spore evolution

Chapter 202 Explore

Chapter 202 Explore
Chen Tianhao's flying speed was very fast, and he had already reached the edge of the territory in less than 5 minutes.

This is not his fastest speed, his territory is only ten square kilometers, whether it is big or small.

In the forest, if you walk normally, you can walk about ten kilometers in an hour.

The place where the tribe lives is only two kilometers to the edge of the territory of the back mountain. Because there are mountains, it may take half an hour to walk, but flying in the sky, the straight-line distance, it takes less than 5 minutes to reach the edge of the territory.

The edge of Chen Tianhao's territory is on the mountainside, usually no one would come here for activities, most of them would go to the flat places in front.

As for why the boundary of the territory appeared on the mountainside, Chen Tianhao guessed that it should be related to the caves built by humans.

The cave is regarded as the territory of human beings by default, and the territory includes from the ground to the sky, which also explains why his territory is halfway up the mountain.

At the edge of the territory, Chen Tianhao flew down, but did not continue to fly above.

Flying above, the exploration speed is faster, and it is easy to find the creatures below.

But now he has one more task, identifying various plants. He can only walk slowly on the ground, identifying plants while looking for other humans.

With an identifier, it is quite convenient to collect plant information.

The authenticator has an identification range, and you don't need to touch it completely. You only need to use the authenticator with your eyes fixed on it to perfectly obtain the information of the plant.

Even if some plants are on the edge of a cliff, just fly over.

Therefore, Chen Tianhao's walking speed on the ground is not too low, and he can also maintain a normal walking speed. In addition, the energy of consciousness has always been kept at a distance of 500 meters around him.

Plants, minerals, creatures, every kind of resource, one by one, has been recorded.

Chen Tianhao also discovered that after he had fully recorded these resources, this location actually became his territory.

Regarding the expansion of the territory, he has always focused on conquering other tribes, and has not discovered other expansion methods. The existing territories are all previously preserved territories and belong to the original territory.

The fact that he didn't find any new territory has something to do with his actions these days. He has been busy with various things in the tribe these days, and he didn't go out. Naturally, he couldn't get new territories.

When looking for human tribes in the past, they were always flying in the sky, which could not be counted as his territory. Now he walks on the ground, and has checked the situation of this area clearly. The system defaults that it belongs to the territory conquered by him. territory.

Chen Tianhao was thinking, if this method is followed, then the territory of other tribes will be thoroughly investigated, will it also become his territory?

After thinking about it carefully, it should be impossible for such a thing to happen. If this is the case, what does the system want him to do by conquering other tribes? Just explore directly.

It seems that using this method to expand one's own territory also has certain conditions. As for the conditions, it needs to be explored one by one.

A large number of plants were recorded in the system by Chen Tianhao, many of which were ordinary and existed in large areas.

However, the description of these plants is not simple in the system. Many plants can be made into various potions to provide various effects to living things.

However, it is not so simple to use these plants. After understanding, Chen Tianhao knows that he needs a profession like a pharmacist, who can release the various properties of the plants according to each combination. Each combination has different medicines. effect.

It is possible that a single plant is a tonic for humans, but a mixture of many plants undergoes a chemical reaction and becomes a deadly poison.

So even though he knew that these plants were good, he didn't directly pick them. His purpose now is to collect and distinguish them.

Provide convenience for them when the profession of pharmacist appears in the future.

Besides, even if he picked these plants, he had no place to put them.

There are many ordinary plants, and some spiritual plants are not uncommon, such as various spiritual fruits, which are also found from time to time.

Both energy-increasing plants and physique-enhancing plants were found, and the quantity was not many. Chen Tianhao picked some of these plants and carried them on his back. Not long after, the improvised basket behind him was already full.

Chen Tianhao also tried to transport these plants into the space provided by the system, but unfortunately, no matter how he tried, these plants remained stable and did not move, while the items originally in the space could be easily taken in and out.

It seems that only some items provided by the system can be placed in this space, and items that originally belonged to this world cannot be placed in it, so in the end it can only be given up.

Along the way, continue to explore various resources.

What Chen Tianhao likes most is the plants growing on the cliffs. Whenever he finds a cliff, he will fly over to check the plants on the cliff.

In his heart, there is still a fantasy hidden. The plants growing on this cliff are very likely to be some earth-shattering plants.

Along the way, Chen Tianhao discovered a lot of cliffs, but he didn't find that kind of earth-shattering plants. Most of the plants on the cliffs were ordinary plants, but there were indeed some powerful plants found on the cliffs.

Like various plants with special effects, most of them are found on cliffs.

There are relatively few plants on the cliffs that can come here, so the plants here generally grow well and are relatively old. The older the year, the more energy contained in the plants must be.

And the plants on the ground, special plants are generally eaten or damaged by other creatures.

This also shows that most of the plants with special effects grow on cliffs or places that are difficult for other creatures to reach.

Just after surveying a piece of land, Chen Tianhao was surprised to find that a large fault appeared in front of him, and his conscious energy could not detect the bottom of the mountain.

Looking up, through the gap in the woods, I found that the front was transparent. I checked the surroundings with my consciousness, and found that there was a fault more than two kilometers long in front, and the bottom was more than two kilometers without reaching the bottom of the mountain.

Strange, what's going on, did I go to the waterfall?
In Chen Tianhao's impression, generally only waterfalls have large-scale faults.

Checked the surroundings, but found no signs of water flow.

Chen Tianhao ran over quickly, he was very close to the edge, and it was only a few tens of seconds away.

As soon as he reached the edge of the cliff, Chen Tianhao was stunned by the scenery in front of him.

A boundless forest appeared in front of him, and the endless green continued to the limit of his field of vision.

From time to time, various birds flew by in the empty sky. It was dusk now, and it looked extraordinarily beautiful under the sunlight at dusk.

The height of the cliff is about 3000 meters, which is the result of Chen Tianhao's investigation using the limit range of his consciousness.

The edge of the cliff was endless, and his consciousness couldn't detect the edge of the cliff even if it reached the limit distance.

Suddenly, a gust of cool wind blew in front of him. At this moment, Chen Tianhao felt his heart calm down a lot, and he quietly enjoyed the beautiful scenery.

This kind of scenery may only be enjoyed here.

(End of this chapter)

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