhao casually picked up a piece of coal and put it in the basket behind him.

"Okay, patriarch."

Five people took the lead and began to search for coal mines on the ground.

There are many coal mines on the ground, and everyone who bends down can pick up several pieces, and a basket full of them will be picked up in a short while.

"Don't pick up too much, you'll have to cross the river later."

When Chen Tianhao saw the baskets behind them, he filled them slowly, fearing that they would not be able to fly later, the weight of the coal mine was not low.

Behind him is full of coal mines, probably weighing no more than two hundred catties.

There are still some coal mines, but there are still many coal mines on the body.

The six people carried a basketful of coal on their backs and slowly flew in the air.

Not only is the speed much slower than when empty-handed, but the energy consumption is also increased a lot.

Fortunately, humans at this time have energy wings, and the energy required for wings is greatly reduced. If the most basic wings of the past carry so many coal mines, let alone fly, I am afraid they can only walk slowly.

It took nearly half an hour to return to the smelting place, and let the five people continue to move the coal, while he himself started to fiddle with the new smelting furnace.

He built a larger smelting furnace at the side. Now there are coal mines, which can generate higher heat. In addition, due to the existence of the earth-eating beast, it only needs to melt the metal powder.

A semi-closed container was made above the furnace with yellow mud, and there was a hole on the top for adding metal powder, and there was also a hole below, which allowed the metal powder to flow out when it became liquid.

Below the opening is a mold made of yellow clay.

A simple smelting process was formed in this way. Of course, now with the help of the earth eater, there is no need to open the furnace. When there is no metal powder, just add it directly.

If the ore is used, after melting, the slag needs to be cleaned up. With the help of the soil eater, he saved a lot of work.

With yesterday's experience, I am very familiar with it today, and it will be done soon.

It was very troublesome to ignite the coal mines. After a long time, they were not ignited. Finally, charcoal was used to burn them underneath, and finally these coal mines were ignited.

It has to be said that the quality of these coal mines is quite good. After being ignited, Chen Tianhao felt the heat wave rolling towards his face.

As the coal mines continue to burn, the temperature inside the smelting furnace continues to rise.

Through the opening below, Chen Tianhao saw that the copper powder inside had begun to melt.

Work harder.

Chen Tianhao was at the side, pumping the blower vigorously. This is an improved blower, and the rope is used to slide on the wooden stick, which can save a lot of effort.

Under the action of the blower, the coal burned more fiercely and became red, and the flames continued to burn the container on the top.

After 5 minutes, a stream of red liquid flowed out from the top of the stove, and flowed into the yellow clay mold that Chen Tianhao had already prepared.

Chen Tianhao was overjoyed and accelerated the speed of his hand twitching.

The main components of bronze wares are copper and tin, and Chen Tianhao doesn't know the ratio of the components, so he can only put these two metals together at will.

As the first puddle of bronze liquid flowed out, more liquid appeared.

After a while, the entire mold has been filled.

Chen Tianhao quickly replaced another mold, and he carefully placed the mold filled with liquid metal in a position that he had already prepared.

After the metal cools down, the outer layer of yellow clay mold is broken, and a bronze vessel is produced in this way.

(End of this chapter)

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