spore evolution

Chapter 208 Lightning Baptism

Chapter 208 Lightning Baptism
Energy overflow?

Chen Tianhao thought of this term.

The star spirit fruit is a fruit that can accelerate the evolution of creatures, and it must not be poison.

But there is a saying in the previous life that is very correct, medicine is three parts poison, and when the tonic is used too much, it may also become poison.

In the introduction of the star spirit fruit, a small piece can cause an accelerated evolution of ordinary creatures, but what the giant python devours is a whole star spirit fruit.

Although I don't know how big this small piece is, but looking at the current situation of the giant python, the effect of this star spirit fruit is obviously beyond the tolerance of the giant python.

The huge energy contained in the star spirit fruit is constantly transforming the giant python's body in the body of the giant python. The transformation process is cumbersome, and a certain price must be paid for accelerating evolution.

The energy of a star spirit fruit is enough to allow a giant python with a length of more than 50 meters and a diameter of two meters to evolve in all directions, and there is still energy to spare.

What is concentrated is the essence, this sentence is best reflected in the star spirit fruit.

The extra energy from the star spirit fruit continued to transform the giant python's body, but more energy radiated into the air through the scales.

The giant python's movements were crazy from the beginning, but unconsciously, they gradually weakened a lot. It seems that it has survived the most difficult part of the transformation, and it has become accustomed to it.

Originally, taking the Star Spirit Fruit needed to be combined with other medicines to slowly transform the body together, but because the giant python didn't know it, he chose the most drastic transformation method and directly transformed it.

Chen Tianhao also admired the giant python very much. He was able to endure this kind of pain. From the beginning to the end, from the bones to the scales, he completely completed a magnificent transformation. This kind of pain can be imagined.

About half an hour later, the giant python lay motionless on the ground, and its huge eyes were also lifeless at this time, the transformation just now gave it great pain.

The giant python kept sticking out its tongue and gasping for air, as if any more movement would kill it.

"Is this evolution complete?"

Chen Tianhao hid in the air far away, looking at the motionless giant python on the ground.

He feels that the evolution of the giant python is not that simple. The blue ripples on the scales around the giant python's body no longer move. If he didn't know that the previous giant python didn't have these blue stripes, he might think that these stripes themselves belonged to the giant python. The things that belong to it, just like Coral Snake, are inherently black and white.

The blue stripes reminded Chen Tianhao of the color of the star spirit fruit. He never believed that the evolution of the giant python was due to the addition of blue stripes around the body.


Suddenly a flash of lightning flashed in the sky, and the lightning appeared beside Chen Tianhao, interrupting his train of thought.

"I'm going, what's the situation? Where did the lightning come from?"

Chen Tianhao was startled by the sudden lightning.

Looking up, the originally clear sky was unconsciously covered with dark clouds. Today is the beginning of the month, and the brightness of the moon is not high. Chen Tianhao has been paying attention to the giant python on the ground, but he didn't pay attention to the things in the sky.

Hearing the sound of lightning, the giant python looked at Chen Tianhao, and finally found Chen Tianhao's existence, but it was already exhausted, so it reluctantly raised its head, and after a glance, it limply lay down again.


Another bolt of lightning flashed, unexpectedly hitting Chen Tianhao's side again.

The huge energy of the lightning flashed made all the hairs on his body stand on end.

Didn't it mean that lightning never hits the same place twice?

Chen Tianhao now wants to say something to that person, let him stand here and try it out.

Chen Tianhao quickly took this position, he didn't want to try this theory, and let the lightning strike again, this is not a fun thing.

Boom, boom.

Lightning kept ringing, but there was no rain.

This is dry thunder.

Chen Tianhao found to his dismay that no matter where he hid, he would always encounter lightning, and the frequency was getting higher and higher.

"What did I do to make people angry, and I let Lightning deal with me?"

Dodging a bolt of lightning in embarrassment, Chen Tianhao recalled his recent events, and it seemed that there was nothing irritating.

At the back, the lightning seemed to be chasing Chen Tianhao, making Chen Tianhao have to dodge constantly in order to barely let the lightning strike.

Lightning flashed beside him many times, making the hair all over his body stand on end. If his current hair turns golden yellow, and there is another circle of yellow light, he will be a Super Saiyan.

After dodging many times, he often pays attention to the star spirit fruit in the basket, and inevitably cannot keep up with his movements, and is accidentally struck by a bolt of lightning.

The moment Chen Tianhao was struck, it felt like a century had passed, a feeling of electric shock spread from the top of his head to the soles of his feet, and a tingling sensation spread all over his body.

"I'm not dead?"

The moment he was struck by lightning, Chen Tianhao thought he was about to leave this world. When he opened his eyes, he maintained the posture of being struck by lightning, and did not fall on other members of his family.

He looked at his hands strangely, there was nothing special about them, they were still hands covered in yellow mud, apart from a little numbness on his body, he felt nothing else.

How long has it been since you experienced this feeling of paralysis?
Chen Tianhao recalled his own experience. In the era of cells, except for the first time he encountered a cell that could discharge, he felt this kind of feeling of being paralyzed by electricity. After that, he never felt it again.

Normally, he would be thankful for not electrifying other creatures. How can he get other creatures to release electricity on him, and ordinary electricity can't harm him. He himself is a veteran of using electricity.

This time the lightning struck Chen Tianhao but failed to cause him any harm. It was because his body had a certain resistance to lightning, so the lightning did not cause him any harm.

After a flash of lightning, another flash of lightning followed.

Chen Tianhao tried his best to dodge, but his whole body was paralyzed, making it impossible for him to dodge.

He endured the second bolt of lightning firmly, and the feeling of paralysis came again. At this moment, his whole body was under the action of the lightning, like a giant python on the ground, unable to move at all.

No, the giant python is better than him, at least he can move the snake's head, while Chen Tianhao can't even move a finger now.

This feeling is like the feeling of a ghost pressing a bed in the past. When he was sleeping, Chen Tianhao occasionally encountered a ghost pressing a bed. He clearly knew it in his heart, but his hands and feet couldn't control him. Now Chen Tianhao's state is like this.

Lightning bolts struck Chen Tianhao continuously, as if they wanted to smash him to pieces.


This is cheating.

Chen Tianhao desperately wanted to move his body, but he was still unable to move.

He wasn't afraid of death, he was afraid that death would be worthless, and he was still thinking about the star spirit fruit in the basket behind him.

Chen Tianhao didn't know how many times he had received the baptism of lightning. At first he wanted to escape, but later, he gave up and accepted the baptism of heaven calmly.

He just doesn't want to accept it.

(End of this chapter)

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