spore evolution

Chapter 211 Treatment

Chapter 211 Treatment
In the chat between one person and one snake, time passed quickly.

Half an hour passed.

Chen Tianhao first regained his ability to move. He felt his body. His body was not damaged by lightning. Instead, because of the lightning, his whole body was filled with the power of lightning. energy level.

Because now there is no grading of the organs of the whole body like in the biological stage, but he feels that he can beat his previous self by more than ten.

The storage capacity and purity of the energy core have increased by nearly ten times, not only the energy core has been improved, but the physical body has also been greatly improved, probably more than five times, and now he has the confidence to fight the titan python on the ground. contest.

The eight star spirit fruits behind him were gently placed on the ground after he regained his mobility.

According to the chat with Titan Python, Chen Tianhao already knew the reason for the lightning attack on him, which was caused by the eight star spirit fruits.

The eight star spirit fruits experienced the baptism of lightning with him, which is completely different from what they saw before. Although there is no lightning chain between Chen Tianhao and Chen Tianhao, they have absorbed a lot of lightning power in the lightning strike before. The effect of star spirit fruit is different from before.

Item name: Star Spirit Fruit (Thunder)

Item description: Due to absorbing a large amount of lightning power, it can greatly evolve lightning creatures.

Different from before, these eight star spirit fruits can only be used by lightning-type creatures now, but it is not a big problem. Chen Tianhao was originally planning to use them for his own people. Humans belong to lightning-type creatures, so they can just be used, and the effect is even greater.

Although I don't know the specific effect, the effect is definitely not bad.

You only need to see that eating a star spirit fruit made the Titan Python complete an evolution by leaps and bounds. Until now, the Titan Python didn’t know that he had actually leapfrogged two evolutions. Chen Tianhao, who knew it through the Titan Python, Naturally, I don't know the power of this medicine.

But even so, it was enough to shock Chen Tianhao.

Chen Tianhao found some vines on the ground, remade a simple basket, put the star spirit fruit in it, then stood beside the head of the titan python and said: "Big python, how are you recovering now?"

Big Boa is Chen Tianhao's name for Titan Boa. Originally he named it Little Boa, but after looking at its huge body, it didn't fit the word "Little Boa". Big, called boa constrictor.

Big Python shook his head lightly and said: "Brother, it's not enough, I just recovered a little bit of strength, and it will probably take a day to regain my ability to move."

After successfully subduing it, Titan Python became Chen Tianhao's fourth younger brother. He didn't know if the second and third brothers were still in this world, or if they had reserved places for the two of them.

"This is troublesome." Chen Tianhao frowned, looked up at the sky, the moon was already on the branches, "One day is too slow, I will go find some medicinal materials for you."

After finishing speaking, Chen Tianhao ran towards the forest. The medicinal materials he explored during the day were all recorded in his system. Most of the special restorative medicinal materials were picked by him and placed in the basket. Unfortunately, those medicinal materials were destroyed by lightning up.

Along the way, Chen Tianhao didn't take all the medicinal materials, he would reserve some to continue to grow, and what he planned to obtain this time were some ordinary medicinal materials, just to speed up the recovery of physical strength.

This kind of medicinal material is still very common in Chen Tianhao's investigation.

The night did not hinder Chen Tianhao, and he soon came to the growth period of the medicinal materials to restore his physical strength. He made a lot of them very quickly.

As soon as he returned to the edge of the cliff, Chen Tianhao heard Titan Python say in a weeping voice: "Brother, I thought you didn't want me anymore."

Just now after Chen Tianhao finished speaking, he left immediately. Titan Python thought he was abandoned.

"Aren't I going to get you medicinal materials to restore your strength? Don't cry." Chen Tianhao said while holding up the medicinal materials in his hand.

Titan python is very big, but it shows the same intelligence as a child. It feels extremely dependent on a person who saved its life, just like a child who has been loved by no one all year round. people.



"Come and eat these medicinal materials. Eating them can speed up your physical recovery."

Chen Tianhao held up the picked herbs and handed them to Titan Python's mouth.

"Ah, eat grass? I don't eat grass." The titan python looked at the herbs by its mouth in surprise, and refused.

In its life, it has never eaten grass, and it always catches some creatures when it is hungry.

"Hey, you can resume your actions after eating these."

Chen Tianhao lifted the herbs to the mouth of the titan python again, because the titan python raised the snake's head, he had to fly to get it.

Now it's like a mother feeding a child, inducing the titan python to eat these herbs.

In fact, he wasn't sure that these herbs could restore the Titan Python's physical strength. After all, he hadn't tried these herbs since he discovered them, and they all judged according to the system's description.

These herbs do have the effect of restoring physical strength, but they don't know how useful they are for the huge body of the titan python.

The titan python rolled its tongue, and the herbs in Chen Tianhao's hand had disappeared. The titan python chewed a few times, and a faint grassy smell mixed with an unpleasant smell filled its mouth, making him swallow it immediately. The impulse to drop.

Just when he was about to spit it out, he saw Chen Tianhao looking at it expectantly from below, he chewed it a few times reluctantly, and quickly swallowed it.

"Big python, how do you feel?"

Seeing that the Titan Python had swallowed the herbs, Chen Tianhao asked quickly.

The titan python swallowed, and replied: "It's not tasty, it has a weird taste."

"I didn't ask you about the taste of the herbs." Chen Tianhao sweated profusely, "Forget it, even if it works, it won't be so fast. I'll go find more herbs for you."

When the titan python heard that he still wanted to eat that grass, he immediately said bitterly: "Brother, can you stop eating that grass, it doesn't matter if you recover slowly."

The taste of herbs is really weird. Originally, these herbs need special methods to produce excellent effects, but in this wilderness, there is no one to get herbs for Chen Tianhao, not to mention that there is no such thing as a pharmacist now. .

"No, you wait here, and I'll find you some more."

Chen Tianhao didn't listen to the titan python's cries, and had to continue to find more herbs. As long as the giant python can move, can move to the tribe, and use the wooden house to recover from its injuries, it will definitely recover to its best condition soon.

The place he just went to has no herbs, and more herbs to restore physical strength need to be farther away.

In fact, there is another way to recover here, that is to directly exchange 100 points for a wooden house here, but because of the importance of points, Chen Tianhao would not be willing to waste 100 points here, even if he obtained 10000 points by conquering the Titan Python.

(End of this chapter)

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