spore evolution

Chapter 206 Itchy

Chapter 206 Itchy

The giant python seemed to be very surprised by Chen Tianhao's departure, the huge snake head was swaying left and right, as if looking for the best position to feel Chen Tianhao's smell.

It seemed that he didn't quite understand why Chen Tianhao would leave suddenly. In fact, Chen Tianhao's more than an hour's thought of conveying kindness was not useless. The snake's head was shaking, as if it was searching for Chen Tianhao's breath, and it seemed to be waiting for Chen Tianhao's arrival.

Just like that, after the giant python's snake head shook for a while, its attention was attracted by the star spirit fruit around it.

At this time, the light of the star spirit fruit seemed to be exerted to the limit, so that the eyes of the giant python could not help but close, but the snake head did not leave, for fear that the star spirit fruit would disappear if it was not careful.

The light of the Star Spirit Fruit has no effect on Chen Tianhao, he is now using his consciousness to observe, which has the function of eyes, but it will not cause dazzling effect on him.

When Chen Tianhao saw the information about the star spirit tree before, he couldn't understand why the star spirit fruit needs to radiate all its light when it is ripe.

Seeing the glowing Star Spirit Fruit now, I probably guessed a little bit.

The nine star spirit fruits have concentrated the sun and moon essence absorbed by the star spirit tree over the past 150 years, and the process of ripening the star spirit fruit is transforming the sun and moon essence into a part of the fruit.

When the star spirit fruit blooms with intense blue light, it is at a critical moment of action, so the release of the blue light is complete, that is, when the fruit is ripe.

The blue light of the star spirit fruit in the cave became brighter and brighter, and after reaching the limit, it began to slowly dim again.

This is the result of Chen Tianhao's conscious observation. For the giant python, the light of the star spirit fruit seems to have no change.

The star spirit fruit changes from dark to bright very slowly, but the speed from bright to dark is extremely fast.

In about 5 minutes, the star spirit fruit's light suddenly went out.


At the moment when the star spirit fruit was extinguished, a huge snake head stretched out its tongue towards the star spirit fruit. With a twist of the tongue, a star spirit fruit was swallowed.

For some unknown reason, the giant python only collected one star spirit fruit and there was no movement. It seemed that only one was enough, and the other fruits were still quietly hanging on the tree.

The star spirit fruit needs to be matured to exert its maximum effect, but after it is mature, there is no specific time to pick it, it only needs to be picked before it falls naturally.

Chen Tianhao was very happy to see that the giant python didn't devour other star spirit fruits. He had already classified this star spirit fruit as his own.

After the giant python devoured the star spirit fruit, he began to pay attention to the changes in the giant python. What is the effect of this star spirit fruit?

After the giant python devoured the star spirit fruit, a blue light flashed on its skin immediately, from the head to the tail, like a laser scan.

Before a blue light disappeared, another blue light appeared again, and after a while, the skin of the giant python became like a zebra, except that the zebra was black and white, while the giant python was blue and brown.

The blue light was constantly scanning, and the giant python didn't seem to know what was going on. The blue light didn't harm the giant python, but the giant python became uneasy.

The huge body is constantly moving, rubbing against the mountain wall, as if trying to get rid of the blue light.

But this cave was originally not that big. When he curled up in the cave, he had already exposed part of his body outside. Now that he moved, more of his body was exposed outside the mountain wall.

While moving, he subconsciously avoided the protoss tree.

what happened?

Chen Tianhao was very surprised when he saw the giant python's strange movements, it seemed that this star fruit was beyond the giant python's expectation.

Is it going to molt?
In the natural world of previous lives, many animals would shed their skin during evolution, and snakes were one of them.

Could it be that after the giant python devoured the star spirit fruit, it had a huge effect on its body, and now it is shedding its skin?

Chen Tianhao's guess was right, this star fruit fruit is the energy that can provide a biological evolution once, and the giant python has never eaten star fruit before, and the content of the star fruit is obtained according to the inherited knowledge.

The giant python passed by here a few days ago, it was night time, and the star spirit fruit emitted a dazzling blue light, which was particularly conspicuous at night.

Most creatures are quite curious about luminous objects, and the giant python is no exception. When they came to the cave, they found that the light was actually a rare star spirit fruit.

Fortunately, they passed by this place at night, otherwise, it would be difficult for the giant python to find the star fruit on the cliff. After all, not everyone likes Chen Tianhao, who likes to look for plants on the cliff.

Even if other creatures found it, it would be difficult for them to approach this cave.

The cave is located in the middle of the cliff, and there is no hope for other creatures except flying creatures to reach this place, and most of the creatures rest at night, which is why the protoss tree in this cave has not been discovered for a long time.

Maybe even if other creatures find it, they don't know what the plants in the cave are.

The giant python happened to know one of these plants. At the beginning, it couldn't confirm that this plant was the Protoss tree, but after repeated confirmations, it finally confirmed that it was the legendary Prosper tree. The fruit it bore was even more so. It is one of the fruits loved by many creatures.

Star Spirit Fruit, a fruit that can allow creatures to evolve.

Regarding the star spirit fruit, there is limited knowledge in its mind, but he can confirm that it is a good thing.

In order to prevent the arrival of other creatures, the giant python has been staying in the cave for the past few days, quietly waiting for the star spirit fruit to mature.

The boa constrictor has a huge amount of energy in its body, if it does not eat food for a few days, it will not have much impact on it.

During the few days that the giant python was guarding here, birds flew by from time to time, and some birds wanted to stop here, but they were all driven away by the giant python.

And Chen Tianhao is the creature who stayed near the cave for the longest time these days, and the giant python took Chen Tianhao as his opponent who came to grab the star spirit fruit.

Until later, when Chen Tianhao left straight away, the giant python was puzzled for a while.

In fact, the effect of the giant python on the star spirit fruit is quite limited.

After devouring the Star Spirit Fruit, it felt a huge energy continuously scanning around its body. During this period, it felt itching around its body.

It was so itchy that it couldn't help rubbing its body against the mountain wall, but the more it rubbed, the more itchy it felt.

"Could it be that it's time for shedding? No, it's only been a while since the last time she shed, shouldn't it be so fast?"

The giant python clearly remembered its time to molt, and now was obviously not the time to molt.

The huge energy contained in the star spirit fruit kept bumping into the giant python's body, itching, unbearable itching, constantly stimulating the giant python's nerves.

In the end, the boa constrictor couldn't bear the feeling of local friction, and this kind of friction couldn't stop the itching at all.


I saw that the giant python jumped out of the cave.

When the whole body of the giant python was exposed from the cave, the giant python flew straight up, trying to find a bigger place to relieve the itching.

(End of this chapter)

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