spore evolution

Chapter 225 Building a Wooden Bridge

Chapter 225 Building a Wooden Bridge

The research on the wooden bridge is very fast, and the previous main structure has basically been completed, as long as the main part is replaced with steel.

Not long after Chen Tianhao gave orders to Chen Er and the others, news came that the wooden bridge research was successful.

"Patriarch, we succeeded. Thanks to your arrival, the research on the wooden bridge was still completed as scheduled."

Stepping on the last few hours of the tenth day, Chen Yi led his team to complete the research task.

"Great, but it's getting late, do you want to have dinner together?"

The day passed quickly, and suddenly it was dusk. I just ate a piece of meat pie and stuffed my stomach. It was time to eat, so Chen Tianhao suggested.


After completing the wooden bridge research task, Chen Yi was very happy. After the work, he was exhausted for many days, and he even staggered when he walked.

Chen Tianhao stretched out his hand to support him, and said, "Be careful."

Chen Baiyun, Chen Shitou, and Chen Ling's spiritual outlook was much better, and a group of five came to Chen Tianhao's house.

In the yard, a fire was burned in the middle, and a huge root-digging animal leg was placed on it to roast.

The titan python took some seasoning and spread it on it, then rolled the roast meat, and when the roast meat was roasted until golden, he immediately took a knife, cut a piece from the top, and quickly put it into his mouth.

"Well, it smells good."

The titan python ate the roast meat contentedly.

The Titan python who had just eaten a piece of barbecue saw Chen Tianhao and the others coming, and immediately greeted him: "Brother, come, let's have barbecue tonight."

The titan python's food intake was really too large, and no one else had time to make food for him. In the end, the main food was barbecue, but even so, it was still not enough for the titan python.

In the end, the titan python built a barbecue pile and grilled meat by himself.

"Boa, go inside and get some chairs."

Then, Chen Tianhao greeted Chen Yi and the others, peeled some barbecue meat on a plate, and handed it to them.

Chen Yi's eating habits were relatively civilized. Everyone took a plate and cut and grilled meat with their own knives, just like the meat sandwiches at the roadside stalls in their previous lives.

"Well, it's quite delicious." Chen Yi ate his mouth full of oil.

After a while, the titanboa took a chair out of the house.

Chen Feng was still exploring the situation of the new tribe outside, and Chen Tianhua was still guiding them in the second research center. Now a group of six people gathered around the fire and had a small bonfire party.

When the Titan Python entered the tribe, Chen Yi and the others were all in the research center and didn't know each other yet.

As Chen Tianhao's daughter, Chen Ling already knew her, and she had seen the terrifying appetite of the titan python.

After Chen Tianhao's introduction, the two parties became acquainted.

Tonight, the titan python didn't eat much barbecue, most of it was barbecue for others.

"Big python, are you full? It's not like your style."

Looking suspiciously at the Titan Python, Chen Tianhao asked suspiciously.

"It's okay, you guys eat, I'll continue to roast." The titan python smiled and kept rolling the barbecue in his hands.

He was very happy to see other people enjoying his barbecue. He was happier in the past few days in the tribe than any time before.

Chen Tianhao wanted to help with the barbecue, but was stopped by the Titan Python.

He had no choice but to give up and let Titan Python go alone.

Although the barbecue was delicious, the food intake of the five people was not large. They only ate half of the whole big root-digging leg, and the rest usually fell into the belly of the titan python.

After dinner, each went back to his own home to rest, while the titan python continued to carry out his barbecue plan in the yard.

The next morning, I came to the narrowest part of the mother river.

Today, Chen Tianhao plans to build a wooden bridge at this location.

He didn't plan to let the construction workers build the wooden bridge and exchange it for the wooden bridge from the mall.

Chen Tianhao looked at the exchange price of the wooden bridge with distress, and it actually reached 3000 points. Fortunately, Chen Tianhao is a rich man now, otherwise he would really be ruthless to use the points to exchange. bridge.

Operate on the holographic map and place the wooden bridge in the specified position.

After 5 minutes, a wooden bridge appeared out of thin air in the originally rushing river. The wooden bridge was about ten meters wide and protected by guardrails on both sides.

Chen Tianhao took a special look at the position of the pier, and found that the main part of the pier was indeed made of steel.

Before, Chen Tianhao was skeptical about the building where the points were exchanged, thinking that it was done in advance.

But now that the steel pier of the wooden bridge is found, it shows that the building where the points are exchanged is indeed made according to the blueprints researched by the research center.

The key positions of the wooden bridge were exactly the positions that Chen Yi temporarily changed yesterday.

When Chen Tianhao was building the wooden bridge, Chen Erzao had already dispatched a group of people, ten horse-drawn carts using root diggers as cart animals, filled them with coal mines, and made preparations on the opposite side of the river.

"Chen Er, the wooden bridge is officially open to traffic."

Chen Tianhao used chat software to notify Chen Er on the other side of the river.

The carriage pulled by the root-digger began to slowly move towards the wooden bridge. The two carriages moved side by side, and the speed was not fast, about five kilometers.

Ten carriages, like a huge beast, crawled forward on the wooden bridge.

Chen Tianhao watched the wooden bridge carefully to see if the wooden bridge could really bear so much weight.

Although Chen Yi repeatedly assured that after the material was replaced, the load-bearing capacity of the wooden bridge could reach [-] tons at the same time to walk on it.

Ten carriages, with a weight of more than ten tons at most, is far from reaching the design limit.

The theoretical weight of the wooden bridge can reach a load of [-] tons, and the wooden bridge redeemed with points exceeds this data.

Ten carriages walked on it, and the wooden bridge did not shake at all, standing firmly above the mother river.

When the ten carriages passed the wooden bridge steadily, Chen Wu stood at the head of the bridge and cheered, "It's a success."

This wooden bridge mainly solves the various raw materials needed by the smelter. The appearance of the wooden bridge can not only transport coal mines, but also transport various other materials.

Before there were wooden bridges, the transportation of all materials relied on manpower.

Not to mention the waste of human resources, there are not many materials to transport.

The smelter has officially entered the standard smelting mode, and all kinds of iron tools needed in the tribe can be used one after another.

The wooden bridge is just being put into operation, no longer pay attention.

Give Chen Yi the blueprint of the meat processing plant. For Chen Yi who is already familiar with it, this kind of blueprint is not too difficult.

Research Mission: Meat Processing Plant
Research explanation: The first-level factory can process meat to make the shelf life of meat longer.

Number of researchers: 4 people

Estimated completion time: Three days.

Estimated success rate: 100% (original success rate 50% + bonus success rate 50%)

The success rate reaches 100%, without any risk of failure.

(End of this chapter)

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