spore evolution

Chapter 205 Confrontation

Chapter 205 Confrontation
After passing the consciousness over, Chen Tianhao stared at the giant python.

He once remembered that he used to pass his own information through consciousness. Consciousness is communication beyond language, which is directly presented in the mind of the other party. As long as the other party is not an idiot, he believes that the other party can understand the meaning.

How can a creature that can grow to such an extent be an idiot.

The giant python's head shook slightly, as if it was startled by the sudden message, and then its huge eyes stared at Chen Tianhao who was flying in the air.

The dark night around it didn't affect its vision at all. The direction of its head was always facing Chen Tianhao's side. Its huge eyes were tinged with miserable green, like two will-o'-the-wisps floating in the air, which looked very scary at night.

The tail also kept tightly guarding the Protoss tree, for fear that Chen Tianhao, an uninvited guest, would destroy the tree.

Chen Tianhao vaguely remembers that the snake's vision is not far away, it can only see objects at close range, and at farther places, it relies on another set of organs, using its tongue to sense distant objects.

Chen Tianhao's location is about 50 meters away from the giant python's location, this distance is beyond the range that its eyes can see.

But he knew that the giant python was aware of his existence, otherwise he wouldn't have acted like this.

Chen Tianhao saw that the giant python responded to his consciousness, and he continued to use his consciousness to convey kind messages, just like communicating with the wandering scorpion in the desert before.

Looking forward to getting in touch with the giant python, the Protoss Tree looks very powerful, but Chen Tianhao cares more about this giant python.

The protoss tree is unknown, it is built on his own imagination, and the python looks really good.

It's not the first time Chen Tianhao has subdued other creatures, like the first creature: Lightning Beast, and the second creature: Dryad.

Thinking of these two creatures, I don't know how they are doing.

With each passing day and new moon, the vicissitudes of life.

I don't know how many years have passed since then, maybe the tree demon can still exist in this world, and as for the lightning beast, it may have already turned into the soil under its feet.

Maybe we will find them again in the future, but the specific location can no longer be confirmed, maybe we will meet again in the future.

Chen Tianhao repeated in his heart: "Maybe."

With the previous two methods, he wanted to subdue the python to become the third creature.

What's more, the so-called star spirit fruit doesn't know what effect it has. If it can subdue the giant python, is it afraid that there will be no star spirit fruit?

When he saw the giant python, Chen Tianhao had already planned to subdue it, this is a good way to kill two birds with one stone.

However, the IQ of this giant python seems to be low. Chen Tianhao can be sure that the other party has received his message, but he has not responded much.

During this period of staring at each other, apart from raising its head high and swinging its tail restlessly from side to side, the rest of the state has not changed, and has been curled up in the cave.

Chen Tianhao was wondering if the other party really understood what he meant. When the snake's head was raised high, it indicated that it found a dangerous situation and was ready to attack.

He has not made any big moves, for fear of causing the other party's misunderstanding.

You may not be able to beat the opponent, but fleeing is no problem.

But because of such an action, it caused the other party to be inappropriate, thus wasting the opportunity to subdue him, and he was unwilling.

Chen Tianhao didn't give up, and used his consciousness to convey his kindness all the time.

He and the giant python have been looking at each other here for almost an hour. Fortunately, this is the evolved energy wing, which does not consume much energy. Otherwise, the previous meat wing, let alone an hour, may last for a minute. no.

It was getting darker.

The blue light emitted by the nine star spirit fruits became brighter, illuminating the entire cave brightly.

Chen Tianhao didn't need to be conscious, he could clearly see the scales on the giant python's body with just his eyes, and he could even see that huge body heaving and falling with its breathing.

The speed of body ups and downs is very fast, it is obvious that the heart of this giant python is not calm at this time.

This one-hour confrontation was not fruitless for Chen Tianhao.

The tall head has calmed down a lot, but the vigilance is not relieved, the eyes often turn to the position of the star fruit, and the tail moves away from the star tree, moving to a farther position.

The star spirit fruit can only be in the best condition if it is picked when it is ripe. Obviously, this giant python also knows that the tail close to the star spirit tree can provide protection, but it may be a little careful, and the star spirit fruit will be dropped in advance.

Originally, the astral fruit is very stable on the protoss tree, otherwise, it would not bloom for 25 years and bear fruit for 25 years. How can it survive the wind and rain during this period of time.

However, the astral fruit has a characteristic, that is, when it is about to mature, the connective part of the astral fruit will become very fragile, and even a slightly stronger wind can blow it off.

This is also one of the reasons why the giant python blocks its body at the entrance of the cave, not only to prevent other creatures from coveting the star spirit fruit, but also to prevent the sudden strong wind from blowing the star spirit fruit down.

After more than an hour of unilateral communication, Chen Tianhao felt that his patience was about to reach its limit.

He didn't understand why the opponent was so stubborn, if other creatures would have tamed it long ago.

Even if he is not subdued, there will be a corresponding answer, instead of being like a fool like now.

"Brother, at least give me a reaction."

Chen Tianhao couldn't help but speak.

The way he didn't speak just now is indeed a bit like a fool.

Just after finishing speaking, Chen Tianhao regretted it, and felt that he should not speak so loudly, for fear that the sudden noise would bring unnecessary stimulation to it.

Taking a closer look, Chen Tianhao noticed that the giant python trembled.

He was indeed startled by Chen Tianhao's voice, but he just looked up to see where Chen Tianhao was.

He spit out the snake letter from his mouth, and there was a faint sound.

But in this silent night, it is clear to my ears.

Is this communicating with me?
Chen Tianhao was a little unconfirmed, and sent the message with his consciousness again.

Unfortunately, the giant python returned to its previous state, as if the previous response was fake.

Even if Chen Tianhao greeted in words again, it was useless.

Between the two returned to a strange state.

After another half an hour, Chen Tianhao's patience reached its limit.

During this period, although the giant python lowered its vigilance, it kept both sides motionless.

Several times, Chen Tianhao thought he had succeeded, but as long as he got a little closer to the opponent.

The giant python immediately returned to its alert posture, and Chen Tianhao had no choice but to retreat.

Hey, forget it, the giant python must be waiting for the star spirit fruit to ripen, and come back after it finishes eating.

In this state, it is impossible to succeed at all.

The big reason why the giant python is so vigilant is the star spirit fruits in the cave.

Chen Tianhao flew straight up and flew back to the edge of the cliff.

Although the person is on the edge of the cliff, the situation in the cave is clear.

 I got stuck, disconnected from the Internet, and coded a chapter with my mobile phone.If you have a recommendation ticket, please give a recommendation ticket, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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