spore evolution

Chapter 224 The Wooden Bridge Problem

Chapter 224 The Wooden Bridge Problem
As soon as they returned to the tribe, they rushed to the first research center. Chen Yi and the others worked hard at the research center. They were all working hard there, and they didn't even notice anyone coming from the side.

Counting it, today is the tenth day of the wooden bridge research, and according to the estimated time, it should be the completion time.

Entering the research center, looking at their exhausted looks, they probably haven't finished it yet, but if they really want to finish it, there is no need to wait for Chen Tianhao to ask, Chen Yi will definitely notify Chen Tianhao as soon as possible.

Originally, when the smelter was not built, the manual handling of coal mines was enough for the tribe to use, but now not only the smelter plant needs a lot of coal mines, but also daily life needs a lot of coal mines, so Chen Tianhao had to come to consult the wooden bridge's research progress.

"Chen Yi, how is the wooden bridge research going? Is there anything I can help you with?"

Chen Tianhao patted Chen Yi's shoulder lightly.

Chen Yi, who was concentrating on calculating a certain formula, was taken aback. Looking back, he found that it was Chen Tianhao, and replied in a low voice: "Patriarch, I'm sorry, I couldn't complete the task as expected."

Chen Tianhao looked at Chen Yi's eyes covered with bright red bloodshot eyes, not only Chen Yi alone, but the other three people were also covered with bloodshot eyes, but everyone's spirit seemed to be very fanatical, and they kept counting on the table. All kinds of formulas have a spirit of never giving up until the goal is achieved.

"It's okay, you need to pay attention to your body. Tell me, what problems are you encountering now? See if I can help you solve it."

Chen Tianhao consulted in a low voice, Chen Yi and the others may not be able to do the research, but after all, they have seen some wooden bridges, and there is also systematic help. As long as there is a goal, no matter what, a solution can be found.

Chen Yi picked up a blueprint and said, "Patriarch, in fact, 250% of the task of the 90.00-meter wooden bridge has been completed, and now there is only one key pier left to be completed."

After receiving the drawing, it was an overall structural drawing of the wooden bridge. The 250-meter-long bridge was finely divided into dozens of smaller pieces, each of which had a pier standing on the river, and each piece had detailed dimensions marked. This is from The dimensions learned by the system.

Looking left and right at the blueprints he brought, he didn't see anything wrong with the blueprints. Chen Tianhao pointed to the wooden bridge piers on the blueprints and asked, "Chen Yi, isn't the bridge piers complete?"

"Patriarch, you don't know. The wooden bridge piers you see now are our temporary practice. After calculation, they cannot bear too much weight. And you, the patriarch, said that the wooden bridge was built for the coal mine on the other side of the river. Wooden bridges can only pass people, not goods.”

In fact, most of the design drawings of the wooden bridge have already been designed. In order to increase the load-bearing capacity of the wooden bridge, Chen Yi and the four of them have been thinking hard here, and have been calculating what kind of structure can increase the load-bearing capacity.

Chen Tianhao asked: "This is indeed a trouble, so is there any way to increase the load-bearing capacity of the wooden bridge?"

The main function of the wooden bridge is to transport coal mines. Without this function, there is no need to build bridges. Everyone in the tribe can fly, and a small river cannot stop human beings from advancing.

Chen Yi replied: "There are two main things we can do to improve the load-bearing capacity of the wooden bridge. One is to design a more stable structure. But this time, we have designed many structures for the wooden bridge. The drawings we have now have been calculated. It is the structure with the largest load-bearing and the highest security."

"What about the second method?"

"The second method is to replace the material, from a wooden bridge to a bridge made of other materials, such as a stone bridge."

Chen Tianhao frowned. Of course, he also knew that bridges made of other materials would have a higher load-bearing capacity, but the current difficulty is that such a simple structure as a wooden bridge cannot be built. Can a more advanced bridge be built?

He thought of the newly built smelter, and some new materials came out. He wondered if it was possible to replace some key load-bearing structures so that their load-bearing capacity could be greatly improved, so he asked: "Chen Yi, it is impossible to completely replace the materials. Yes, a lot of new materials have been released in the tribe recently, see if you can replace the materials of the load-bearing parts to increase the load-bearing capacity."

"Great, of course, what materials are there?"

Chen Daxi, the difficulties for many days will finally be resolved.

On weekdays, he is always researching in the research center, and even if he takes a break occasionally, he is still in the lounge, and he doesn't know much about what happened to the outside world.

"A lot of stone, bronze, and a small amount of iron, which material do you think you need?"

Chen Tianhao didn't know what materials Chen Yi needed to strengthen the wooden bridge, so he mentioned all the materials that Chen Yi had recently.

"Is there iron? Iron material is the most suitable."

It was beyond Chen Yi's expectation to hear that there was iron in the tribe.

"Then you redesign the load-bearing parts according to the iron material." Chen Tianhao suggested without blinking, "In fact, you still need to rest for a while, you don't know that there are new materials in the tribe, and you still need to get in touch with the latest technology for research. , so as to develop faster.”

In fact, the smelter had just been established in the past two days, and there was only a small amount of iron ore. Even if Chen Yi came out, he would not know so quickly that there was already a small amount of iron in the tribe.

But even if he didn't know the existence of iron materials, at least he could know the existence of bronze ware, which would allow him to find replacement materials.

Chen Yi confidently replied loudly: "Please don't worry, the patriarch, change the blueprint immediately, and you can come out at night."

As the only one in the tribe with advanced research skills, Chen Yi's research level is definitely not bad. What restricts him more is the problem of materials. After solving the problem of materials, the rest is just a trivial matter for him.

Leave the research center and find Chen Wu and Chen Er.

Now the construction of the entire tribe is under the management of Chen Wu. Except for some necessary constructions, which Chen Tianhao intervenes, Chen Wu will handle the rest.

On the one hand, it was to cultivate Chen Wu's management ability, and on the other hand, it also allowed him to break away from these tedious things and do other more important things.

Chen Er was in charge of some logistics and personnel arrangements. Under the arrangement of Chen Er and Chen Wu, the development of the entire tribe was now in order.

"The wooden bridge will be researched soon. I will build the bridge when the time comes. Chen Er will send some stronger animals to help transport the coal mine to the smelter. Chen Wu, you can also increase your horsepower to enter the production stage."

Chen Tianhao, who came back from the outside, was a little hungry, holding a piece of meat pie in his hand, and said vaguely while eating the meat pie.

"Okay, patriarch." The two responded in unison.

(End of this chapter)

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