spore evolution

Chapter 223 Smelter Research Success

Chapter 223 Smelter Research Success

I'm going, why is it so hard?
The land was unexpectedly hard, and the newly baked bronze hoe in his hand was also unexpectedly soft.

This is how to do?
In this way, let alone opening up wasteland, I am afraid that these hoes will be useless before they have been hoed a few times.

The smelter has not yet been researched, and these hoes are slowly accumulated by manpower. The hoes in everyone's hands are already the result of full production in the past few days.

This place was able to grow rice before, which shows that it is not as hard as imagined. It seems that the hoe in the hand is too soft.

Chen Tianhao also thought about using iron ore to make ironware.

I once discovered the existence of iron ore sporadically, and found some iron ore to test. Unfortunately, the melting point of iron ore is too high. Even if I use a blast furnace, I can't refine the iron material I need. In the end, I can only give up temporarily and continue refining. copper ore.

If you want to really smelt iron ore, you have to wait until the smelter is established before you can smelt iron.

Now Chen Tianhao can only rely on the bronze hoe in his hand.

Since there is no way to strengthen the tools in hand, it can only soften the ground.

By the way, splashing some water would definitely be much better.

after an hour.

With the help of the water storage beast, the land was overturned at once.

After digging the ground, Chen Tianhao didn't know how to sow the seeds.

In the most clumsy way, he evenly spread the prepared seeds on the newly opened land.

After the seeds are scattered, cover them with a thin layer of soil to prevent some birds from picking up the seeds.

After the last piece of soil was covered, Chen Tianhao immediately heard a system prompt.

"Congratulations on building a farm."

"Congratulations on your points: 1000 points."

Sure enough, as Chen Tianhao imagined, the task can be completed in this way.

"Great, just get two more rice fields to complete the task."

With the previous experience, it took more than an hour to open up the second and third farmland.

"Congratulations on completing the mission: Farmland."

"Congratulations on your points: 1000 points."

"Congratulations on getting a workshop blueprint."

Immediately after completing the mission, Chen Tianhao opened the mission chain.

There is only one lonely task left on the task chain, and there is no new task updated as he thought.

Although there were no new tasks, Chen Tianhao decided to continue with the remaining tasks and not wait for new blueprints to appear.

Farmland can also be said to open up a piece of wasteland and sow seeds to become a piece of farmland.

But the building of the barracks, without the help of research blueprints, relying on one's own ability, how should one build it?
First of all, it can be understood literally, just like farmland, the system is always guiding itself to build buildings that help the development of the race.

Then the military camp can be understood as providing effective military power within the tribe.

According to Chen Tianhao's thinking, the barracks must be a place to train soldiers, but if they want to build one, they really don't know how to do it.

Chen Tianhao first exchanged a wooden house from the system, chose a place to lean on the mountain wall to put it down, and then asked the construction workers to enclose a place in front of the wooden house as a playground for training.

Then he asked the construction workers to build a lot of exercise tools on the playground according to his ideas and with the stones transported from the mining field.

Similarly, after putting down the last batch of tools, the system also recognized his simple barracks.

"Congratulations on building a barracks."

"Congratulations on your points: 1000 points."

Chen Tianhao was dumbfounded, it was all right, he just put together things randomly, and had already planned to wait until the blueprints of the military camp appeared in the future before building.

He built two other military camps in the same way. With the lessons learned from the livestock farm, he spread out the military camps to prevent future halos from being wasted.

There is no place to relocate buildings that you build yourself, like buildings with points, and you can relocate to a designated place by spending some points.

"Congratulations on completing the mission: Barracks."

"Congratulations on your points: 2000 points."

"Congratulations on getting a copy of the weapons factory blueprint."

Similarly, Chen Tianhao also checked the task chain for the first time, but unfortunately the task chain was still empty.

If the mission is not completed, the mission will disappear, but the mission chain is still there, and he wonders if there is really no mission.

After completing all the tasks, there were no new tasks, and he continued to explore the work around the tribe.

In the days when there were no missions, Chen Tianhao couldn't find a new motivation. He also used to wander around to see if he could trigger some missions as before.

It's just that the system seems to have disappeared around him these past few days, no matter where he goes, no new tasks are triggered.

If it weren't for him to be able to exchange buildings normally, he doubted that the system had really disappeared.

It seems that the triggering conditions of the system tasks have not been met, no longer entangled, and live a normal life, while the tribe is busy doing their own work, everyone's face is full of smiles.

Chen Tianhao has been busy completing tasks these days and has no time to control the Titan Python, but he doesn't need to.

These days the titanboa was very amazed by the tribe, and spent every day in amazement.

The people in the tribe knew that the Titan Python was brought back by Chen Tianhao, and they were not afraid of his snake-skin-covered face. Instead, some little guys were very curious about this human being different from themselves.

Jin Yong sent some little guys out to look for traces of other tribes, but those were older or stronger people, and most of the children stayed in the tribe to play.

Without Jin Yong's discipline, these children's play time increased a lot, and only then did they have time to play with the titan python.

Titan python used to live alone, but now he finds that there are so many children playing with him, and he is also very happy and gets carried away.

On the afternoon of the fourth day, Chen Wen, the director of the second research center, informed Chen Tianhao that the smelter had been successfully researched.

Chen Tianhao took out a new research blueprint from the system space and gave it to Chen Wen. It was a blueprint for a weapons factory.

He knew the personalities of researchers like Chen Wen, and when they encountered new blueprints, they would always start their own work as soon as possible.

Originally, he didn't want to give it to Chen Wen so quickly, but in the end he did.

When Chen Wen left, Chen Tianhao patted Chen Wen on the shoulder and said, "Chen Wen, go and rest for a while, don't worry about the next blueprint research."

"Okay, patriarch."

Chen Wen responded.

There will be rest, it's just a difference in the length of time.

When an enthusiastic researcher has a research task in his hand, how can he rest with peace of mind, and it really hasn't passed three hours.

Chen Tianhao got a specific research task from the weapons factory.

(End of this chapter)

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