spore evolution

Chapter 219 Experiment

Chapter 219 Experiment
Although the laboratory is simple and established for a short period of time, it has invented many things.

As the No.1 of the laboratory, Chen Zhiwen has contributed a lot.

The green repair solution that Chen Tianhao saw while watching was born from this laboratory.

Pushing open the door, although the laboratory is small, there are many busy people inside. Chen Zhiwen is standing by the table, and there is a small stove burning in front of him. What is burning is the recently invented briquette. There is a pot of green liquid in full bloom, and it is impossible to tell what material it is.

Chen Tianhao walked over and stood aside.

Chen Zhiwen has been focusing on the matter in front of him, but he didn't notice that Chen Tianhao came to him. He pointed to the bottle on the other side of the table, and ordered: "Jin Yang, bring the Jin Ling flower liquid that you just pounded out."

Jin Yang, who was on the side, immediately ran over, carefully holding a bowl of red liquid and came over. Chen Tianhao moved aside, Jin Yang whispered hello, and then handed the Jin Ling flower liquid to Chen Zhiwen.

Hearing Jin Yang's greeting, Chen Zhiwen raised his head to find Chen Tianhao, and then said with a little embarrassment: "Patriarch, I'm sorry, I was busy, so I didn't notice you coming."

"It's okay, you can finish this experiment first." Chen Tianhao pointed at the experiment in front of him.

Many experiments pay attention to timeliness. After time, the reaction will change in different ways, so Chen Tianhao asked Chen Zhiwen to finish the experiment first.

"Okay, Patriarch, just wait for a while, I'll finish this experiment soon."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Chen Tianhao's reaction, Chen Zhiwen went back to his pharmaceutical experiment.

Chen Zhiwen first poured the Jin Ling flower liquid into a small bowl prepared on the side, and then poured the liquid in the small bowl into the green liquid in front of him.

After the red liquid was poured in, the tumbling liquid began to calm down.

Chen Zhiwen took a wooden stick and kept stirring to make the chemical reaction between the two liquids more full. Over time, the original green liquid turned into a yellow liquid after the reaction, and the cooled liquid also Bring to a boil again.

When Chen Tianhao thought the experiment was over, he took a step forward and was about to discuss the Xing Lingguo with him.

Chen Zhiwen put down the wooden stick and asked Jin Yang who was beside him, "Bring the water vine root liquid."

Chen Tianhao remembered that the water vine root was a kind of medicinal material that could greatly increase the energy of the water system, and he didn't know what effect Chen Zhiwen added.

Chen Zhiwen took the water vine root liquid, used the bowl he had prepared as a measure again, and put it into the pot.

Every time Chen Tianhao thought that the experiment was over, he always found that Chen Zhiwen had new requests. Later, Chen Tianhao simply watched the experiment slowly from the sidelines.

In this way, I went back and forth almost nine times, and when I stopped completely, it was already an hour later.

At the beginning, Chen Tianhao watched him do experiments with full confidence. He knew all the medicinal materials used by Chen Zhiwen, and he knew them very well.

After all, the medicinal materials that Chen Zhiwen is using now were transmitted to him through Chen Tianhao this time, which can be regarded as a benefit of learning through points, sharing information.

The medicinal materials are familiar, but when they are combined together, Chen Tianhao doesn't know what will happen to them, and he gets bored after seeing them, so he closes his eyes to rest.

Chen Tianhao was resting with his eyes closed, when Chen Zhiwen's excited voice sounded next to his ears, "Patriarch, that's great, it finally succeeded."

"Is it finally done?"

Opening his eyes in a daze, Chen Tianhao was still half asleep and half awake, and vaguely saw a head approaching him.

Before he could fully open his eyes, he heard a series of system prompts beeping continuously.

"Congratulations on finishing making a copy of Nine Transformation Blood Paste."

"Congratulations on getting 1000 points."

"Congratulations on unlocking your profession: pharmacist."

Chen Tianhao opened his eyes wide with surprise on his face. He never thought that the pharmacist he was looking for could be unlocked just like this.

Unlocking the pharmacist was after successfully making the Nine Transformation Blood Ointment. It seems that the ointment Chen Zhiwen made this time was even recognized by the system.

It's really strange, why Chen Zhiwen didn't unlock the profession of pharmacist when he made the repair fluid.

Unlocking the profession of pharmacist means that you can directly use points to learn relevant knowledge from the system, which is a very rare opportunity.

What Chen Tianhao didn't know was that the repairing fluid that Chen Zhiwen produced wasn't useless, but had a considerable effect.

To unlock the profession of pharmacist, you need to successfully produce a certain amount of medicine before you will be recognized by the system as a profession.

It is equivalent to a hidden proficiency in it. Occasionally making successful medicines is not considered a pharmacist. Only when you can skillfully make medicines can it be called a profession.

If Chen Zhiwen made a lot of repair fluids, he would eventually be able to unlock the profession of a pharmacist, but this time he made the nine-transformation blood ointment and successfully stepped on the point, making Chen Tianhao think that the pharmacist was unlocked because of the nine-transformation blood ointment .

"Patriarch? Patriarch!"

Chen Zhiwen saw Chen Tianhao's face full of surprise, but then he seemed to be in a daze, and involuntarily increased his voice.

Chen Tianhao came back to his senses, stood up, and said excitedly: "Good boy, not bad."

Unlocking the profession of pharmacist made him quite excited, and he praised him several times in a row.

Chen Zhiwen thought that Chen Tianhao was happy that he had successfully made the Nine Transformation Blood Ointment, and said with a smile: "It is thanks to the information about the medicinal materials passed down by the patriarch that this can be made successfully."

Seeing that Chen Zhiwen had misunderstood, Chen Tianhao didn't explain much, but walked to the side of the Nine Transformation Blood Ointment that had been made into medicine.

The pot had come down from the stove, and inside it was a thick, inky liquid, like a pot of boiling pitch.

Let me go, is this Nine Transformation Blood Ointment?
I can't see the colorfulness at the beginning, and some of them are just boiled into a pot of black viscous liquid. Those who don't know what they are cooking think they are burnt.

Chen Tianhao didn't even need to use a detector to detect it, he knew that this was the Nine Transformation Blood Ointment. It hadn't cooled down yet, and there was still a trace of heat on the black viscous liquid. He also smelled the smell of traditional Chinese medicine from his previous life.

Chen Zhiwen waved someone to bring a mouse over. Coincidentally, there were also mice in this world, and they did not escape the fate of being experimented on by humans.

"Patriarch, come and see the effect of this medicine."

Chen Zhiwen held a little white mouse firmly with his left hand, and the little white mouse couldn't move in his hand.

Using a bone knife to cut lightly on the mouse's left leg, the bright red blood instantly dyed the white hair red. The pain caused the mouse to move its body crazily, but the body was pinched, and only the limbs slid in the air.

Chen Zhiwen put down the bone knife, ignoring the still hot Nine Transformation Blood Ointment, stretched out his hand and dabbed a little on the mouse's wound.

After painting, the little white mouse unexpectedly calmed down slowly and stopped shaking.

Seeing Chen Zhiwen's actions, Chen Tianhao naturally knew that the other party was testing the efficacy of Nine Transformation Blood Ointment.

It's just that I don't understand that after Chen Zhiwen smeared it, there was no other movement.

(End of this chapter)

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