spore evolution

Chapter 218

Chapter 218
in the afternoon.

As soon as Chen Wen woke up, he couldn't wait to find Chen Tianhao, looking at him expectantly.

Chen Tianhao spread out his hands, and saw a thick blueprint slowly appearing, and after a while, the whole blueprint, in a roll, was placed in his hand.

This situation has happened many times, but every time he took out the blueprint, Chen Tianhao would be amazed by it.

Passed the blueprint to Chen Wen, and said: "Although this blueprint belongs to a low-level building, it is also a difficult one among low-level buildings. Work hard!"

He didn't dare to limit it, he was afraid that Chen Wen really worked his life out to complete this research.

He hopes that the research will be successful soon, but he is also worried about the researchers' health.

"Guaranteed to complete the task." Chen Wen took the blueprint and nodded.

After Chen Wen left and entered the research center, the research task also came out.

Research Mission: Smelter
Research explanation: Second-level buildings, metal smelting is a technology, good smelting technology can improve metal properties, it is an important building.

Number of researchers: 4 people

Estimated completion time: 4 days

Estimated success rate: 80% (original success rate 40% + bonus success rate 40%)

Consumption points: 1000 points.

Sure enough, it is a second-level building, and the success rate is much lower than that of the first-level building. Fortunately, Chen Wen and the others have intermediate research skills, and the second-level building is still in the category of low-level buildings. The success rate bonus is still Very good, although the success rate has not reached 100%, 80% is not to be underestimated.

The blueprints in the two research centers are rapidly researching, and the logging farm, livestock farm, and mining farm have also begun rapid development under the leadership of skilled personnel.

Even the construction of wooden houses has been accelerated a lot. After several batches of houses have been built, the old and new construction workers can start to complete the construction of new wooden houses independently, and the original workers have also begun to train a new batch of workers.

The whole tribe is full of vigor and enters the rapid development channel.

Every place is carrying out its own work, and does not need Chen Tianhao's help for the time being.

He set his sights on the eight star spirit fruits he brought back.

One star spirit fruit can successfully evolve the Titan Python once. According to the size of the Titan Python, the energy of these eight star spirit fruits should allow the entire tribe to complete one evolution.

Chen Tianhao remembered that the star spirit fruit, combined with other medicines, was made into medicines, and the effect was even better.

It's just that the formula is a big problem, and I don't know how to refine it. Maybe ask Chen Zhiwen, who has learned skills from the system, and they will have some unexpected gains.

Go back to the wooden house, take a star spirit fruit, and walk towards the hospital.

Inside the hospital.

The patients lay quietly on the bed, some of them were still talking and laughing, and they didn't look injured or sick at all.

A few nurses went back and forth among many patients, treating some simple wounds for the patients.

And one of the only two doctors in the doctor, Jin Jinghong happened to be treating a patient with a leg injury, and a group of people surrounded her.

These people, like apprentices in other occupations, were arranged by Chen Er according to the qualifications of the people in the tribe, specially to learn the treatment methods.

One of the advantages of establishing a political power is that Chen Tianhao can share the household registration information with those ministers, and the ministers can arrange work based on the corresponding information.

This gave Chen Tianhao a slack, and he didn't have to arrange everything by himself. The government system was established to assist him in managing the tribal work.

Chen Tianhao only needs to tell or order his ideas to those ministers, and the ministers can implement according to Chen Tianhao's instructions.

The doctor apprentices and nurses in these hospitals are selected in this way.

Chen Tianhao walked to Jin Jinghong's side, and the group was busy listening to Jin Jinghong's explanation of basic knowledge, but did not notice his arrival.

I saw Jin Jinghong took a bottle of green liquid, poured a little liquid on his hand, and explained: "Everyone pay attention, after washing the wound with clean water, apply this repair liquid evenly on the injured area. The location, combined with the environment of the hospital, can greatly enhance the effect of wound healing."

The repair liquid is not a medicine given by the system, it is made by Jin Jinghong and the others through the system knowledge, combined with the plant information given by Chen Tianhao, the plants with repair function, it can be regarded as the most primitive medicine to use.

The apprentices watching Jin Jinghong carefully observed Jin Jinghong's technique, for fear that he might accidentally miss some movements.

Doctors are the profession of saving lives and healing the wounded. No matter how cautious they are, effective medical methods can greatly enhance the survival ability of patients.

After the application was completed, Jin Jinghong tightly wrapped the injured part of the patient with gauze made of plant fibers to prevent the wound from getting infected.

This knowledge was obtained by Jin Jinghong through the system. She also wanted to use clean cloth as a dressing material, but it was only a temporary situation and she could only use it as it was.

The gauze used in today's lecture was still Jin Jinghong's special request to Chen Er to organize the population and weave it stitch by stitch.

This is due to the fact that Chen Tianhao taught the tribe to weave a long time ago. The weaving technology in the tribe has developed relatively well. In the short term, only gauze is enough for hospitals. The main reason for weaving a particular gauze.

It's just that if you want to supply gauze and other items in large quantities, I'm afraid you have to wait until the textile factory is established before you can supply them in large quantities.

After Jin Jinghong treated the wound, someone immediately helped the patient to rest on the vacant bed.

The patient at the side immediately sat down again, filling the position of the patient who had just left.

This patient was injured in a different location from the patient just now, but the wounds are similar, and they were all bitten by other creatures while hunting outside.

Under the crowd's onlookers, Jin Jinghong started a new round of treatment explanations. He didn't know how long it would take for these people to take on the responsibility of treating patients. Chen Tianhao believed that that day would not be too long.

After watching a round of explanations, Chen Tianhao didn't bother Jin Jinghong, left the crowd and walked towards the laboratory inside the hospital.

Before, the hospital was an empty space with only some beds placed in the middle.

Later, from four rooms, one room was used as a warehouse for medical supplies. In the building converted from points, it has the effect of warming in winter and cooling in summer, and can also keep those medicines well preserved.

One of the larger rooms is used as a medical laboratory.

This laboratory is different from the research center. It simply puts some bottles and jars, as well as various herbs, and there are some small animals used for experiments.

The entire laboratory has basically everything it should have except for its simple appearance. This is also the result of Chen Zhiwen and the others obtaining knowledge directly from the system.

Through observation in the past few days, Chen Tianhao found that the knowledge learned by the people in the tribe from the system seemed to be limited to the knowledge he had before his time travel, and no other higher level knowledge was found.

Of course, maybe it's just because of the current conditions that they can't use more advanced skills.

(End of this chapter)

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