spore evolution

Chapter 203

Chapter 203

Facing the empty space ahead, Chen Tianhao couldn't help shouting.

The sound continued to spread into the distance along with the air, and some birds and beasts around were frightened and ran around in fright, disturbing this peaceful scene.

Chen Tianhao opened his arms to feel the wonderful time.

It is obviously impossible for tribes to exist here, and it is not known whether there are other tribes under the deep abyss.

I can't see the situation below clearly even if I look far, it's getting late, I'll go to that place to explore next time.

Taking advantage of the setting sun, I just walked over quickly and missed some positions.

It is not very important to omit some plant information. What is important is that this method can be used to turn this area into its own territory.

There were not many places left, so Chen Tianhao went back to explore one by one. In less than 10 minutes, he had a clear picture of the surrounding situation.

No, there are still cliff locations that haven't been explored yet.

At the beginning, the location of the cliff was Chen Tianhao's favorite location, and he always fantasized about the appearance of heavenly materials and earthly treasures in his heart.

However, no so-called treasures of heaven and earth were found in every inspection. As time passed, Chen Tianhao only passively inspected the plants on the cliff.

Even if he found some special plants occasionally, Chen Tianhao was very happy, so even if he knew that there were no strange plants in the novels he had read on the cliff, he would always explore them whenever he encountered them, and he would not miss every plant that had never appeared.

Chen Tianhao has discovered more than [-] kinds of plants along the way, but the world is so big and there are so many plants, how can this simple [-] kinds of plants be able to cover it, and he wants to complete the record of all kinds of plants The characteristics of the road are far-reaching.

Among these plants, Chen Tianhao did not find the two medicines used in the liquid provided by the system, but he was not discouraged, he only detected such a small range by himself, and found nothing very normal.

Chen Tianhao spread his blue wings and flew back and forth among the plants on the cliff like a little bee.

Looking at it from a distance, it was flying in the air like an elf.

There are many kinds of plants on this cliff, and most of them are plants with special functions.

Campanula: Slightly increases the energy of the wind system, and can be used as one of the auxiliary materials for refining the wind magic pill.

Fern root fruit: It can greatly increase the energy of the soil system, and can be used as one of the main materials for refining soil spirit powder.

Water vine root: It can greatly increase the energy of the water system, and can be used as one of the main materials for refining extremely coagulant medicine.

It may be because this cliff is less accessible to creatures, Chen Tianhao found a lot of plants like this that can enhance the energy of various systems here, much more than other cliffs.

But also, the cliff where Chen Tianhao is located is a cliff over 3000 meters high, far from a place that ordinary creatures can reach.

Ever since he opened the hospital, the plants Chen Tianhao discovered had such medicinal instructions behind them, but he had no way of knowing the specific effects of the medicines. He only knew that these plants were one of the raw materials for making corresponding medicines.

I am afraid that for the specific effect, Chen Tianhao has to discover something, or unlock the professional ability of a pharmacist after meeting certain conditions.

Chen Tianhao is only confirming the names of the species of these plants, he did not pick these plants, because he has picked too much along the way, the baskets he made temporarily have been filled slowly, and this is after I don’t know how many times they have been changed As a result, those slightly more common medicinal materials were randomly thrown on the road by him.

This cliff is really too big, and Chen Tianhao's exploration speed is not too slow. He flew to a place, aimed at an authenticator, and a pair of information with pictures appeared in the system information.

However, the result of doing this is that some small plants will be missed from time to time, but for this kind of small plants, he has no way to do it for the time being.

I really want to do it like this, I don't know when I got it.

Chen Tianhao's full-time job is not this, but mainly to find human tribes, or else it's putting the cart before the horse.

What's happening here?
Chen Tianhao, who was collecting data, was refreshed, and even the fatigue caused by repeated and tedious exploration was swept away.

Chen Tianhao has always kept his conscious energy around him, and a distance of 500 meters around him is within his monitoring range.

Long-term exercise has made him instinctive, so he doesn't need to activate it deliberately.

He found a giant python in a cave on the cliff. The giant python was curled up in a cave, unable to see its true face, but according to its size, this big snake was definitely not small, with a diameter of one meters long.

He wouldn't be surprised if a giant python appeared in other places, but this is halfway up the cliff, nearly one kilometer from the edge of the mountain top, and more than two kilometers away from the bottom of the mountain. This big snake shouldn't appear here at all. Location.

He thought it was normal for all kinds of birds to appear in this position.

The location of the cliff is relatively steep, and many creatures cannot reach it, but it has also become an excellent choice for those birds. During the exploration process, birds are often found on the cliff as their habitat.

However, it is definitely unusual for a giant python to appear on this cliff. Chen Tianhao used his consciousness to check the cave where the giant python was located, thinking that it came from other places, but the soil in that cave is very dense, and it does not seem like a creature passed through it. look.

This giant python came from outside.

This is definitely not normal, why does the python appear in this place?
Is there something special about this place?

Chen Tianhao didn't take any risks, and directly approached the cave where the opponent was.

There is a lot of evidence to prove that this giant python can fly. If it can fly with such a body, it does not know how much energy is contained in it, which is enough to make it soar in the air.

Although Chen Tianhao is confident that he can kill most of the creatures, he is not stupid and knows that there are many creatures in this world that far surpass him.

The desert worms, dryads, and even the three-headed demon king he met in the past are not guys he can defeat alone, and this giant python is obviously one of them.

Chen Tianhao is very thankful that he has the special ability of conscious energy, which allows him to pass through inanimate objects without any obstacles. In fact, plants can also be regarded as life according to normal, but plants are not within this limitation.

This has both advantages and disadvantages. When Chen Tianhao found this giant python, he subconsciously skipped those plants and directly checked the giant python.

Feeling this giant python, even though he was curled up in the cave, he could still feel a rush of power from the depths of his heart.

Chen Tianhao carefully explored the cave, not letting go of a flower, a grass or a stone. After some exploration, he finally discovered the reason why the giant python curled up here.

(End of this chapter)

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