spore evolution

Chapter 192 Wooden Bridge

Chapter 192 Wooden Bridge
Second Research Center.

The room was very simple. In the past two days, under the guidance of Chen Tianhua, Chen Wen and the others quickly absorbed and consolidated various basic research knowledge.

"This position needs to add a wooden beam to form a triangle with the wooden roof, which can make the overall structure stronger."

Chen Tianhua pointed to a certain place on the blueprint and explained.

Chen Wen nodded. The triangle shape is the most stable shape among many shapes. After adding a wooden beam, it not only forms a stable triangle with the wooden roof, but also forms a stable triangle between the beams.

If this research task was done by Chen Yilai, he would not need Chen Tianhua's explanation at all. The previous research on residential houses contained a large number of similar structures.

However, Chen Wen was doing research for the first time after all. Even though he had already understood a lot of knowledge in the basic test of the system, it is another matter to apply it in practice.

This also shows the importance of experience, but everyone has their first time, and someone leads the way in front, which will save people a lot of detours.

And Chen Tianhua is the leader, but there are relevant regulations for this kind of leadership, it doesn't mean that Chen Tianhua can explain it if he wants to, the key is to rely on Chen Tianhao's development.

Only when Chen Tianhao develops to a certain level can Chen Tianhua release part of his authority, otherwise, Chen Tianhua is powerless.

For example, it is completely impossible for Chen Tianhao to let Chen Tianhua teach human beings to learn high-tech knowledge.

Now Chen Tianhua is able to teach humans this knowledge, a large part of the reason is that Chen Tianhua has copied all the knowledge from Chen Tianhao's previous life experience. If you want him to teach humans that does not exceed the technology at that time, it is still possible, but Chen Tianhao does not know that there is such a thing. Function, but even if you know it, you can't make a corresponding product if you cross too many at one time.

When Chen Tianhao walked into the second research center, Chen Tianhua was explaining a problem he encountered.

"Brother Tianhua, is there a way to build a wooden bridge now?"

He didn't disturb Chen Tianhua's teaching time, and waited until Chen Tianhua finished explaining before asking softly beside him.

Chen Tianhua left his seat and came to the side. Although he didn't know why he suddenly asked about the construction of the bridge, he still answered patiently: "Wooden bridges belong to professional knowledge. As far as the current construction workers are concerned, they cannot be completed."

"Sure enough, the plan to transport coal mines in large quantities fell through for the time being."

Chen Tianhao had a certain understanding of this before, and after hearing that it could not be realized, he was not too disappointed. After all, the bridge, even in his previous life, was still a big project, not to mention that the bridge is still made of wood, which is quite difficult. Big.

"Coal mine? Are you going to the open-pit coal mine?" Chen Tianhua asked in surprise.

Chen Tianhao nodded and said: "Well, on the other side of the Changsheng River, it originally belonged to the Jinyong tribe."

The mother river next to the tribe was named Changsheng River by Chen Tianhao.

"Oh, so it's over there. No wonder you didn't find it last time. Coal mines are very important to the development of the tribe at present." Chen Tianhua said.

"It is indeed very important. At least in the absence of oil, this coal mine can be used for a long time. Fortunately, the amount of use is not large now, and relying on manual transportation can temporarily supply the needs of the tribe."

Chen Tianhao also knew the importance of coal mines, so he rushed to Chen Tianhua's side immediately, but he didn't get a corresponding answer from Chen Tianhua's side.

Chen Tianhua suggested: "You can consider exchanging blueprints in the mall. The research of bridges is a bit difficult, but with Chen Yi, a senior researcher, it should be possible to research them."

The blueprints used by the research center these few times were all blueprints obtained from missions. Chen Tianhao has never paid attention to the exchange of blueprints in the mall. Before that, he used up a lot of points, and did not go to the mall that needs to be exchanged for points.

Open the mall system, select infrastructure facilities, and immediately display the architectural drawings that can be exchanged.

Wooden Bridge Blueprint: Redeem points: 1000 points.

Explanation: The basic span of the wooden bridge is 20 meters, the greater the span, the greater the difficulty.

The greater the span, the greater the difficulty. The wooden bridge I need to build reaches 200 meters, which is not very difficult.

"Brother Tianhua, the wooden bridge I need to build reaches 200 meters. Is it useful to study this blueprint?" Chen Tianhao asked nervously. tragedy.

"Research is not a problem. When you choose to study, you can directly choose the 200-meter wooden bridge blueprint to study, but the success rate will be much lower." Chen Tianhua explained.

It is understandable that the success rate has decreased. After all, the original blueprint only has a span of 20 meters. Now that the blueprint has become 200 meters, the difficulty has also risen linearly.

"As long as the drawing is useful, it's fine, but can I choose the size when studying the drawing?"

Chen Tianhao asked suspiciously. Before, he handed over the drawings directly to Chen Yi and the others, and they didn't see any place to set the size at all.

"There are no general drawings. At present, only bridge drawings will have size selection."

"It turned out to be like this. I said why I haven't seen the size selection before."

It is a good thing to have a choice of size, but too many sizes is not a good thing, it will reduce the efficiency of research a lot, choose only to research a basic blueprint, when building a building, only the construction workers can complete the corresponding study of buildings.

He also learned about the research on the wooden bridge with Chen Tianhua in detail. After confirming that there was no problem, he immediately exchanged 1000 points for a blueprint of the wooden bridge from the mall.

After the exchange, the blueprint of the wooden bridge was quietly placed in a space, just like the blueprints obtained from previous missions, quietly placed in a space, when Chen Tianhao needed it, he just stretched out his hand and read it silently.

Now the two research centers have their own tasks, and there is no time for research.

Although wooden bridges are important, they are not the most important thing at present. Coal mines are still barely enough for manual mining.

Chen Tianhao found that the more buildings he unlocked, the less people there would be in the tribe. Counting the time, the tasks of the first and second research centers should be almost completed.

First arrange the research tasks of the two research centers again, and then go out to find other tribesmen.

"Brother Tianhua, what is the current research progress of the logging camp?"

Regarding the research progress, Chen Tianhua was the quickest to consult.

Chen Tianhua went to the table and looked at it, and replied: "It's about 70% of the time, and it will probably be completed tomorrow morning."

After getting the specific time from Chen Tianhua, Chen Tianhao came to Chen Yi's side again.

Chen Yi's research on the livestock farm is also in full swing. The blueprints are spread out on the table, and the four of them are talking about their opinions beside the blueprints.

Originally seeing this scene, Chen Tianhao wanted to wait for them to pause before asking, but after waiting for almost half an hour, their argument had no tendency to end at all, so he had no choice but to go to Chen Yi's side and pull him to ask: "Chen Yi, how is the research progress of the animal farm?"

Chen Yi was having a heated discussion at this time, and found that his clothes had been pulled by someone. Just about to get angry, he turned around and saw Chen Tianhao. Hearing Chen Tianhao's question, he replied: "The current progress is about 60%."

"60%, that will be around tomorrow afternoon."

"If it's faster, there will be no problem tomorrow morning." Chen Yi probably saw that Chen Tianhao wanted to speed up the completion time, and replied.

"It's okay, just do normal research."

Chen Tianhao patted Chen Yi on the shoulder. Although he wanted to finish the research task quickly so that he could proceed to the next step of exploration, it was not too short of a day.

(End of this chapter)

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