spore evolution

Chapter 227 God?

Chapter 227 God?
"Instructor, what should we do?"

Seeing so many people suddenly appear, Chen Feng approached Jin Yong subconsciously, and when he asked a question, his voice trembled involuntarily.

I usually do training all the time, but I have always done some training with other friends that does not involve life-threatening. Now the four of them suddenly encountered "enemies" several times their own number, and their hearts suddenly became tense.

Jin Yong noticed Chen Feng's movement, patted him lightly with his hands, and comforted him: "Little guy, don't be afraid, it's fine."

Hearing Jin Yong's words, Chen Feng's body still trembled involuntarily, but the amplitude was much smaller, and the fear for a while still couldn't be eliminated.

"Hey, the following people are not enough for me to do it alone." Jin Yong teased, patted Chen Feng on the shoulder vigorously, and then said seriously, "Humans cannot be afraid. When facing the enemy, you must first overcome the fear in your heart." Only fear can defeat the enemy."

For Jin Yong, the twenty or so humanoid creatures holding wooden spears are not too challenging. When he led the tribe to survive, he encountered a group of fifty or so root-digging beasts and defeated them. Pass.

Although the root-digger is a grass-type animal, its combat power is not weak. In terms of combat power, a root-digger is better than an ordinary human being. At that time, Jin Yong also exhausted his physical strength to overthrow such a group of root-diggers. land.

So, surrounded by twenty or so people, he didn't feel much pressure. If it wasn't for confirming the humanoid creatures below, it was the tribe the patriarch was looking for.

The humanoid creatures below tightly surrounded the four of Jin Yong, and pointed their wooden guns at the sky vigilantly.

Speaking of surrounding, Jin Yong and the others are still about four meters above the ground, and the wooden guns are completely out of reach unless they throw the wooden guns, but this distance is completely enough for Jin Yong and the others to fly higher.

From time to time, there were coaxing sounds among the creatures, but the wooden spear in their hands did not pierce it, looking both scared and excited.

"Hello, can you understand me?"

In order to confirm that the other party is a tribal creature, Jin Yong tried to communicate with the other party.

He once remembered that the patriarch said that the most important thing for a tribe is to know how to use tools. When he saw the wooden spear in the hands of a humanoid creature, he could basically confirm that the other party was also a tribal creature, just to confirm it more clearly.


Hearing Jin Yong's voice, a leader-like figure among the humanoid creatures below came out, looked up and coaxed a few words.

It's just that Jin Yong couldn't understand what the leader said at all, and didn't know what the other party was talking about.

After the leader raised his head and said some words, he said a few more words to the side, and then those people put away the wooden guns.

Immediately afterwards, the leader knelt on the ground, put the wooden gun aside, and muttered something in his mouth, as if he was paying homage to Jin Yong and the others who were flying in the sky.

The other "people" followed the leader's movements and did the same.

The voices of twenty or so "people" formed a sound wave and reached Jin Yong's ears.

Jin Yong looked down in bewilderment, why did it turn into a worship meeting just after starting to communicate?
The others also looked down in confusion, and then looked at each other, and finally another person in the team asked: "Instructor, what should we do now?"

what to do?Jin Yong also has a big face now. He thought about fighting with the opponent, thinking about being able to communicate with the opponent, but he never thought that the situation would suddenly become like this.

"Chen Feng, you go back to the tribe and inform the chief, and say that we have found other tribes, and ask him to come and have a look."

Jin Yong pulled Chen Feng who was on the side, and instructed.

This place does not belong to the tribe's territory, Jin Yong can't use the chat tool provided by the system, so he can only send one person back to notify.

In fact, the best way is for Jin Yong to go back by himself. When he arrives at the tribal territory, he will notify Chen Tianhao with a chat tool, which will save a lot of time.

It's just that in order to better understand the other party's situation, Jin Yong asked Chen Feng to leave here first when the "enemy" was in a strange situation.

"Instructor, let Jin Ming go, she's a girl, let her go back to my dad." Chen Feng didn't agree, but pushed it to another companion, Jin Ming.

He knew that Jin Yong was asking him to leave here for his safety.

He remembered that his father once said that boys should learn to take care of girls, learn to protect girls, and not let girls get hurt.

Jin Yong took a deep look at Chen Feng. During normal training, Chen Feng didn't dare to refute. He didn't expect that he would object now. He didn't expect that he became manly now. He nodded and said, "Okay, it's up to you."

Then he turned to Jin Ming and said, "Go back as fast as you can and notify the patriarch."

Jin Ming nodded and didn't say much. He waved his blue wings and flew towards the tribe like the wind.

The leader below noticed that Jin Ming was leaving, but did not make any other movements, and still maintained the posture of worship.

Jin Yong still continued to communicate downwards, but the two sides had a language barrier in communication, that is, they could not understand each other at all.

The humanoid creature below looked no longer threatening, but Jin Yong didn't go straight down, but kept a certain distance in the air, and finally got a lot higher.

No one knew that those creatures below, seemingly harmless, finally came back with a big counterattack.

This kind of thing happens a lot in this forest.

There are some creatures like this, showing weakness to the enemy, and then taking advantage of the unpreparedness to catch the enemy by surprise.

Therefore, even though those people below seemed harmless, Jin Yong did not let down his vigilance.

Not long after Jin Yong sent Jin Ming to inform Chen Tianhao, the leader below also sent someone to leave the team.

Jin Yong could see clearly from above, and naturally also noticed the opponent's movements, but he didn't stop it, and he wouldn't wait until now if he really wanted to stop it. When he met the first creature, there was enough time to prevent him from making big moves. movement.

The waiting time was long. The place where Jin Yong found the humanoid creature was more than half a day away from the tribe. Even if Jin Ming flew back at the fastest speed, it would still take a certain amount of time.

The humanoid's lair was nearby, shortly after the creature left.

Suddenly, there was the sound of chaotic footsteps in the woods beside it. It sounded like a group of people running fast in the forest.

Jin Yong frowned, did he call for help?

Facing twenty or so enemies, he is not afraid, but facing a large group of enemies, he is not stupid if he decides to fly higher first.


The leader of the underground saw Jin Yong flying into the sky, thought they were going to fly away, and made a cry, but Jin Yong couldn't understand it at all, and could only hear the voice mixed with an unknown language.

Jin Yong did not leave, and stayed in the air about ten meters above the ground. This position is safe enough even if he encounters many enemies.

Seeing that Jin Yong hadn't left, the leader below stopped his pilgrimage, yelled at the place behind where there was movement, and then the forest responded.

The chaotic footsteps stopped, and after a while, Jin Yong found a tall and mighty humanoid creature walking out of the forest. In terms of height alone, it was a head taller than his height.

Among the people in the tribe with an average height of [-] meters, Jin Yong is also tall and large, reaching [-] meters, and this creature that came out is actually a head taller than him, about [-] meters.

This should be the real leader of the humanoid creature below. I saw the leader coming from behind. After spotting Jin Yong in the air, he knelt down and kowtowed to the ground, and then he said something.

It's a pity that it's still a language barrier, and Jin Yong can't understand the other party's words, but judging from the other party's actions, there is probably no harm in all likelihood.

If Jin Yong had Chen Tianhao's conscious energy, he would definitely be able to understand the words of the crowd below at this time.

"God, please lead our tribe to glory."

(End of this chapter)

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