spore evolution

Chapter 210 The Titan Python

Chapter 210 The Titan Python

The python's fourth and fifth double lightning attacks are powerful and long-lasting.

Dense lightning strikes constantly attacked Chen Tianhao. From the first few seconds, the attack was almost uninterrupted. The baskets made temporarily behind Chen Tianhao's back had also been wiped out by the lightning strikes.

Without the support of the basket, the star spirit fruit should fall down under the action of gravity, but these eight star spirit fruits are floating in the air, like eight balloons floating on Chen Tianhao's back.

The lightning struck Chen Tianhao, and the excess energy was transferred to the star spirit fruit. The eight star spirit fruits and Chen Tianhao formed eight lightning chains to connect them together.

The giant python worked hard to recover its strength, and wanted to help Chen Tianhao share the damage from the lightning. The dense lightning made the giant python's scalp numb.

It still doesn't know that this lightning attack is its fourth and fifth double lightning attack. It just wonders what is unusual about this lightning attack.

When it saw the eight star spirit fruits behind Chen Tianhao, it couldn't help sighing, "Sure enough, he is a good person. I took eight star spirit fruits. I will accept such a terrifying lightning attack if I take a star spirit fruit myself."

It subconsciously believed that the lightning attack this time was due to the effect of the star spirit fruit, for which it felt great admiration for Chen Tianhao.

The gathering of dark clouds this time was indeed caused by the evolution of the giant python, but Chen Tianhao endured so many attacks because of the eight star spirit fruits in the basket behind him.

If he didn't carry the star spirit fruit behind his back, or if he fled this area, he wouldn't be affected by the lightning.

It's a pity that he was concerned about the safety of the giant python, so he came to the edge of the cliff to check the giant python.

This made the lightning in the sky mistakenly believe that Chen Tianhao, who had eight star spirit fruits, was the target of this attack, which led to Chen Tianhao's lying down this time.

In the range of the lightning attack, Chen Tianhao was not present, so he would naturally look for the location of the star spirit fruit as the attack target.

The 150-year sun and moon essence of the star spirit fruit is not so easy to absorb.

Chen Tianhao didn't know that his actions this time were the cause, but if he really knew, he would be very annoyed.

At the beginning, Chen Tianhao wanted to leave, but was unable to leave due to the paralyzing effect of lightning.

Ten times, a hundred times, at the end, Chen Tianhao didn't bother to count how many times.

"Damn it, why don't you let me suffer here?"

Chen Tianhao cursed secretly in his heart, death is not terrible, what is terrible is that like this, death can not die, and you have to feel the pain of being struck by lightning.

An ordinary person is attacked by lightning once, which is already considered as one in a thousand. He couldn't help smiling bitterly, this can be regarded as setting a record in this world, and he was struck by countless times in a row.

Just like that, Chen Tianhao stayed quietly in the air and was struck for a full hour. When the last lightning flashed, Chen Tianhao still stayed there quietly, without moving at all.

After the last lightning strike, the dark clouds in the sky quickly dissipated in the sky, revealing the clear sky, as if there had never been dark clouds in this area.

Dark clouds appear quickly and disappear quickly.

In the eyes of the giant python, Chen Tianhao at this moment is like a peerless good man, he resisted all the lightning by himself, and was so moved that he wept bitterly.


Chen Tianhao felt as if he had passed through a century, and he still couldn't move his limbs.

Although there was no lightning, Chen Tianhao was connected with the eight star spirit fruits and eight lightning chains behind him.

Chen Tianhao couldn't move in the sky, and the giant python couldn't recover for a while on the ground.

In this way, one person and one snake slowly regained their strength on the edge of this empty cliff. The surrounding creatures, after hearing the sound of thunder and lightning, had already fled this place desperately. At this moment, the power of thunder and lightning, It is the power that all living things fear.

Now there are no other creatures to disturb their recovery, and they will not be able to shake them when they come. One has a strong defense ability, and the other is still covered with electricity, and it is too late to hide. How can they bother them.

"Congratulations on subduing an epic creature: Titan Python."

"Congratulations on your points: 10000 points."

"what's going on?"

Chen Tianhao, who was still trying to regain his own control, was stunned, why he suddenly subdued an epic creature.

It turned out that the name of this giant python was Titan Python, and such a huge body could indeed be called a Titan.

Although he has always wanted to subdue this giant python, but after working hard for so long, there is no response, and he still thinks of other methods. Why did he succeed in subduing it all of a sudden?

During this period, apart from lying on the cliff to pick the star spirit fruit, there was no other action, and I was puzzled.

After a period of recovery, Chen Tianhao found that he was able to regain control of his consciousness energy. Under the intensive lightning attack just now, not only was his body paralyzed and unable to move, but even his consciousness energy was suppressed so that he could not use it. This was a worry to him. up.

He thought that he could no longer use the energy of consciousness. The energy of consciousness gave him a lot of help. Without energy of consciousness, his development would definitely slow down a lot.

As soon as the energy of consciousness was restored, Chen Tianhao immediately greeted Titan Python with consciousness, "Hello."

Then he immediately stared closely at the movement of the Titan Python, and saw that just after Chen Tianhao's consciousness passed, the Titan Python immediately opened his eyes wide, and then said happily: "Great, it's good that you're fine, if you didn't help me block it today." With these lightning strikes, I'm dead."

What?It turned out that I was attacked by lightning because of the titan python. It turned out that I unintentionally took the blame for it. Chen Tianhao couldn't help but smile bitterly, and then replied consciously: "It's okay, as long as you're okay."

Neither of them could move yet, but there was no problem communicating.

After a general understanding, Chen Tianhao finally understood why he couldn't communicate before, and the fact that he unintentionally resisted the lightning attack for the Titan Python.

The titan python was originally a small snake, but he got a glowing stone by accident, which allowed him to grow rapidly. Because of his rapid growth, he was actually a relatively low-intelligence creature in essence, probably at the level of a third-level brain.

And the titan python seldom communicates with other creatures, which made Chen Tianhao's sudden conscious communication fail to make him react, but it still felt Chen Tianhao's kindness, otherwise it would not have been subdued by Chen Tianhao in the end.

With the help of the system, now the Titan Python can communicate with Chen Tianhao very easily.

One person and one snake chatted a lot while each was recovering their strength, and the titan python finally met a creature that could talk to it, especially this creature just saved its life, and admired Chen Tianhao from the bottom of my heart.

In this way, Chen Tianhao subdued the third creature in this world-the titan python by mistake.

(End of this chapter)

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