spore evolution

Chapter 222 Farming

Chapter 222 Farming
Chen Tianhao's task for the past few days is to explore plants outside during the day to increase the territory, and come back at night to identify the plants brought back by the exploration team.

The identifier is very convenient to use, but it has a shortcoming, it needs to be targeted one by one, so at night, Chen Tianhao needs to detect those plants one by one.

This detection is not a trivial task. The detection team brought back hundreds of plants, if not hundreds.

Chen Tianhao needs to check one by one, and also needs to check other plants mixed in the plants, so as not to miss them.

Sometimes even if he sees similar plants, he dare not easily conclude that they are the same plant, because when testing, he will find that they are obviously similar plants, but they have two completely different and completely opposite medicinal properties.

One is a tonic for humans, and the other is a poison.

So even if there is an authenticator, you still can't be sloppy, and identify them one by one slowly.

But the good thing is that the types of plants began to decrease a lot later in the day. The exploration team almost divided the surrounding plants into categories, and only occasionally could they see unknown plants.

The living environment in the tribe developed rapidly. Within a few days, every family lived in a spacious and bright wooden house, and no longer had to be crowded in the dark and damp cave.

Some families may have more members, and living in a [-]-square-meter wooden house is slightly smaller, but at least they don't have to sleep in a humid cave.

Especially after the merger with the Jinyong tribe, the originally narrow caves became more crowded, causing most people to go back to sleep only at night, and now they can enjoy spacious and bright rooms at any time.

Now everyone has lived in wooden houses, but the construction of wooden houses has not stopped.

On the one hand, it is for everyone to live more spaciously, and it is also for those apprentices to have the opportunity to practice.

There were trees all around, and the apprentices took advantage of this opportunity to hone their craft.

In the past few days, large-scale construction of wooden houses has also completed the construction of wooden houses in the task chain of building homes.

The wooden house is relatively simple, with only 3000 reward points and no other blueprints.

After several days of consumption and rewards, so far Chen Tianhao's total points reached 13900 points.

It can be regarded as a rich man, and he also has surplus in the construction of various buildings.

When there were no new buildings to build, he did not waste his points casually. On the premise of ensuring the development of the tribe, he focused on completing the task chain.

Of the six tasks in the previous task chain, there are only two tasks left at this time, one is to build three military camps, and the other is to build three farmlands.

Originally thought that the task of "building a homeland" was a task chain. After completing some tasks, the task would be continuously updated.

But after the completion, there are no new tasks. Chen Tianhao speculates that the new tasks may be generated after completing these six tasks, or it may be because the follow-up tasks require relevant trigger conditions.

It is also possible that it is not the two reasons guessed above, but other reasons.

But no matter what the reason was, Chen Tianhao decided to complete the two tasks above the task chain first.

There are currently two ways to complete buildings.

One is to use the drawings provided by the system, and then use the research room to study the specific construction method, and the construction workers will build the building through accurate drawings.

However, when the research room has developed a specific construction method, it can also be exchanged for points.But in general, you need to have blueprints first, and then study the specific construction methods. It can be regarded as the same method, but the branches are different.

The second method is to build it by Chen Tianhao himself through his own organization of personnel. With this method of construction, there are no precise drawings, and the buildings constructed may be different.

In fact, the second type is the normal development. Didn’t those human beings in the previous life complete various buildings little by little in this way?

On the contrary, the first route is not the normal development route. Of course, the first route with the help of the system is the fastest development.

If there is the first kind of development, of course it is the first choice.

Chen Tianhao searched the system mall several times, but there was nothing else to exchange except for the few new blueprints he got recently.

Some blueprints that have been successfully researched, such as wooden houses, have also been cleaned up and exchange services are no longer provided.

There is no redeemable item, no matter how many points you have in hand, it is useless.

If there is no corresponding drawing to study, then you can only rely on yourself to create.

The first thing Chen Tianhao wanted to complete was the farmland mission. Compared with the military camp, the farmland mission was much simpler.

Moreover, he had long wanted to artificially cultivate the rice. There was a large piece of rice found near the Jinyong tribe, but if he didn't grow it himself, no matter how much rice he had, it would be consumed quickly.

Especially after Chen Tianhao tasted rice in this world, he never wanted to return to the era of pure meat.

When the rice was discovered for the first time, Chen Tianhao ordered his tribe to collect some rice seeds.

Planting rice needs to choose a better place. The growth process of rice requires a lot of water. It is necessary to choose a place closer to the river, which is convenient for irrigation, and a flat place is also needed.

Chen Tianhao used the holographic map to check several places, but he was not very satisfied. There are some flat places around his tribe.

It's just that those places are not particularly ideal.

In the end, he still chose the place where he found wild rice. The only disadvantage of that place is that it is far away from the tribe.

Seeing that it can grow such a large area without artificial planting, it can be seen that this place is an excellent place for rice.

Chen Tianhao asked people to burn the harvested seedlings on the spot, and controlled the burning range so that the fire did not burn the remaining rice.

The weather is fine today, the seedlings burn quickly, and the ashes from the seedlings are natural fertilizers.

Farmers in the past and ancient times often used the ashes after burning as fertilizer, and planted various plants on the burned ground, and the growth was particularly good.

Even in the 90s, it was common to see farmers burning seedlings on the spot in rural areas as one of the fertilizers for the next planting.

The land that had just been burnt must not be sown immediately, so Chen Tianhao had to wait until the next day.

Early the next morning.

Chen Tianhao organized more than [-] people to come to the place that was burnt yesterday. After one night, the ashes had completely cooled down.

Under Chen Tianhao's command, he took a bronze hoe that had just come out of the oven and began to rummage the area.

Chen Tianhao himself took a hoe and hoeed vigorously on the ground, with a voice in his mouth, "Hey".

The bronze hoe ate steadily into the soil, and he tried to bring the soil out, but failed.

Then I put in more effort to bring out a handful of soil, but it was too much force.

Chen Tianhao found that the blade of the bronze hoe was bent a lot, "I'm going, what's going on? The ground is too hard, right?"

Turn around and look at other people. Although the ground has been turned up, the tools in your hands are all bent in different sizes.

 Too busy today, too late to work overtime, come back to make up a chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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