spore evolution

Chapter 198

Chapter 198
Just like the tribal center and the research center, the wooden houses exchanged by the system are much larger than they appear on the outside.

As always, the empty space is surrounded by wooden windows, which can be adjusted according to actual needs, which is also one of the built-in functions of the system.

According to Chen Tianhao's visual estimation, the area of ​​the whole house is about [-] square meters, which is already considered relatively large as a living area.

You must know that most families of four or five people lived in this area in previous lives. For Chen Tianhao, four people are enough.

Chen Tianhao turned around and asked: "Chen Er, please record, among the five wooden houses, one is my residence, two are the lounges for researchers, and the other two are hospitals."

As the Minister of Internal Affairs, Chen Er still needs him to record this, and it is also convenient for him to arrange various furniture and other facilities. He arranged the furniture in the tribal center before.

Chen Er responded, "Okay, Patriarch."

He understands the rest room. This is the first time he has heard of the word hospital, but it does not prevent him from agreeing first. One of the advantages of being a minister is that he can temporarily use the system function to obtain some assistance for things he does not understand. Knowledge.

"Jin Yong, have you been training those little guys recently, have you often been injured?" Chen Tianhao asked Jin Yong again.

Jin Yong was terrified, thinking that Chen Tianhao was blaming him for over-training, and said with a naive smile: "Patriarch, it's not that I have nothing to do, I'm in a hurry, I won't do it next time, let the original people train."

Those little guys are the hope of the tribe. The future development of the tribe depends on them. Jin Yong also feels that he has trained too hard these days, which has caused many children's old injuries and new injuries. After all, not all of them All have the restoration function of the tribal center.

Chen Tianhao waved his hand and said, "I'm not asking you to give up training. Regarding training, you've done a good job. Although you trained again before, it was always a bit deserted. It may not matter much now, but our eyes cannot be limited to this area. , we have to look a little further, these little guys are the future of our tribe."

Jin Yong was secretly relieved when he heard that he didn't mean to train these children badly, and made up his mind in his heart that the training tasks for these few days should be a little more relaxed.

Seeing Jin Yong's expression, Chen Tianhao didn't know what he was thinking, and said, "You don't have to worry about those children's injuries. You saw Chen Feng, right? Is he in good health?"

He knew about Chen Feng, the patriarch's son, he had gone to the tribal center to teach Chen Feng a lesson before, and he didn't know why the patriarch suddenly mentioned Chen Feng's body, but he still replied immediately: "Patriarch, Chen Feng is very good, and his body is not too bad. very good."

"You don't see the difference between him and other friends?" Chen Tianhao reminded.

"The difference? There is no difference?" Jin Yongzhang Er was puzzled, not knowing what Chen Tianhao meant.

Chen Tianhao was speechless, knowing that Jin Yong is not a smart guy, at least in terms of observation, he said: "Other friends have more or less scars, but Chen Feng has no scars on his body, and he is full of energy every day."

"So that's what the patriarch said, because Chen Feng is in good health." Jin Yong scratched his head and said.

Chen Wu listened for a long time, and asked: "Patriarch, you mean that the reason why Chen Feng is in such good health and full of energy is related to this building?"

After waking up so many times, someone finally understood. Chen Tianhao said happily, "Yes, it's related to this wooden house, and that's why I asked you to come here."

After pausing for a while, he continued: "This wooden house has the function of recovering injuries, Jin Yong, you can let those children rest in the wooden house here after training. It makes those kids mentally better."

Jin Yong was overjoyed, as long as he didn't dismiss his position as an instructor, he looked at the surrounding space and asked, "Patriarch, this house is too small, there is no way to let all the children in."

There are hundreds of children in the entire tribe. This [-]-square-meter wooden house is indeed not enough, not even two. Can the space of the wooden house be increased?
Chen Tianhao tried to increase the space of the wooden house, and the system immediately gave a feedback message.

"For every additional 100 square meters, 50 points are required."

This is not bad, 100 points are exchanged for a 100-square-meter wooden house, but an additional 100 square meters only needs 50 points, which is very cost-effective.

With a solution, Chen Tianhao replied: "It's okay, as the two wooden houses of the hospital, I will increase the area when the time comes, so that the children can go in and rest inside."

"Chen Er, if an adult is injured, you can also let him go inside to rest, which will help his recovery." Chen Tianhao instructed Chen Er.

Of course, he doesn't know how much the wooden house will increase the specific effect of the injury. After all, it is impossible to let him cut himself to test the effect of the wooden house. However, there are some injured people outside the tribe, and then let them come. Just test it out.

Chen Tianhao began to arrange the areas of the five wooden houses, and found that there is a way to increase the area by 50 square meters with 100 points, so he changed the functions of the five wooden houses accordingly.

The house he lived in remained unchanged, and the two researcher lounges became one, but the points were used to expand him by 100 square meters, so that the total usable area of ​​the researcher lounges did not change.

The area of ​​the two wooden houses are both increased to 300 square meters, and these two wooden houses are used as a rest room for children, as a place for children to recover from injuries and energy after training.

An extra wooden house was expanded again by 100 square meters as a hospital, specially used to treat those injured.

As for the hospital, Chen Tianhao also specially spent 200 points to let two people who are most suitable as treatment personnel learn the simplest treatment skills through the system.

This didn't exist before, but after Chen Tianhao divided the hospital, there was another way to learn. Chen Tianhao decisively let the two best members of his clan learn the treatment methods.

There are two people, one male and one female, both in grades. The male is Chen Zhiwen, 15 years old, and the female is Jin Jinghong, 14 years old.

It can be seen from the names that the two were born in different tribes.

Both of them have good medical aptitudes, reaching level A, and finally learned two intermediate treatment skills.

Chen Tianhao wants more people to learn healing skills. In this era, most of the time, people don't die of old age, but are tortured to death by disability and pain. However, since everything needs points, he can only let them learn it temporarily. healing skills.

There are not many people in the tribe, and with the healing effect of the wooden house, it should be enough.

After using the two to learn healing skills, the remaining points are only 1100 points.

"Chen Er, go find someone who has been seriously injured recently and come to the hospital." Chen Er has already left to do other things, and Chen Tianhao notified the other party through the chat tool.

"Okay, patriarch."

(End of this chapter)

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