spore evolution

Chapter 226 Human?

Chapter 226 Human?

A meandering river flows through the dense forest. The river brings vitality to the forest. Countless animals rely on the river to survive and multiply.

There are countless kinds of animals on the planet, but few races have truly embarked on the road to civilization.

Jin Yong led Chen Feng and the others to search along the direction of the river for nearly ten days.

During these ten days, Jin Yong encountered many animals, including many animals that he had never seen in the tribe before.

However, Jin Yong didn't find the human tribe he hoped to meet, not to mention the human tribe, he had never even met other tribes, as if they were the only tribe in this world.

Jin Yong has encountered a group of animals living together in the past few days, and various aspects have indicated that this group of animals is the tribe he is looking for.

However, when he observed closely, he found that these creatures were only similar in appearance. After careful evaluation, the brain level of this group of animals was more than three levels. If given a certain period of time, this group of animals would eventually embark on the road of civilization and evolve into a tribe.

Above the forest, four creatures with blue wings passed by like a slow meteor, startling the surrounding creatures.

These four creatures with blue wings belonged to Jin Yong and his party. The four of them were not moving fast, and they kept looking at the startled creatures below.

"Instructor Jin, when are we going to find out?"

It was Chen Feng who spoke, and he was very happy when he was first assigned to go outside to find the tribe.

Going out looking means no more intense training.

And after Chen Feng went out with Jin Yong, he really didn't need to train any more. Only when he encountered some creatures occasionally, Jin Yong would selectively let him fight with each other to exercise his actual fighting ability.

It’s just that it’s tiring to go out too much, because not only do you have to fight other creatures, but you also need to pick some unknown plants, and then you need to pay attention to the movements of other creatures, which is no easier than training in the tribe.

It is even more difficult than in the tribe. No matter how hard the training is in the tribe, as long as you rest in the lounge for a while, you will be alive again after a while.

But it's not good in the forest. Not only does it not have the warm spring feeling in the lounge, but it also needs to be alert to the surrounding situation at all times.

Once, when fighting against other creatures, he was accidentally caught off guard by the opponent and suffered a lot of injuries. This was the result of Jin Yong's assistance. If he had to meet that creature alone, he would have died. Mourning Huangquan.

Suffered a lot of injuries in the wild, so it must be dealt with quickly. Fortunately, each team carried a lot of freshly baked nine-transformation blood ointment with them. It is not as effective as a wooden house in terms of recovery from injuries, but it can be regarded as good in the wild. Very good healing effect.

It wasn't just that Chen Feng had been injured, the team who searched for the tribe in the wild had basically suffered minor injuries. In the sky, human beings have no major natural enemies, but when the team searched on the ground, there were a large number of creatures that could deal with it. Humans cause harm.

Fortunately, with the existence of Nine Transformation Blood Paste, they suffered a lot of injuries, but there was no downsizing.

If the injury is a little serious, as long as you go back at night and go to the hospital for treatment, you will be back to normal the next day.

The hospitals in the tribe have frighteningly high technology. This kind of ordinary trauma is not a big deal in the hospital. With the cooperation of various medicines produced in the laboratory, it will hardly affect the activities of the next day.

The speed of the four of them was not fast, but the sound of the wind whizzed past his ears. Seeing that Jin Yong didn't respond, Chen Feng couldn't help but increase his voice, "Instructor Jin, when will we find it?"

This time Jin Yong reacted, turned his head, and shouted: "Pay close attention to the creatures below, we need to find them all the way."

After more than ten days of no harvest, Jin Yong's heart sank, so he felt that he was sorry for Chen Tianhao's entrustment, and wanted to find other tribes as soon as possible.

In fact, it is not that Jin Yong has no harvest at all. For so many days, he has searched for a lot of unknown plants, filled the gaps in plant information, and provided a large amount of medicinal materials for the laboratory, which can be regarded as a lot of harvest.

The four of them stopped talking and stared at the disturbed creature below.

Not only to check the situation of multiple creatures, even a single creature is not spared.

"Instructor Jin, do you think that creature in front of you is human?"

Chen Feng pointed to a creature in front of him that was hiding behind a stone in surprise.


Jin Yong was overjoyed and asked quickly.

"It's there."

Chen Feng increased his speed and flew towards the creature hiding behind the stone.

The four of them were not far from the creature, and after flying for about ten seconds, they came to the top of the stone.

Jin Yong carefully observed the creature behind the stone. It was a human-like creature that also walked on two legs and held a wooden gun in its hand.

That humanoid creature, seeing the uninvited guest in the air, held the wooden gun tightly in both hands, and looked ahead vigilantly, as if Jin Yong and the others would fight him desperately as long as they took one step further.

"Hello, I am a human tribe from far away. Are you a human tribe here?"

Judging from its appearance, this creature is indeed human, especially the wooden gun in its hand, which is also made by humans, but it does not have blue wings from its appearance.

In Jin Yong's thinking, all human beings have blue wings, but when they are on the ground, most human beings will put their wings away, so that activities will be much more convenient.

So he couldn't tell whether the other party was a real human being for a while, but even if he wasn't a real human being, looking at the wooden spear in the other party's hand, he might be a tribe.

If it was Chen Tianhao who came here, as long as the other party was human, he would be able to feel Chen Tianhao, so there was no need to try Jin Yong like this.

After all, Jin Yong does not have Chen Tianhao's sensory ability, so he can only try to communicate with the other party.

Jin Yong's words did not get a response from the other party. After Jin Yong finished speaking, he looked at Jin Yong and the others more vigilantly, and involuntarily increased the strength of the wooden pole in his hand.

Suddenly, the creature coaxed.

Is this calling a companion?
Jin Yong didn't leave, nor did he move on, but stayed about four meters in the air.

"Pay attention to your surroundings."

Although he didn't move, Jin Yong still ordered softly to the little guys around him.

After a while, a group of humanoid creatures also holding wooden guns surrounded them from all directions.

The creature behind the stone found that the surrounding companions appeared, and immediately ran to the companions.

A group of about twenty people tightly surrounded Jin Yong and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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