spore evolution

Chapter 197 Exchange House

Chapter 197 Exchange House
The day passed quickly, and I was busy testing the rules of the chat software all day today, and only did one thing.

But fortunately, I finally got a general understanding of the main rules.

Sometimes, Chen Tianhao would also complain, why the system didn't give an explanation, and he had to explore by himself every time.

If you give it out, you can easily develop your own race.

Although I don't know why the God of System wants to get souls from other universes and let them develop their own race, as if they are plotting something big.

But Chen Tianhao can't imagine the existence of being able to intercept souls from other universes. Does he still need someone as low-end as me to help him?
Besides, wouldn't rapid development be more helpful to him?
This is something he can't imagine, at least for now, he hasn't figured out what the other party's intentions are.

Hey, don't think about it, no matter what the other party's purpose is, it is not a problem that he can solve now. You can see from the main task that it has not reached a certain level. In this universe, there are thousands of people like me organisms are developing.

Now it is better to think about one's own race is the kingly way, everything else is imaginary.

Back to reality, sitting in the middle of the tribal center.

In the past few days, Chen Tianhao had produced a lot of wooden furniture, and placed an Eight Immortals table in the middle for eating.

A set of sofas was also made, on the side, and in the rest of the space, wooden boards were used as partitions, and a few wooden beds were made.

The tribal center has a lot of space, but it's not that big. After finishing all these, there is basically not much space.

Let the researchers rest here today, it is already very crowded, especially after placing some furniture, it looks even narrower, and it is no longer enough for rest.

However, among the purposes provided by the system, the tribal center was not used for accommodation, but for office space. For convenience, Chen Tianhao forcibly moved in before the wooden house was built.

The wooden house built outside is still in the main structure, and there should be a while before it can be fully built.

It will take a while to move into a new log cabin.

Chen Tianhao was considering whether he needed to exchange his points for some wooden houses, after all the buildings provided by the system had certain special functions.

Since the study of residential buildings, I have not exchanged points for it. Once I exchanged it, in order to save money, I let the construction workers learn it directly.

Maybe it's time to exchange some wooden houses, so that we can know the specific effects of the wooden houses. The system's explanation is far from complete.

In fact, to put it bluntly, Chen Tianhao was lazy and wanted to enjoy himself.

The tribal center must always be vacated, and it is impossible to occupy it forever.

Ordinary wooden houses have no special effects, only wooden houses redeemed with points have similar effects. Take this opportunity to redeem the wooden houses and live in advance.

After Chen Tianhao experienced the feeling of being warm in winter and cool in summer, he never wanted to lose such housing conditions.

Checked the points he had. After accumulating points in the past few days, Chen Tianhao now has 2100 points.

Not too many points, but not a lot. You know, he spent 1500 points for the two research tasks just now, and there are still 2100 points left, which can be considered relatively rich.

How many wooden houses do I need to exchange?
If the tribal center is vacated, those researchers will have no place to quickly recover their physical strength, so it is necessary to exchange for a wooden house, and it is necessary to exchange one for the researchers. Time is money, and a good recovery effect can make the researchers more Quickly join the research work.

Chen Tianhao thought about it secretly, he still doesn't know how much space the wooden house will exchange for.

But as far as simple calculations are concerned, I need a wooden house on my side, and then researchers from the two research centers need one, but one may not be enough. One wooden house for each person is quite stressful now.

Then divide it according to the research center, and exchange two wooden houses as their rest room. They don't need to eat, drink and scatter there, they only need a place to sleep. For the time being, one wooden house for four people should be enough.

These are three wooden houses. Considering that the description of the wooden houses has the function of recovering injuries, two more wooden houses can be exchanged for a temporary hospital, so that those injured can slowly recover inside.

There is no better treatment method now, this is inevitably a good method, especially recently Jin Yong has trained those little guys very well.

Chen Feng can still recover in the tribal center, but other children don't have such good conditions, bumps and bumps in training are unavoidable.

In the end, Chen Tianhao spent [-] points to exchange for five wooden houses, one for himself, two for the research center's rest room, and two for "hospitals".

Chen Tianhao walked out of the window and found that it was already very late outside, only his own place and the two research centers still had lights, the other places were already pitch black, and the moon was hanging high in the sky.

It's getting late, turn off the lights and go to bed.

The next morning, very early in the morning, Chen Tianhao called Chen Er, Jin Yong, and Chen Wu over.

Regarding the use of the wooden house, it was still related to the responsibility of the three of them, so they all called over together.

After they all arrived, Chen Tianhao began to place the five wooden houses exchanged yesterday in an open space in front of the research center.

This open space was originally a place for stacking wood, and it was cleaned up early in the morning.

The transmission speed of the wooden house was very fast, much faster than the tribal center and the research center. It took about 10 minutes, and the five wooden houses were neatly placed at the designated location.

The first-level wooden house is very simple, and it doesn't seem to be much different from the tribal center from the outside.

Chen Tianhao chose the nearest wooden hut, opened the hut, and immediately felt warm all over his body. The early morning in the forest was still a bit chilly, and the fur on his body did not bring him much warmth.

Of course, this kind of low temperature will not cause him any harm, but there is a warm place, who would like to stay in a cold place.

The three of them also walked in, and felt the spring-like warmth as soon as they entered, which was far from the temperature that could be compared in that humid cave.

Jin Yong looked around curiously, wanting to explore this magical wooden house, but found that the surroundings were empty and there was nothing.

Is this what log cabins look like?
It's really comfortable, much better than that cold cave.

Sure enough, following the legendary patriarch can only enjoy such an environment. How long have you followed the patriarch? In a few days, earth-shaking changes have taken place in the tribe.

Thinking back to those wooden houses that were almost built, I can almost live in such a comfortable house.

Jin Yong didn't know that the wooden house Chen Tianhao exchanged was different from other wooden houses built. Other people's wooden houses didn't have the effect of warming in winter and cooling in summer. I'm afraid he would be disappointed if he lived in it.

But even an ordinary wooden house is much better than that damp and dark cave.

(End of this chapter)

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