spore evolution

Chapter 213 Accelerated Recovery

Chapter 213 Accelerated Recovery

In the early morning, today is still the beginning of mist, the leaves of the forest are covered with dewdrops, and the dewdrops drip down like rain when touched a little.

This is already considered good weather, as soon as the sun comes out in more than an hour, more than half of the fog can be dissipated.

Human beings have woken up early and started to do their own work in full swing. People watched the houses in the middle slowly take shape in their hands, and they got great satisfaction.

Those who got up to work today were notified by Minister Chen Erchen that the patriarch would bring a huge friend over later, so everyone should not panic.

In fact, everyone is not panicked at all. They have seen many strange things with Chen Tianhao. It is no surprise that Chen Tianhao found a huge monster from nowhere. The construction was successful.

The first batch of 29 wooden houses has been built, and the first group of people have begun to move into the wooden houses to experience the feeling of wooden houses.

The first group of tribe members to experience is Chen Er’s decision based on everyone’s contribution value. Chen Er can inquire about the contribution of each person’s work to the development of the tribe through the population system. This is also Chen Er’s authority as the Minister of Internal Affairs. one.

The contribution value is determined by the system. Everyone who does everything may contribute to the development of the tribe. Whether you are a researcher, a builder, or a lumberjack, in short, as long as you develop the tribe, you will make a corresponding contribution.

There are many other functions like this, and each minister has a similar function, which is convenient for ministers to make their own judgments.

The wooden house is still very simple, because the time is too urgent, many things have not been finished yet, only a few simple wooden boards are placed inside, some furs are spread, and it becomes a simple bed.

But with such a simple bed, the comfortable feeling is much better than that in the damp and dark cave. In addition, you can put some coal stoves in it for heating at night, which is even more delightful.

The coal stove is a simple coal stove that Chen Tianhao taught them to make before. The coal is made of honeycomb coal, which is made of coal with some yellow mud and then molded.

Bronze ware is needed everywhere now, and only a few simple molds have been made, so last night was also the first use of coal in people's livelihood.

Human beings are very satisfied with log houses, and with coal.

The human beings in the tribe are very simple. Although there have been small groups with the family as the unit, they are very protective of the large group of the tribe. They will not help others if they are useful and others are useless. up.

Everyone who has the right to experience the wooden house, after enjoying the wooden house, gets up early in the morning to work, and works harder, and they hope that other people can live in such a wooden house sooner.

Chen Er stood beside a large pot, which contained rice and some minced meat, and ordered: "Everyone, work harder, put less water, and thicken this porridge a little, it will be delicious after eating." Work hard."

On the other side, a new kind of rice was discovered. The area of ​​rice in that area is large enough to feed thousands of people in the tribe for a long time. Thanks to the previous reserves, it would not be impossible to survive without rice.

The pot is also a newly baked pot. It is not a pot made of bronze, but a pottery made of yellow mud. Yellow mud can be seen everywhere in this mountain forest. During this period of time, many pottery pots have been made to hold various foods.

Under Chen Er's arrangement, the people in the tribe went about their own affairs in a hurry, but there was no chaos, and they did it in an orderly manner.


Seeing that the two of them landed next to Chen Er, Chen Er turned his head to look, and said with a happy smile: "Patriarch, you are back."

Standing next to Chen Tianhao was a titan python that had turned into a human form. Chen Er didn't find the giant monster Chen Tianhao mentioned, so he didn't ask.

Chen Tianhao nodded in response, then pointed to the Titan Python beside him and introduced: "Chen Er, this is my new fourth brother."

The Titan Python flew down and ran around, like a curious baby, full of curiosity about every item, before Chen Er could answer, the Titan Python pointed to the heating cauldron and said, "Brother, this What is it?"

Although the time since the titan python was born is not too long, it has gone through a lot of journeys during the wandering time. I have seen many similar biological settlements, but I have never seen anything like it.

The new fourth brother?Why haven't I heard that the patriarch has other younger brothers?

Hearing the Titan Python's question, Chen Er explained: "This is a large pot newly invented by the patriarch, and it is used for cooking food."

However, the Titan Python didn't listen to Chen Er's explanation at all, and ran away to look at other things.

"He is the behemoth I told you about before." Although Chen Er didn't ask, Chen Tianhao still explained.

Chen Er already had the answer in his heart, but when he confirmed it from Chen Tianhao's mouth, he was also very surprised, "This size can't be called a giant."

He saw the strange skin of the titan python, but the body was the same size as himself.

"This is what he looks like after his transformation. His prototype is a 50-meter-long shocking python." Chen Tianhao explained.

Chen Er was stunned. It's not that he hasn't encountered a creature that can transform, but it's too big a difference to be able to transform from a 50-meter-long giant python into a two-meter-high human.

"Patriarch, he won't violently hurt people." Chen Er pointed to the Titan python who was far away and was carefully observing the wooden house.

Chen Tianhao shook his head and said, "Don't worry, no, you bring some food to my cabin, you've been hungry all day."

The loyalty of the Titan Python is currently [-], which has completely reached the worship level. On the way back, he was also told not to transform at will and not to hurt others, so he is still very relieved about the Titan Python.

"Okay." Chen Er nodded, and then went to prepare food.

Chen Tianhao pulled the curious baby Titan Python back to the wooden house where he lived. There was no one in the wooden house, and Chen Feng had already gone to train with Jin Yong.

"Hey, it's so comfortable."

Originally, the Titan Python was clamoring to see the construction of the wooden house, but as soon as he entered Chen Tianhao's wooden house, he immediately felt as if his body was bathed in sunlight.

"Brother, how can this speed up my recovery from injuries?" Titan python is very familiar with his body, and he felt the accelerated recovery from injuries all at once.

"Well! This place has the ability to speed up the recovery of injuries. You stay here today and go out to play after the injury is healed."

Chen Tianhao nodded, the reason why he wanted Titan Python to resume action quickly was to let him come here to recover early.

(End of this chapter)

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