spore evolution

Chapter 195 Chat Tool?

Chapter 195 Chat Tool?

Everyone in the tribe heard this voice and clearly understood this fact.

However, this appointment does not make much difference to most people. The original three people were in charge of these positions. Now it is just a position clearly given by the patriarch. As for the Minister of Industry Chen Wu, this person is known in the tribe There weren't many people there, but they didn't cause too much commotion.

They all believed that since the candidate was selected by the patriarch, there must be the patriarch's intentions. As long as he followed the patriarch closely, he would definitely live a better life.

Compared with the others, the four people appointed as ministers had something more in their minds. Some of the positions in the department, after understanding, they also probably knew their jobs.

While doing daily work, he also needs to assist Chen Tianhao to develop the tribe together.

Chen Tianhao didn't know what happened to other clansmen, he was now attracted by another matter.

Originally, he wanted to ask Chen Tianhua how he could help him control the development of the tribe when he was outside.

When he saw a new interface, he probably knew what was going on, but he still needed to experiment.

This new interface appeared after Chen Tianhao established the ministers of various departments, which shows that this interface has a lot to do with the established regime.

The newly emerged interface is like a chat software, it should not be said to be like it, it is.

Just like the previous QQ chat tool, but currently there is only a list of friends, and there are no other miscellaneous things.

Open the friend list, there are four people on it, and these four people are the four ministers appointed by Chen Tianhao before.

What exactly does this do?
Chen Tianhao looked at the interface suspiciously. The interface was so simple that he could understand how to operate it almost without looking at it.

to chat with?

He tried to click on the name of Chen Yi who was ranked first.

A chat window popped up immediately, along with Chen Yi's various detailed information. The title column read: Director of the Research Department.

Not only this information, but also matched a personal photo on it, so that Chen Tianhao can tell who it is at a glance.

How do you chat?
Chen Tianhao looked through it several times, but he didn't find anything like a keyboard.

"Brother Tianhua, how does this work?"

There is an expert next to him, why don't you ask him, why do you look for it by yourself, Chen Tianhao pointed to the interface in front of him and asked.

Chen Tianhua is Chen Tianhao's assistant assigned by the system. Normally, he can know most of the things, but there are some things that he cannot know if Chen Tianhao doesn't take the initiative to share them.

For example, the problem Chen Tianhao encountered now, if Chen Tianhao didn't come to ask him, he would not be able to see these interfaces, when Chen Tianhao asked him, it was equivalent to unlocking his authority, and he could clearly see Chen Tianhao's chat window .

When Chen Tianhua saw the chat, he understood Chen Tianhao's thoughts in his heart, and said: "This is a mind operation, as long as you have something to say, you can think it out with your mind."

"Intent? So advanced."

Chen Tianhao's eyes widened, but after thinking about it, the entire universe belongs to him, so it's not surprising that he made this happen.

"Chen Yi, can you hear me?" Chen Tianhao tried to say such words with his thoughts.

Although Chen Tianhao used his thoughts, the interface was still the same as the ordinary chat window Chen Tianhao saw, and a line of text was also displayed.

Just as Chen Yi returned to the tribal center and lay down, a voice came from his ear, letting him know that he had become the head of the research department in the tribe, and learned about the corresponding responsibilities by the way.

He is not very keen on being the head of the research department. Through understanding, he has already understood the position of the minister. Compared with being a minister, he prefers to do research.

Whenever he completes a research task, the strong sense of accomplishment instantly fills his heart, making him feel extremely happy, as sweet as eating honey.

Especially after the research is successful, it can bring huge changes to the tribe, and it makes him feel that doing research work is the most correct choice.

Before the establishment of the research center, what Chen Yi did was to take care of the big and small things in the tribe. Although he didn't have a job name at that time, he had a job in reality.

If he hadn't taken the basic research skills test, he might have continued to stay in the management position. When he went in for the test, he found that he liked research more than management.

Originally, he wanted to resign from the position of head of the research department, and do his research well with peace of mind. Later, he found out that this matter was arranged by Chen Tianhao, and he readily accepted it, because he knew that Chen Tianhao would always arrange people in the most correct position. The position, just like the previous management work, is the same as the current research work.

After learning about the duties of the head of the research department, just as he lay down, Chen Yi heard Chen Tianhao talking in his ear.

"Patriarch, I'm here." After a moment, he sat up, but he looked around but found no trace of Chen Tianhao.

Chen Yi couldn't help doubting himself, could it be that I was hallucinating?
Just as Chen Yi answered, the same text appeared on Chen Tianhao's interface.

It really works!

Chen Tianhao also stared at it with wide eyes, "It's okay, I just try it, as long as I can hear it."

"Patriarch, where are you?" Just as Chen Yi doubted himself, Chen Tianhao's voice came from his mind again, making him sure that he did not have auditory hallucinations.

After several operations, Chen Tianhao was relatively proficient, and replied: "I'm still in the second research center, you should rest first."

Chen Yi has been busy for a few days, and he is already exhausted. He should find other people to try it, so let him go to rest quickly.

"Second Research Center?" Chen Yi looked around suspiciously, but he did not find Chen Tianhao.

The Second Research Center is indeed not far from here, but Chen Tianhao's voice seemed to be speaking in his ear, no more, closer than his ear, just like the first voice, directly appearing in his mind middle.

He asked several times, but he didn't get an answer from Chen Tianhao, and he didn't pay much attention to it, so he lay down and rested.

It turned out that Chen Tianhao had closed the chat window with Chen Yi and opened the chat window with Chen Wu.

After the chat window is closed, Chen Yi's words cannot be transmitted to Chen Tianhao's side. The current chat tool is only one-sided. It seems to be very advanced, but only Chen Tianhao can use it. When he does not use it, other people will not have this effect. Yes, only when he opens the corresponding window can the person on the opposite side contact him.

He hasn't clearly understood the specific rules yet, so he opens Chen Wu's chat window and enters "Chen Wu, I'm the patriarch, where are you? Come to me, I'm in the second research center now."

(End of this chapter)

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