spore evolution

Chapter 193 Research Completed Ahead of Time

Chapter 193 Research Completed Ahead of Time
Back at the tribal center, when they had dinner, there were only Chen Tianhao and Chen Feng. Chen Tianhua and Chen Ling were both busy at the research center and didn't come back.

The two settled for dinner casually. After dinner, Chen Feng practiced for a whole day. After eating, he went to rest on his own.

Chen Tianhao wasn't very tired today, he didn't rest so early, he went outside and closed the door gently.

When I came to the place where I used to sit, this tree was not in the scope of construction, but it was still kept.

Today's sky is very bright, it is a full moon, the huge moon hangs high in the sky, surrounded by those twinkling stars.

Chen Tianhao took a deep breath and couldn't help sighing: "The starry sky is so beautiful."

Then I thought of the sentence in my previous life, the world is so big, I thought of taking a look.

Facing the beautiful starry sky, what Chen Tianhao wanted to say was that the universe is so big, I wanted to take a look.

It is definitely okay to want to see the universe, but it is still king to work hard to solve the current problems. Without the present, how can there be a future?
He couldn't help but think that although he didn't do all the work these days, it seemed that the development in this way was not particularly ideal.

In particular, studying various building issues is a bit too time-consuming.

Every research needs to be done by yourself, and this is not an option. Can you give them the blueprints in advance and let them finish the research and then study the next job?
Otherwise, limit yourself to be in the tribe, so how to develop outward.

It should be feasible. After all, all they need is a blueprint, and the points they need can be directly deducted from the total points.

Chen Tianhao excitedly thought about his plan, and felt that his method was highly operable.

Flying down from the tree, he immediately took out the only two blueprints and prepared to go to the research center.

But just lifted his footsteps and put them down again.

I went to them not long ago, and going now will definitely disrupt their research thinking. It's not too late, and it won't be too late to go again tomorrow morning.

In the end, Chen Tianhao didn't go to find Chen Yi and the others, and quietly returned to the center of the tribe.

The next day, early in the morning.

Breakfast was settled by two people, and they drank some porridge.

Chen Feng immediately ran to the place designated by Jin Yong for training. It wasn't that Chen Feng was so perverted. Children of Chen Feng's age were all busy playing. How could they have such a quiet mind to train all day long.

Jin Yong is a very disciplined person, especially now that he has nothing to do, he sets his sights on those children and is very strict.

At the beginning, Chen Feng didn't pay attention to Jin Yong's statement, he was sleeping late at the tribal center yesterday.

This angered Jin Yong. He came directly from the training place to the tribal center. He didn't care that this was Chen Tianhao's resting place, or that Chen Feng was Chen Tianhao's son. He pulled him up and gave him a hard education. .

Chen Tianhao did not blame Jin Yong for this, and even praised his behavior.

Chen Feng didn't want to accept Jin Yong's special care again today. After breakfast, he immediately ran to training. This was also thanks to the recovery effect of the tribe center. Otherwise, it would be a problem that he couldn't get up today.

After breakfast, walk to the research center.

As soon as he walked out of the door, the sound of the system immediately came to his ears.

"The livestock farm research was successful."

"Congratulations, you have completed the livestock farm research task and obtained 500 points."

Chen Tianhao was overjoyed, he didn't expect Chen Yi to finish the research task that Chen Wen started before Chen Wen and the others, thanks to Chen Yi who has advanced research skills.

He quickened his pace and rushed to the first research center.

"Clean up quickly, I will notify the patriarch."

As soon as he reached the door, he could hear Chen Yi's voice from inside.

"No, I'm already here."

Chen Yi saw that as soon as the door was opened, Chen Tianhao had already walked over quickly, and said, "Patriarch, live up to your orders, the livestock farm has completed the task ahead of schedule."

Chen Tianhao lightly patted Chen Yi on the shoulder and said, "Great, you have successfully contributed to the tribe again."

He never expected that Chen Yi would be able to complete the research task half a day earlier, but when he saw Chen Yi's bloodshot eyes and the tired look of Chen Ling and the other three, he knew that they had put in a lot of effort to complete the research task ahead of schedule. .

Chen Tianhao felt sorry for them. Is this kind of work intensity really okay?

Although the research center has its own comfort system, after all, working for a long time is not a good thing, especially for Chen Ling's three grades who are relatively young, adequate rest is especially important.

The blueprint that Chen Tianhao was going to take out was put back into the backpack assigned by the system. Let's wait for them to rest for a while for the next task, but he just asked them to go back to the tribe center to rest.

Chen Yi and the four of them also knew Chen Tianhao's character. Although they felt that there was nothing wrong with them, Chen Tianhao would definitely not distribute the blueprints to them again. The four of them went back to the tribal center to rest in a very perverted manner.

Come out of the first research center and come to the second research center next to it.

Coincidentally, when they also came to the entrance of the research center, the sound of the system came from their ears.

"Successful lumberjack research."

"Congratulations, you have completed the lumberjack research task and obtained 500 points."

At the same time, I also heard the cheers of the people in the second research center.

Pushed open the door and walked in.

The cheering crowd saw Chen Tianhao appearing in the research center, and they scrambled to say: "Patriarch, we have succeeded."

Chen Tianhao raised his hand to silence everyone, his voice was too chaotic to say anything.

"Patriarch, we succeeded, half a day earlier than expected." Chen Wen stood in front of Chen Tianhao with a face full of joy.

The second research center does not have people with advanced research skills like Chen Yi, and Chen Wen is also a very confident person in his heart. When he knew that the first task of the first research center was completed ahead of schedule, he was also full of energy in his heart , want to compare with the first research center.

This kind of competition is a competition that is beneficial to the tribe, Chen Tianhao is happy to see them compete, but the premise of all this is that their own safety is not compromised.

He didn't want the researchers he had cultivated with great difficulty to waste on this competition.

They also did not come up with new blueprints for them to continue their research, but let Chen Wen and the four of them also go to the tribe center to rest. The interior space of the tribe center was large enough, and the four of them were more than enough.

After sending them away, Chen Tianhao asked Chen Tianhua: "Brother Tianhua, is there a way for me to control this side when I'm outside, or let the researchers continue to carry out the established ideas?"

(End of this chapter)

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