spore evolution

Chapter 200 Therapeutic Effects

Chapter 200 Therapeutic Effects
Chen Tianhao remembered that the construction of the livestock farm and logging farm studied by the research center had not yet started, and he just wanted to call out to let those construction workers divide some people to start building these two facilities.

Suddenly thought of something, Chen Tianhao opened the chat software, clicked on Chen Wu's profile picture and said: "Chen Wu, I am the patriarch, I am building a wooden house here, come here, I have something to see you."

Not long after, Chen Wu quickly ran over from the side. Chen Wu's quality was not bad, and he ran over quickly without any fluctuations in breath, "Patriarch, what do you need from me?"

"That's it. Now the research center has researched two buildings. You are the minister of the Ministry of Industry. You should be in charge of the construction of these two buildings."

Chen Tianhao took out two stacks of blueprints. These blueprints were different from the previous blueprints of the research center. After the successful research by the researchers, the blueprints in Chen Tianhao's hands are now detailed blueprints, which accurately indicated how to build these buildings.

The construction workers can build the corresponding buildings as long as they follow these drawings, because the logging farm and the livestock farm are not only as simple as the main structure of the building, but also include some tools and supporting facilities inside, so now Chen Tianhao has a thick stack of them. .

Chen Wu took the blueprint and said solemnly: "Patriarch, don't worry, I will immediately arrange personnel to build these two buildings."

After speaking, he turned and left, preparing to arrange for construction workers to build lumberyards and livestock farms.

Chen Tianhao grabbed Chen Wu who turned and left, and said: "Don't worry, the wooden house is about to be built now, although these two buildings are in a hurry, but don't be so anxious, you wait until the wooden house is completed before you arrange personnel to build it."

Thinking of the task chain, three logging farms and three livestock farms need to be built, and then said: "A total of three logging farms and three livestock farms need to be built. The location of the logging farm is chosen to be closer to the forest, and the livestock farm is placed on Where animals are kept now, don’t worry too much about building these buildings, just build them one by one.”

Originally, Chen Tianhao could arrange these tasks directly as before. This move was to cultivate Chen Wu's sense of existence.

Chen Wu was not a well-known figure among the tribe. Although everyone knew that Chen Wu was the Minister of Industry and was in charge of all construction matters in the tribe, after all, many people had never seen him.

Asking him to arrange these things this time is equivalent to asking him to go to the construction workers to gain a sense of presence, so that he can take charge of the construction workers in the future.

It is impossible for Chen Tianhao himself to manage so many things. Now he only needs to be in charge of the main direction, and other things will be gradually handed over to the appointed ministers.

After arranging the construction tasks of the lumber mill and the livestock farm, Chen Tianhao left this place and went to see the place where the bronze ware was smelted.

With the method taught by Chen Tianhao, everyone quickly mastered the smelting method. Under the action of the coal mine and the blower, the metal powder discharged by the earth-eating beast was made into bronzes by them.

The five furnaces started at the same time, and the smelting speed was quite fast. There was still a lot of metal powder left, but more than half of it was consumed at once.

At this rate, more earth-eating beasts are needed to digest the copper ore.

The metal refined by the soil-eating beast is very clean, but he has a shortcoming that the speed of digestion is too slow. From swallowing to excretion, it takes one day if it is fast, and two or three days if it is slow.

Gathering all the earth-eating beasts and devouring them in two batches is barely enough. This is only when there is enough metal in stock before.

At this rate, all the metal can be consumed in about a week.

It seems that the mining farm needs to be settled quickly. Only by owning a mining farm, speeding up the mining speed is the best way. Using soil eaters is a small method after all, not suitable for large-scale use.

However, with mining, large-scale smelting methods are needed.

It still needs to be done step by step. If you calculate the research time, there should be enough time.

After observing various places, I looked up at the sky and found that the time was almost up, so I walked towards the hospital.

Chen Tianhao shook his head. It is really inconvenient to not have a timing tool. He can only rely on the sun in the sky to tell the time. Fortunately, this is similar to the previous earth, and the previous knowledge can still be used, but when it is cloudy or rainy, it will There is no way of knowing the time.

However, if it was a cloudy or rainy day, Chen Tianhao would mostly stay inside the house and would not go out very well.

After walking for a while, as soon as he reached the door, he saw Jin Jinghong running out in a hurry and almost bumped into him.

"Jinghong, so anxious, what are you going to do?"

Chen Tianhao dodged, stepped aside, grabbed Jin Jinghong and asked.

"Ah, that's great. It's the patriarch. Come over and have a look." Jin Jinghong looked up, and immediately pulled Chen Tianhao into the room in a pleasant surprise.

The two came to the patient with a leg injury. Jin Jinghong pointed to the man's thigh and said, "Patriarch, look, a miracle has happened."

Chen Tianhao took a closer look, the person who had a leg injury, at this moment, how could he see the muscles turning outward.

There is only a scar left on it, and around the scar is the residue of the smeared liquid. It can't be seen that it has a horrible look not long ago.

"What's the situation? Did I give him any treatment after I left?"

In fact, Chen Tianhao already knew that this should be the effect of the wooden house, but he was also frightened by this amazing effect.

Jin Jinghong shook his head and said: "No, patriarch, after you left, I studied there. Later, the man said that his wound was itchy, and I told him not to scratch it. After a while, he said no. It's itchy, as soon as I opened it, I found that his leg was healed, so I ran out to find you immediately."

The itching should be due to the healing of the injured muscles. I don't know if it's because of the healing effect of the wooden house, or because of the liquid that Chen Zhiwen and the others smeared on the wound.

After all, that bottle of liquid is also produced by the system, so it is reasonable to have such effects.

The only way to identify the cause is to observe the injury of another person in the cabin.

Looking up at the patient with the injury on his hand, he saw that the injury on the hand of that person was much better than when he first came in. Compared with this speed, if the injury on the hand is to be completely healed, at least it needs to be recovered. A day or two.

It takes only one or two days for the deep-visible bone injuries to return to normal. This is simply a miracle. You must know that it takes only a few months for the surgical wounds in the previous life to be completely healed. God is the same.

But this effect is almost half a day in comparison, and it is far inferior to allowing patients with leg injuries to fully recover as before.

The healing effect of the wooden house is there, but it seems that the liquid also has an effect on the injury.

Chen Tianhao found a similarly injured patient outside and asked Chen Zhiwen to treat him, but he was not allowed to stay inside the wooden house, but stayed outside normally.

After waiting for about the same time as the first patient, I went to observe that patient again and found that although the injury had improved, it was not as good as expected.

The bottle of liquid couldn't fully explain the reason, maybe it was because the liquid played a supernatural role under the action of the wooden house?
Let this person who has been smeared with this special liquid enter the hospital and stay there.

Sure enough, after a period of time, that person also had itchy wounds. After a period of time, when the itching disappeared, he peeled off the animal skin and found that he was completely healed just like the first patient.

(End of this chapter)

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