spore evolution

Chapter 196 Chat Rules

Chapter 196 Chat Rules
At this time, Chen Wuzheng was so happy at home that he couldn't forget it. Although he was also very surprised why the patriarch chose him as the minister of the Ministry of Industry, he felt very honored to be able to serve the patriarch.

In fact, so far, he still doesn't know exactly what the Minister of Industry does.

It's not that the system didn't prompt, when Chen Tianhao's appointment was successful, relevant information had already been sent to his mind, but he didn't know much about the knowledge that was sent to his mind.

Chen Wu was at home, carefully pondering the knowledge passed on.

Suddenly, Chen Wu heard the voice of the patriarch coming from his mind. He was very clear about the voice of the patriarch. He was by the side when the patriarch appointed his brother, so he remembered it clearly.

It's just that the sudden appearance of the voice made him think that he had an auditory hallucination. When the voice appeared for the second time, he was finally convinced that it was the patriarch calling him. Although he didn't know what was going on, following the mysterious patriarch, there was What can't happen?

When establishing the tribal center and the research center, he had witnessed the construction process, as well as the subsequent tests, all of which showed various miracles.

He ran to the second research center and found that the patriarch who had sent a message to him in his mind was indeed inside.

Chen Tianhao also saw Chen Wu appearing at the door, and hurriedly called him over.

"Chen Wu, wait a minute, I need your help with some things, you can test it."

Chen Tianhao didn't use the functions in the software, but spoke directly.

"Patriarch, tell me, it's my honor to help you with anything." Chen Wu said excitedly.

"You can hear what I called you in my mind before, it's mainly related to this."

"Well, I heard that, so I'm here."

The two began to test it.

After being busy for a while, Chen Tianhao has a relatively clear understanding of the main functions of this software.

In fact, this software is a bit like the sound transmission of thousands of miles, and it directly affects the mind, because even if Chen Wu blocks his ears, he can't resist the voice transmitted from this chat interface.

This operation was not only able to be operated by Chen Tianhao through consciousness, but Chen Wu could also directly reply the corresponding words in his mind without saying it.

It is estimated that the system is for convenience, so Chen Tianhao is shown a software interface. He has reason to believe that even without this interface, the same effect can be achieved.

There is also a very important function. Chen Tianhao can use this software to transfer the items provided by the system to the corresponding people. It has a transfer function, but this function is only limited to the items obtained from the system, such as those needed for research. drawing.

Chen Tianhao has basically understood the one-on-one function, and he found that there is also a group chat in the software.

First, he also used the chat tool to call Chen Er and Jin Yong to the second research center, which was convenient for him to test various functions of the software. As for Chen Yi, let him continue to rest in the tribal center. The four of them had already gathered more than For two-thirds of people, enough testing.

Building a group is very simple, and there is not much difference from the previous establishment.

The only difference is that in the past, the keyboard and mouse were used to operate, but here the mind is used. Fortunately, Chen Tianhao has been training mind for a long time. After understanding the corresponding skills, the operation is quite easy.

The general function of the chat group is still the same as that of the ordinary chat function. The difference is that everyone in the group can receive the messages sent in the group chat, and Chen Tianhao tries to minimize the chat interface. People can also communicate with each other through this group.

As long as this group is still there, people in the group can use this group for superconscious communication.

However, this chat group seems to only work within Chen Tianhao's territory, as long as they are within the territory, no matter where they are, they can chat through this group.

And once you leave the range of the territory, it is unacceptable. Only within the territory belongs to the signal area, and the signal is blocked when you leave the territory. Even if two people are standing close to each other, one is inside the territory and the other is outside. Neither can communicate.

However, Chen Tianhao's one-on-one chat is not within this range. Even if Chen Tianhao is beyond the scope of his territory, he can still use this chat tool to transmit information without affecting his usage at all.

I don't know why the system is set up like this. The meaning of this setting doesn't seem to make much sense.

However, he found that if the other party he wanted to communicate with also left the territory, no matter what method Chen Tianhao used, he would not be able to contact the other party.

After several tests, Chen Tianhao basically understood the function of this software. For Chen Tianhao at present, it is a remote control software, but he only controls people.

The test lasted until the afternoon, and most of the functions were tested. Of course, most of the functions are only those functions that Chen Tianhao thought of. As for whether there are other functions, it is unknown. If there is any strange function, Chen Tianhao also won't see outsiders, after all, it's not surprising that he has seen this kind of thing a lot.

In the afternoon, Chen Yi and the others woke up from the tribal center.

The first thing they did when they woke up was to ask Chen Tianhao for the next research blueprint.

Chen Tianhao didn't give it, but let everyone have dinner together, and then began to give orders for the next step.

Because Chen Yi was resting at the tribal center when the chat software was being tested, Chen Tianhao took advantage of the meal time to explain the relevant rules to him.

Chen Yi's brain is still working very well, and he quickly understood the corresponding rules.

Now Chen Tianhao only had two blueprints on hand. After eating, he gave the blueprint of the wooden bridge to the first research center headed by Chen Yi, and the blueprint of the mining field to the second research center headed by Chen Wen.

At present, the wooden bridge work is a relatively difficult research work. With Chen Yi, a senior researcher, it can increase the success rate.

After the two received the blueprint and made a promise to Chen Tianhao, the two immediately ran into their own research center and started a new round of research. It was useless for Chen Tianhao to shout at the back.

After they entered, Chen Tianhao checked the specific information of the next two research tasks.

Research mission: wooden bridge (250 meters)
Research description: An ancient transportation facility, made entirely of wood, is a good tool for wading, with low durability.

Consumption points: 1000 points.

Number of people in the study: 4 people.

Estimated completion time: 10 days.

Estimated success rate: 55% (original success rate 30% + bonus success rate 25%)

Chen Tianhao frowned and looked at the information of the wooden bridge. The expected success rate was lower than he imagined, only 55%. This is still the effect of the advanced research skill bonus state. Without the bonus, it would only be 30%.

Low is a certain psychological preparation, but I did not expect it to be so low. He was used to the success rate of more than 90%, and suddenly became 55%, which is just over half. The psychology of this gap can be imagined .

If it is not successful, not only will the four people's ten days of research time be wasted, but also 1000 points and ten days of research time will be wasted. According to ordinary research tasks, several of them can be researched.

But this wooden bridge is something that Chen Tianhao needs more at present, so it has to be carried out.

The low success rate is actually related to the length of the wooden bridge. If it is an ordinary wooden bridge, it is at the level of a low-level building. But now, what Chen Tianhao needs is a wooden bridge that exceeds 200 meters, reaching 250 meters. The difficulty of research has suddenly increased by one level, reaching the level of intermediate buildings.

Compared with the research task of the wooden bridge, the research task of the mining field is much better.

Research Mission: Mining Field
Research explanation: Level [-] mining farms have simple mining tools that can improve mining efficiency and are rare facilities for you.

Consumption points: 500 points.

Number of people in the study: 4 people.

Estimated completion time: 3 days.

Estimated success rate: 90% (original success rate 50% + bonus success rate 40%)

(End of this chapter)

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