spore evolution

Chapter 199 Hospital

Chapter 199 Hospital
"Chen Er, find another person in a similar situation."

Just after finishing speaking, Chen Tianhao added another sentence.

He wanted to see how much the healing function learned through the system could help.

I have to say that this chat software has given him a lot of help. It is as convenient as the previous mobile phone. It can notify people who want to be notified from a long distance.

Chen Tianhao took Chen Zhiwen and Jin Jinghong to decorate the hospital. Some temporary furniture, such as beds and tables, were made before.

It is impossible to let the patient lie on the ground directly to receive the doctor's treatment. Five wooden beds and two tables were brought in and placed in the hospital.

Without any partitions, it is an open hospital.

After a while, Chen Er came over with two injured people.

"The patriarch, the injured person has been brought here, is there anything else I can do to help?"

Behind Chen Er are the two injured people he brought this time, both of whom were injured by prey while hunting outside recently.

One is that the left arm was bitten several times by unknown creatures. The wounds are so deep that the bones of the arm can almost be seen. Because the wounds received in the past few days, the surface has been cleaned and scabs have formed.

The other person was injured on his right leg. The wound looked like he had been stabbed by a knife, and his flesh and blood turned out. It looked a little scary on the outside, even more terrifying than the first person, but in fact his injury was not as serious as the first one.

Humans are already the overlord in this area, but this area is not without other animals that can cause harm to humans. There are too many creatures in this world. When humans are hunting outside, they can only lead to a certain extent, but cannot Guaranteed nothing goes wrong.

Situations like this happen from time to time. In these two situations like theirs, when you return to the tribe, you can only simply deal with it, and let your own recovery ability, there is no other way to deal with it.

And this way, it is basically impossible to get better within a month or two. After the injury is healed, he will be a good man again, but those who can't make it through will end the journey of this world.

This is also one of the reasons for the low population in the tribal era.

Chen Tianhao waved his hand and said: "No need, you can go about your business, I will call you if necessary."

In response, Chen Er went out.

The two people who were brought by Chen Er saw Chen Er leaving, they stood there nervously, at a loss what to do, they didn't feel anything special even when they came here.

"You don't have to worry, I called you here today to treat your wounds, and do another test by the way."

Chen Tianhao walked over, helped the patient with a leg injury, and walked towards the hospital bed.

When the patient with a leg injury saw Chen Tianhao coming to help him, he became more nervous and wanted to avoid Chen Tianhao's arm, but because of his leg injury, he couldn't dodge, so he had to let Chen Tianhao support him.

Putting the two next to the bed, Chen Tianhao carefully looked at the wounds of the two. Although the wounds of the two were not in the same location and the degree of injury was different, they could still be compared to a certain extent.

"Chen Zhiwen, Jin Jinghong, you two should treat him first."

Pointing at the person with a leg injury, Chen Tianhao said.

Then, Chen Tianhao turned his head and smiled at the person with the arm injury: "You sit here first, and I will treat your wound later."

Chen Zhiwen brought a small box over, and the two began to clean the wound with clean water, then spread it evenly with a green liquid, and then wrapped the wound tightly with a piece of clean animal skin.

Chen Tianhao doesn't know much about the specific treatment methods, all of these are taught directly by the system, just like the research methods of researchers, the construction methods of construction workers, if you really want him to explain why, he won't say no. come out.

It has to be said that one of the benefits of using points to learn from the system is that you can get a basic tool.

Chen Tianhao has seen that there are all kinds of small tools in the small box, and there are even such things as scalpels.

In this way, he was very happy and felt that the 100 points were worth spending.

After dealing with the leg injury, Chen Zhiwen and Jin Jinghong were studying medical knowledge. They knew that this kind of knowledge was quite rare.

Before, they were just ordinary human beings. They also envied the research life of researchers and the construction life of construction workers. They also wanted to contribute their strength to the development of the tribe.

When they were selected as doctors, they were also extremely excited, excited that they could also contribute to the tribe. After the formal study, the two of them understood the importance of their profession even more.

The first learning allowed them to acquire intermediate treatment skills, which could help them quickly deal with various patients, but the diseases are endless, and only by continuous learning can they make better treatment methods.

Through the system, they know that the profession of doctors can become very powerful in the future, and they can even save the dead. They cherish this opportunity and seize every time to learn new knowledge.

Only those who have been educated through the system can learn anytime and anywhere, which also has a lot to do with their qualifications.

When Chen Zhiwen and Jin Jinghong were studying, Chen Tianhao carefully observed the changes in their wounds, but after watching for a while, he couldn't stand it anymore.

No matter how miraculous the building provided by the system is, it is impossible to restore it at a speed visible to the naked eye. This is just a first-level wooden house. If it really has such a function, it is not called healing, it is called magic.

"You two stay here, wait a little later, and I'll come over to see your wounds."

Chen Tianhao gave some instructions and walked out the door.

Remembering that the logging farm and livestock farm that the two research institutes have successfully studied have not yet started construction, Chen Tianhao came to the construction site of the wooden house.

There are 29 wooden houses standing on the ground. The ordinary wooden houses are not as exquisite as the system provides, but they are almost the same. At this time, the roof position is almost ready.

Looking from a distance, one can see wooden beams crossing the wooden house, and the builders are beating on them, while the apprentices are passing the wood with the helpers.

Some people drill holes in the ground, and the ends of the wood are made into different depths. Chen Tianhao has seen this kind of wooden structure before. In ancient China, this structure was used to connect wood. This connection method is called mortise and tenon connection.

Of course, Chen Tianhao only knows this connection method, if you ask him to do this kind of thing himself, he can't do it even if he is beaten to death.

It is only through the system that they can quickly grasp this structural method.

Construction workers spend most of their time making tenons and mortises when building a wooden house. These two components require precise dimensions. Construction workers have corresponding tools, but they can make them quickly, but they need to teach others during construction. So the speed of this construction has slowed down a lot.

But looking at the progress, the first batch of wooden houses will probably be completed this morning.

The wooden houses built this time are all of a standard structure, with three bedrooms, one living room and one kitchen. A wooden house covers an area of ​​about [-] square meters, and the bathroom can only be used in a special place.

The wooden houses built by construction workers have no systematic ability, and can build a space of 100 square meters or even larger on a ground of 200 square meters.

With three bedrooms, one living room and one kitchen, it can be regarded as a fairly good room type.

The people passing by all looked at these wooden houses expectantly.

This is where I will live in the future, it's good to follow the patriarch.

(End of this chapter)

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