spore evolution

Chapter 212

Chapter 212

"Big python, how do you feel now?"

This is the fourth time that Chen Tianhao has brought a new herb to the Titan Python, and this time it is a relatively rare kind that grows on the cliff.

The Titan Python said happily: "Brother, I seem to have a feeling. I feel that my physical recovery speed has accelerated a lot. I guess I will be able to move freely in a while."

"Really?" Chen Tianhao expressed doubts.

When he came back for the second time, the titan python said that he was getting better soon, so he refused to eat grass again.

But Chen Tianhao waited for a long time, and the Titan Boa didn't get much better. He knew that the Titan Boon had lied to him, and then forced the Titan Boon to finish eating the remaining herbs.

After the titan python finished eating the herbs, Chen Tianhao checked the status of the titan python with an appraiser, and he could see that the blood of the titan python was slowly recovering.

Chen Tianhao had used an authenticator to check the Titan Python before, but at that time he couldn't get any information at all, even a simple name couldn't be obtained.

This is also when Chen Tianhao judged that the Titan Python was a creature of the same level as the Dryad. However, when Chen Tianhao went to check the Titan Python again, he could get detailed information immediately. I don't know if it was because Chen Tianhao's own strength had increased or because he subdued the Titan Python. s reason.

Anyway, later on, Chen Tianhao would use the appraiser to check the physical condition of the titan python every time.

Those herbal medicines do have the effect of restoring physical strength. Through the appraiser, he can easily know that the body of the titan python is slowly recovering, but he also knows that the damage suffered by the titan python this time is indeed very serious, almost reaching the point of dying. the point.

Thanks to the huge recovery ability of the titan python itself, he was able to survive, and the herbs brought by Chen Tianhao also helped a lot.

With the help of the appraiser, how could the titan python hide his injury, so he had to obediently eat herbs.

Later, it also felt that the herbal medicine provided by Chen Tianhao was effective. It could not change the data type provided by the appraiser, but it still had a better understanding of its own body, and the result was no different from the result of the appraiser.

After that, Chen Tianhao didn't need to speak, as long as Chen Tianhao stood next to it holding the herbal medicine, rolled his tongue, and swallowed it like a jujube.

Although the herbs are effective, the Titan Python needs too many herbs. Chen Tianhao almost got all the herbs that were detected all day yesterday.

Chen Tianhao himself also suffered a lot of injuries, and it can't be said that he was actually injured. The lightning didn't hurt him, but strengthened him, but this kind of strengthening didn't make Chen Tianhao's energy and strength reach the peak together.

It's as if the energy has not changed, but the upper limit of energy has increased, so it looks like it has been injured.

During the process of collecting medicinal materials, Chen Tianhao himself also ate a lot of medicinal materials. This way of eating actually wastes the efficiency of the medicinal materials and does not maximize the value of the medicinal materials. But who cares, anyway, the world is so big, No one seems to have developed the plant yet.

Similar medicinal materials can be seen everywhere, and Chen Tianhao is not worried that he will light up these medicinal materials.

After a busy night, Chen Tianhao couldn't remember how many times he ran in the titanic python and the mountain forest.

From the beginning, I used a simple basket to hold the medicinal materials, and at the back, I made three baskets, one for the back, one for the left hand, and one for each of the left and right hands. The middle of the baskets was filled with these medicinal materials, and Chen Tianhao even pressed them hard so that they could Pretend to be more.

The sky dawned unknowingly, the forest was filled with mist, and the body of the titan python was wet and covered with dewdrops.

The chirps of many creatures could be heard resounding through the forest. Yesterday's lightning did not cause much damage to them, and a new day of life began.

"How? Resuming action?"

After feeding the last basket of medicinal materials to the Titan Python, Chen Tianhao found that the Titan Python's vitality had recovered to nearly one-fifth.

This blood should be enough for the titan python to move freely.

The titan python vigorously swayed its body, the huge body kept swinging on the ground, feeling the sensation of the body, and after feeling it for a while, said happily: "Brother, I'm cured, I can move freely now."

"Phew, I can move around freely at last." Chen Tianhao breathed a sigh of relief, he has been busy all night, and now he can rest for a while.

After recovering from being baptized by lightning, Chen Tianhao has been busy treating the Titan Python. He could have used a chat tool to ask Jin Yong and the others to come over to help, but he thought it was already night and they didn't know Specifically what medicinal materials need to be collected.

They didn't have collecting skills like Chen Tianhao's, so collecting medicinal materials would be a lot of trouble, and the huge size of the titan python would definitely shock them to a certain extent, so in the end Chen Tianhao chose to do it alone.

The titan python writhed happily around Chen Tianhao, like a child trying to please him, while twisting, he said, "Brother, how do you think I'm doing?"

"Okay, let's go back."

Looking at the huge body of the titan python, Chen Tianhao found himself in a difficult situation. There was no place to place it with such a large size. Besides, a creature of this size would definitely cause great panic if it ran into the tribe.

I have to say hello to them in advance, Chen Tianhao said to Chen Er using the chat software: "Chen Er, I will bring a huge creature there later, please tell everyone in advance that he is not our enemy, but my friend .”

"Okay, Patriarch." Chen Er got up early in the morning and quickly replied.

This is the convenience of the chat tool, as long as you are in the territory, you can make unlimited calls.

This kind of call seems very common in the era of mobile phones, but at this time, it is indeed an incomparable weapon.

After explaining to Chen Er, Chen Tianhao said to Titan Python: "Big Python, can you make your size smaller? This is really too big."

He thought of the transformation function of the tree demon, which can transform from a towering tree into a human being like him. Does the titan python also have such a function.

"Small size?" Titan python wondered, "Is it like this?"

I saw the body of the titan python moving for a while, and the muscles underneath seemed to be alive.

One minute later, a human in snakeskin appeared in front of Chen Tianhao.

"I'll go, so awesome."

Chen Tianhao just wanted to give it a try, but he didn't expect that Titan Python really had this ability.

However, Chen Tianhao looked weird at this snake skin all over his body, and his whole body went numb. He pointed to his left hand with his right hand and asked, "Can you change your skin into mine?"

The titan python moved again and held back for a while, the skin of the whole body was still scales, no change, and said dejectedly: "Brother, no, wait until my injury is better."

Chen Tianhao comforted: "It's okay, that's it, you go back to the tribe with me."

To be able to transform from a 50-meter-long, two-meter-diameter behemoth into a two-meter-long human was beyond his expectations, and he didn't expect anything more.

Chen Tianhao carried the Xing Lingguo on his back and flew to the tribe.

The titan python didn't have wings, but it followed Chen Tianhao without any pressure.

(End of this chapter)

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