spore evolution

Chapter 220 9 Transformation Blood Ointment

Chapter 220 Nine Transformation Blood Ointment

The little white mouse was still struggling in Chen Zhiwen's hands, but the strength of the struggle was getting weaker and weaker.

About a minute later, Chen Zhiwen handed the little white mouse to Chen Tianhao's eyes, brushed the hair off the injured part with his hands, and said, "Patriarch, look here."

The original injured area was gone, only a light red mark could be seen.

If it weren't for the white hairs around it being stained red with blood, this location wouldn't be visible at all. More than a minute ago, there was a deep bone scar.

The effect is so good?
Chen Tianhao widened his eyes and looked at the little white mouse. Although the laboratory was set up in the hospital, the wooden house has the bonus of recovering from injuries.

But there is absolutely no such exaggerated effect. When I did the experiment for the first time a few days ago, the person was bitten by an animal. After using the evening primrose liquid given by the system, it took half a day to heal.

This nine transformation blood ointment is much better than evening primrose liquid.

Generally speaking, the things given by the system are much better than those made by Chen Tianhao himself. This is the first thing in Chen Tianhao's tribe that he made better than the system.

The Nine Transformation Blood Ointment is made by Chen Zhiwen based on the information given by Chen Tianhao. He selected a variety of materials and fused them nine times. The refining conditions are very simple, but the refining process is very complicated. It is indeed better than simply boiled evening primrose. The effect of the medicine after preparation is better.

But in general, it still depends on the medicinal materials, like the Star Spirit Fruit that Chen Tianhao held in his hand this time, even if there is only a simple Star Spirit Fruit, the effect is far from comparable to that of the Nine Transformation Blood Cream.

One is only to speed up the healing of wounds, while the other is enough to fully evolve the hundreds of tons of titan pythons. These two are like heaven and earth. They are so different, they are not at the same level.

Although it is far inferior to the Star Spirit Fruit, the effect is also excellent.

If the nine-transformation blood ointment can be produced in large quantities, the survival ability of human beings will be greatly improved.

Think about it, everyone who hunts outside carries such a bottle of Nine-Transformation Blood Ointment with him. When he gets injured, he just wipes it on, and he will be a lively hunter again in a short time.

Although human beings have entered the tribal era, there are still many ferocious beasts outside that will pose a great threat to human life.

This nine-transformation blood ointment is extremely important to the current human beings.

Especially recently, because of the shortage of population, Chen Tianhao planned to ask Jin Yong to push those little guys out to find traces of other tribes.

It may be difficult for Chen Tianhao to find it alone, but with more people, the chances of finding the tribe are much higher.

It's just that people are needed everywhere recently. Except for the little guys trained by Jin Yong, everyone else basically has a job.

In fact, Chen Tianhao just needed to find the tribes, and he didn't want to start a war with those tribes immediately, so those little guys were more than capable of finding people.

Now with the Nine Transformation Blood Paste, it's time for them to go out and find the Horde.

Thinking of this, Chen Tianhao patted Chen Zhiwen's shoulder excitedly and said, "Zhiwen, can you mass-produce this ointment?"

"Patriarch, there is no problem at all. Now that the entire experiment process has been recorded, as long as the raw materials are sufficient, there is no problem in making as many nine-transformation blood ointments."

Chen Zhiwen patted his chest to assure him that he was different from Jin Jinghong. Although both of them had learned treatment methods from the system, compared to Jin Jinghong treating patients, he preferred to do various experiments in the laboratory and study various methods. various drugs.

"That's great, you can just report to Chen Er directly for the materials needed for the Nine Transformation Blood Ointment." Chen Tianhao was very happy with Chen Zhiwen's assurance.

Chen Zhiwen gently put the mouse back into the cage, released the mouse, and scrambled into the pile of mice in a panic, causing a commotion.

From the healthy figure of the little white mouse, it was completely impossible to tell that it had been injured not long ago.

"Patriarch, what do you want from me?" Chen Zhiwen remembered that Chen Tianhao had something to ask him for.

Chen Tianhao picked up the Star Spirit Fruit from the side and said: "No, this is it, you must already know what it is, do you think you can refine it into medicine?"


Chen Zhiwen knew about Xing Lingguo, and Chen Tianhao’s records of medicinal materials contained various information about Xingling Fruit in detail. He was very interested in medicinal materials that can promote biological evolution, but he felt that the Xingling Fruit in Chen Tianhao’s hand Contrary to the information he got, he asked suspiciously: "Patriarch, this doesn't seem to be an ordinary star fruit, does it?"

Ripe star spirit fruit will not emit light after leaving the star spirit tree, but now the star spirit fruit in Chen Tianhao's hand is shining with blue light, as if a blue electric elf is dancing on it.

"Well, it's not an ordinary Star Fruit, the current name should be Star Fruit (Thunder)."

Chen Tianhao handed over the Star Spirit Fruit (Lei).

"Hey, it hurts."

Before touching the Star Spirit Fruit, Chen Zhiwen felt like he was getting an electric shock.

You must know that human beings are animals that use electricity, and they are extremely resistant to electricity. Ordinary electricity is not a big problem for humans. The electric aura emitted by this star spirit fruit (thunder) actually caused him to be hurt. .

"Ah?" Chen Tianhao held the Star Spirit Fruit (Thunder) by himself, and didn't feel any discomfort, and even felt a little comfortable.

This is troublesome, if you can't even touch it, how can you refine medicine.

Chen Zhiwen could see that Chen Tianhao attached great importance to the star spirit fruit (thunder), and wanted to help Chen Tianhao refine the medicine, and wanted to try it himself, so he suggested to Chen Tianhao: "Patriarch, are you using this to refine the medicine for evolution? Otherwise, you put the star fruit (thunder) here, and I will study it."

Chen Tianhao nodded and said: "Alright, then this star spirit fruit (thunder) will be put here for you."

Although there are a total of eight Star Spirit Fruits, each one is extremely precious, unless you find another Star Spirit Tree that is about to grow, otherwise, you don't know how to get it again in the Year of the Monkey.

"Patriarch, don't worry, I will definitely refine the medicine you want." Chen Zhiwen patted his chest hard.

I don't know when it was an old problem. When everyone assured Chen Tianhao, they were patting their own chests. For a while, Chen Tianhao thought that the one standing in front of him was an orangutan.

Chen Tianhao gently put the star spirit fruit (thunder) in a jar, and said: "Zhiwen, the evolution medicine needed in the tribe depends on you."

"Don't worry, the patriarch will complete the task."

"Use it boldly. I still have it when I use it up. Ask me if it's not enough." Chen Tianhao said grandly.

In fact, his heart was bleeding after talking about it. There are only eight pills in total, and if you use one, you will lose one. It is just the research of medicine and the research of different buildings, and there are blueprints for their reference.

Normally, there would be corresponding formulas for them to research, but Chen Tianhao searched the entire system mall, but did not find any formulas for medicines, so now he can only rely on himself to research medicines.

No investment, where to harvest.

"Well, in each experiment, use a smaller amount, and then use a larger dose when it is mature." Before Chen Zhiwen could respond, Chen Tianhao added another sentence, then remembered something, and explained: "The star spirit fruit (thunder) contains The energy is very large, you need to research the evolution medicine for one person."

(End of this chapter)

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