spore evolution

Chapter 228 I Will

Chapter 228 I Will

"Patriarch, it's not good, the instructors are under siege."

Jin Ming flew back to the tribe at the fastest speed. After finding the trace of Chen Tianhao, he went straight to Chen Tianhao. Before he arrived, his voice had already passed.

Chen Tianhao was in the room sorting out the plants brought back by the exploration team. When he saw Jin Ming running towards him panting, he poured a glass of water from the side and handed it over. He asked in a soft voice, "Jin Ming, what's the matter? What instructor was besieged?"

Jin Ming knew that the people who belonged to Jin Yong and Chen Feng's team were quite at ease with Jin Yong. Jin Yong could be regarded as a master in the tribe other than him, and he was able to use the energy in his body to perfection. , of course, one place will drop now, there is still a Titan Python in the tribe.

Therefore, when Jin Yong encounters the enemy, even if he can't beat him, he can escape without the danger of being besieged.

Jin Ming flew rapidly along the way, already thirsty, took the water glass, drank it down, took a few breaths, and said quickly: "Patriarch, we have found traces of other tribes, and now the instructor is talking with the people of those tribes. Confrontation."

"What? Found traces of other tribes?"

Chen Tianhao was very pleasantly surprised. He grabbed Jin Ming and walked out of the house. Regardless of the lateness of the sky, the energy in his body circulated, blue wings spread from behind, and a figure flew into the sky. The speed was much faster than the flying speed of ordinary humans.

The Titan Python in the courtyard saw Chen Tianhao coming out of the house, holding a skewer, before he handed it over, a figure grabbed a small figure, left the ground and disappeared into the air.

The titan python took a big bite of the skewer in his hand, and muttered: "It's so late, I don't know where to go, forget it, let's eat my skewer with peace of mind."

Chen Tianhao's flying speed is very fast. After being baptized by lightning, his limit speed has increased a lot. The limit flight speed of ordinary humans is [-] kilometers per hour, but his current flying speed has reached an astonishing [-] kilometers per hour. Hours, and that's not even his top speed.

Because of the wind pressure brought by the extreme speed, he did not dare to speed up easily, otherwise, the wind pressure brought by the high speed would bring him great harm.

Jin Ming had been on the road for a long time and was unable to fly. He was held in Chen Tianhao's arms.

"Patriarch, you are flying in the wrong direction." Jin Ming yelled loudly, Chen Tianhao was on his way, only the wind filled his ears, but he did not hear Jin Ming's voice.

Jin Ming shouted a few more words, and had no choice but to shake Chen Tianhao's arm.

Chen Tianhao finally had a reaction, stopped, lowered his head and asked, "Jin Ming, what's wrong?"

"Patriarch, the flight is reversed, the instructor is in that direction." Jin Ming pointed to the rear with his finger.

"Ah." Chen Tianhao was embarrassed, and flew around before asking the direction.

Fortunately, the flying time was very short. After adjusting the direction, he rushed towards Jin Yong like an arrow off the string.

after an hour.

Chen Tianhao took Jin Ming to Jin Yong's location and saw a strange scene.

A group of people below, about 600 people, knelt on the ground densely, and the three of Jin Yong stayed in mid-air, as if the crowd below were worshiping Jin Yong and the others. There was no sign of crowd watching?

However, Chen Tianhao never believed that Jin Yong and the others were besieged by other people.

"Jin Yong, is the crowd below the tribe that your team discovered?"

Chen Tianhao came to Jin Yong and put Jin Ming down, and asked in a low voice.

When Jin Yong found out that Chen Tianhao had arrived, he breathed a sigh of relief and replied, "Patriarch, do you think these people belong to human beings just like us?"

After half a day of communication, although there was nothing to communicate, Jin Yong can be sure that the creature he encountered this time must be the tribal creature he had been looking forward to finding, but it is not known whether it belongs to human beings. During the half-day stay here, there was no sign that the other party could fly.

In Jin Yong's impression, all human beings can fly, whether they are adults or children.

When Chen Tianhao arrived here, he had already detected the humans below for the first time, and all the information of the other party had been presented before his eyes. He replied a little strangely: "It's humans."

"So it's really human."

When Jin Yong saw the other party for the first time, he suspected that the other party belonged to human beings. After all, the other party's body shape was exactly the same as his. Except for the lack of wings on the back, everything else was the same as the same race.

Through the data observed by the detector, a series of simple information was presented in front of Chen Tianhao's eyes.

Name: Lin Sen

Sex: Male
Position: Chief

Race description: The human branch lost its energy core in the process of evolution and could not control the energy in its body, but it also gained a stronger body than humans.

The chief of the human branch on the ground: Lin Sen, also found Chen Tianhao's arrival. After Lin Sen found more than three gods in the sky, he was full of praise.

Under Lin Sen's leadership, all human beings on the ground performed a new round of worship to Chen Tianhao and the others in the sky.

It's just that the language of the two sides is not the same, even Chen Tianhao can't understand Lin Sen's language directly.

It doesn't matter if you can't understand, Chen Tianhao has consciousness energy, he can use consciousness energy to gain the ability to communicate with most creatures in this world, of course, the premise is that the other party is not a fool.

If it is a fool, then Chen Tianhao has a great way to communicate with a fool. Have you ever seen a normal person who can communicate with a fool?Only fools can communicate with fools.

Another way is to bring the other party into your own alliance, so that you can also communicate with each other.

Now Chen Tianhao can only use the energy of consciousness to communicate with the other party. Now he is quite skilled in using the energy of consciousness. He controlled the energy of consciousness and greeted Lin Sen, "Lin Sen, hello."

Lin Sen, who was kneeling on the ground, was trying to sing, when he suddenly heard a voice in his mind, looking at the sky in surprise, and shouting: "Great God, I am your pious people."

In Lin Sen's consciousness, Chen Tianhao and the others are gods, so when a voice appeared in his mind, Li took it for granted that it was the voice of Chen Tianhao and the others in the sky. Because it was a god, Chen Tianhao called out his name, and he was not surprised. Chen Tianhao didn't realize this either.

It has to be said that Lin Sen's imagination was correct, the voice in his mind was indeed from Chen Tianhao.

After initial communication, Chen Tianhao miraculously understood Lin Sen's words, but only Chen Tianhao could understand these words. Jin Yong and the others at the side were still unable to distinguish Lin Sen's words as usual.

"Lin Sen, I'm not a god, I'm also human."

After understanding the other party's words, Chen Tianhao understood that Lin Sen regarded them as gods.

After hearing this, Lin Sen thought that Chen Tianhao was about to leave, so he quickly bowed his head three times, then raised his head and said, "God, please lead our tribe to glory."

Seeing that the other party stubbornly thinks that they are gods, it is not so easy to change the other party's mind. Anyway, he came here by himself to expand the number of tribes. Now that the other party has this request, they just accepted them.

There are not many people on the ground, only about [-] people, but no matter how small a mosquito's legs are, it is still meat, especially in this era of lack of people.

Chen Tianhao asked in a deep voice: "Lin Sen, are you willing to lead your tribe to join mine?"

"I am willing."

(End of this chapter)

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