spore evolution

Chapter 207 Star Spirit Fruit

Chapter 207 Star Spirit Fruit

The giant python wandered in the air as if in water, and swam quickly above.

When the entire body of the giant python appeared in the air, Chen Tianhao realized that he had underestimated the size of the giant python.

When curled up in the cave, you can only see the hill-like body, and when it is fully unfolded, it will really show its body shape.

It was about two meters in diameter, more than one meter he had estimated before, and a circle larger, with a total length of 50 meters.

When he saw the giant python coming upstream quickly, Chen Tianhao was also taken aback, he didn't see any movement of the giant python, and he didn't see any wings similar to his own, just like this, it just treats the air like water, roaming in the air.

It's hard to imagine, how does this over one hundred tons of flesh fly in the air?

And the flying speed of the giant python is not too slow. Although it is not as fast as its own limit speed, the moving speed of the giant python is almost [-] kilometers per hour.

This speed is almost the speed of a human bicycle in the previous life, but after a while, the giant python has already flown up from the cliff.

The place where the giant python flew up happened to be the place where Chen Tianhao stayed. When the giant python flew over, Chen Tianhao retreated back with the basket in hand, dodging the giant python's huge body.


As soon as it reached the edge of the cliff, the giant python seemed to have lost its ability to fly and hit the ground heavily.

The mountain on the edge of the cliff shook a bit, and some gravel was swept away by the giant python.

As soon as the giant python came up, it rolled all over the ground, its body twisted continuously, and it kept attacking the ground. Even the trees beside it could not escape its clutches.

The huge body hit the ground, causing some loose stones around the cliff to roll off the cliff.

Chen Tianhao flew into the air with the basket on his back, not because he was afraid of being affected, but because it was too uncomfortable to stand on the shaky ground.

It's like an earthquake, if you stand on the ground, how could it be better, it's already good if you don't vomit, but after he flies into the sky, the shaking feeling disappears instantly.

The giant python was still attacking the ground continuously, as if the land had a deep hatred with it, and the whole ground was shaking slightly, which showed that the force of the impact was very powerful.

Chen Tianhao found that although the giant python has been attacking the ground, and the scales on its body are covered with dust, but from the appearance, there is no slight injury. The physical quality of the giant python is far beyond his expectation. If it is For Chen Tianhao to hit the ground in such a situation, he might have already been seriously injured.

Chen Tianhao looked at the giant python in surprise, what's wrong?Isn't star spirit fruit a good thing?But poison?

The abnormal behavior of the giant python started after swallowing the star spirit fruit, so he doubted the efficacy of the star spirit fruit.

Thinking of the action of the giant python, he only swallowed one star spirit fruit in the cave. The star spirit tree bears nine star spirit fruits in total. The star spirit tree is well protected by the giant python. Now there should be eight star spirit fruits in the cave. Spirit fruit.

This is a good opportunity to pick the star spirit fruit and see the properties of the star spirit fruit.

Seeing that the giant python would not be able to stop for a while, and this simple movement would not hurt him, Chen Tianhao flew out from the side and flew towards the Protoss Tree.

Chen Tianhao was very cautious, he didn't pick the star spirit fruit directly, the situation of the giant python just now served as a lesson for him.

Using the collection technique, I picked a star spirit fruit from the star spirit tree.

After using the collection technique, Chen Tianhao will enter a special state, in this state, most of the items collected cannot cause him harm.

Item name: Star Spirit Fruit
Item description: It has a large amount of sun and moon essence, which can promote the accelerated evolution of creatures. Ordinary creatures only need a small piece to complete a rapid evolution, and the effect of eating it multiple times will become weaker and weaker.

Promote biological evolution?

Chen Tianhao widened his eyes and looked at this Star Spirit Fruit. It was really extraordinary. Ordinary creatures only need a small piece to complete a rapid evolution.

Other creatures do not have the ability to evolve rapidly like Chen Tianhao. In fact, even Chen Tianhao omitted the evolution process through the system, not really accelerating the evolution.

So it can be seen how useful this Star Spirit Fruit is, especially now that human beings have stopped evolving, and they need to rely on human beings to find the direction of evolution, and Chen Tianhao can no longer rely on Chen Tianhao alone to complete the evolution of the whole family.

The effect of this star spirit fruit is quite great. Knowing that this star spirit fruit is not a poison, but a tonic, Chen Tianhao quickly picked the seven star spirit fruits from the tree.

The star spirit fruit is not big, each one is only the size of an adult's fist. After the blue light is emitted from the outer skin, it converges inside, forming a light blue fruit skin.

Carefully put the eight star spirit fruits in the middle of the basket behind him, and lightly cover them with other herbs.

Chen Tianhao didn't pull out the star spirit tree, but continued to let it grow here.

Without the star spirit fruit, the star spirit tree looks like an ordinary dwarf tree. There are towering trees all over the mountains and plains. Such a small tree is like a weed on the side of the road that no one loves.

If it is not someone who knows the details of this tree, other people will not associate this tree with the fruit that can bear rapid evolution when they meet.

It takes 150 years for the Protoss tree to bear fruit once. When the next fruit is ripe, it is not known whether it will still be there.

The movement of the giant python continued, and Chen Tianhao could vaguely feel the slight vibration of the mountain in the cave, and loud noises continued to come from above.

Listening to the sound, it became louder, and during this time, the movements of the python became more frequent.

Until now, Chen Tianhao still didn't understand what happened to the giant python?
Didn't it mean that star spirit fruit can promote the rapid evolution of creatures?

The giant python that devoured the star spirit fruit didn't look like it had undergone rapid evolution, but rather went crazy.

"This is not a necessary process for biological evolution, is it? If this is the only way to evolve, should I still eat this star fruit?"

Chen Tianhao was secretly surprised, and flew back to the edge of the cliff.

For Chen Tianhao, who has night vision ability, there is no pressure on the scenery on the edge of the cliff, and he can see it clearly.

I saw that the land on the edge of the cliff was smashed into big holes one after another by the giant python, and the trees a little closer to the edge of the cliff were destroyed and crumbling.

The blue stripes on the python's body weakened a lot, but its movements didn't slow down at all. Instead, it became crazier, and the speed of attacking became faster.

He also found that the giant python, which was originally unharmed, took a closer look and found some blood seeping from the middle of the scales.

The giant python's body was not as strong as Chen Tianhao imagined, and internal injuries had already appeared inside its body.

Chen Tianhao observed with his consciousness that strands of energy appeared around the giant python's body, and these energies continued to slowly expand from the giant python's body.

Later, without conscious detection, you can directly see a blue energy floating around the python's body with the naked eye.

Chen Tianhao opened his eyes wide, "Could it be that this is the reason why the giant python has such crazy behavior?"

(End of this chapter)

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