spore evolution

Chapter 221 Explore

Chapter 221 Explore
After instructing Chen Zhiwen to use the Star Spirit Fruit leisurely, he used the points to let the three of them learn the healing skills.

These three people all have intermediate skills, which can be regarded as a pleasant surprise. You must know that in order to obtain intermediate skills, you can quickly obtain them through points, and you need to spend a lot of money to upgrade from elementary to intermediate.

It requires extremely high talent and a lot of experience, which requires a lot of time to accumulate.

Unlocked the profession of pharmacist, and also allowed three people to learn pharmacy.

I don't know if the profession of pharmacist has just been unlocked. All three of them have only unlocked the primary pharmaceutical skills.

In order to allow Chen Zhiwen to study pharmaceuticals better, Chen Tianhao exchanged for a wooden house again, and increased the usable area of ​​the wooden house to 500 square meters.

In this way, Chen Zhiwen does not need to be crowded in one place, and the hospital also increases to 500 square meters.

At this point, the laboratory and the hospital are officially separated.

Chen Zhiwen, as the leader of the laboratory, led the three new students plus other personnel to start researching evolutionary medicine and other necessary medicines.

Jin Jinghong, as the leader of the hospital, led other people to treat the injured. In terms of treatment, it was not only about trauma treatment, but also involved many other aspects of treatment.

For example, what is currently considered terminally ill: a series of diseases such as cold, fever, and viral infection.

After successfully making the nine-transformation blood ointment once, the second production was quite smooth, almost perfectly replicating the first experimental results, and the recipe for making the nine-transformation blood ointment was also recorded.

In the next few days, Chen Tianhao asked Jin Yong to take the little guys in a team of five, carrying the newly made nine-transformation blood ointment, and go to various directions outside the tribe to find news about other tribes.

When asking them to find the tribe, let them bring back some plants they haven't seen before, so that they can record the information of these medicinal materials together.

And Chen Tianhao himself went outside to find the whereabouts of other tribes, but his method of finding tribes was different from others, he was the same as before, slowly exploring on the ground.

This will help him identify more plants and increase his tribal territory.

Originally, he could also fly in the air, so the speed of finding it was much faster, but flying in the sky, the places he passed in this way could not increase the territory of the tribe.

He remembered that one of the conditions was to increase the research center, finding new tribes, and a certain territory was also one of the conditions, both of which were indispensable.

Chen Tianhao entrusted Jin Yong with the task of finding other tribe members, while he himself struggled on the ground to increase the territory of the tribe.

Of course, identifying plants is also one of his important tasks.

The appearance of the Nine Transformation Blood Ointment made him understand the importance of various medicinal materials, otherwise you would put a treasure of heaven and earth in front of him, and he would not know it and would not be able to get it.

Just like the star fruit, if you don't know the specific characteristics, even if others encounter it, they won't be able to get it.

Jin Yong was very excited about the exploration mission assigned by Chen Tianhao. After coming to the tribe these days, he felt almost decadent.

In fact, when he was the tribal chief himself, he was almost quite boring. He would bask in the sun every day, and occasionally he would lead the tribe to find troubles with other creatures when he was free.

Now Jin Yong's work and rest in the tribe is similar to before. It's just that seeing other people working in full swing, he himself is too embarrassed to be idle, but he doesn't like the work other people do.

Although he has become the Minister of War, he still prefers to fight outside. After training those little guys these days, he also wants to find a reason to fight outside.

Chen Tianhao's mission was just given a reason.

Jin Yong happily accepted the task, and quickly sent those little guys out.

Although Jin Yong has the existence of fighters lurking in his bones, he is still very concerned about the safety of those little guys.

On the playground where we set off in the morning, Jin Yong stood in front of a neatly lined team and said with a straight face: "Everyone, I believe you already know about this mission. Our mission this time is to go outside to find other Our kindred tribe."

After a pause, the entire team was silent, except for the constant noise of logging and construction not far away, there was no other sound.

"You can look for other tribes from the air or on the ground. After you find them, don't disturb them. You just need to remember the location and come back and tell me." Jin Yong said sternly, "Remember, save your life outside It's the first thing that matters."

Although Jin Yong usually trains very strictly, and in the tribe, no matter how much he trains, he will not be in danger of his life, but outside, he cannot guarantee that there will be no other dangers.

Generally speaking, before hunting in the tribe, adults brought some young people with them, and only after they became proficient would they hunt outside with other friends.

Like now, it can be said to be the first time, but now they are all in groups of five or five. When exploring, it is estimated that most of them are flying in the air. Compared with the ground, the danger in the air is much lower.

And even if they are in danger, humans can fly very fast and can escape back.

So, this mission looks dangerous, but it is not as dangerous as imagined. You say it is safe, but it also has a certain degree of danger.

As the son of the patriarch, Chen Feng did not avoid this mission, and started this exploration mission in a small group.

The exploration time of the exploration team starts in the morning and returns in the evening to complete the day's exploration tasks.

Bring some dried meat and a water bag as your lunch. This is a consistent practice in the tribe. It is carried in this way when fighting outside. After a long period of development, dried meat and a water bag have become the standard equipment for combatants outside. .

After the invention of pottery, the dietary level of the tribe has been greatly improved. It is no longer a single combination of dried meat, but the easy-to-carry feature of dried meat has always been an important food for field workers.

In addition to these this time, each exploration team also brought a small bag of nine-transformation blood paste as a backup.

I don't know if Chen Tianhao's tribe is too remote, or the world is too big. After several days of exploration, the exploration team did not find any traces of other tribes, but brought back many plants.

There are quite a few plants, but there are many repeated plants, and some known plants also account for the vast majority.

The plant information collected by Chen Tianhao can only be shared with Jin Yong, and the little guys below cannot see these plant information, which has led to the fact that many of the plants collected by the exploration team are already the plants on the information.

Each exploration team explores in different directions, not knowing that other teams have already collected the corresponding plants, which is the main reason for duplication.

Most of the unknown plants were brought back by Jin Yong. Although most of the plants were duplicated, the plant information was added very quickly, and the plant types in the plant information doubled several times at once.

(End of this chapter)

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