spore evolution

Chapter 229 Linsen Tribe

Chapter 229 Linsen Tribe
With Lin Sen's "I do", the Linsen tribe was incorporated into the Chen Tianhao tribe. Since then, there has been no Linsen tribe in the world.

Under the action of the system, the two parties who could not communicate with each other can understand each other's language at once.

"Woo, thank God for the gift, great, our tribe can finally rebuild its glory."

Lin Sen felt a slight change in his body after agreeing. He didn't have an energy core, but at this moment, he felt a small energy in his body.

That prophecy was indeed accurate, and he cried out to his companions all around, crying with joy: "Thank you for the gift of God!"

The others also felt the changes in their bodies, and they were also rejoicing. They clapped their hands and sang praises to Chen Tianhao, and some even danced on the ground.

At this moment, Jin Yong and the others also understood what Lin Sen and the others said, but just because they understood, they couldn't understand what happened.

Jin Yong flew to Chen Tianhao's side, pointed at the crazy people below, and asked in a low voice: "Patriarch, what's wrong with them?"

Chen Tianhao didn't answer, but put his index finger on his lips, "Hush."

When the human beings below sang praises, Chen Tianhao felt that his consciousness seemed to have undergone some unknown changes, and the detection range had not changed, but in terms of the quality of pure consciousness energy, it seemed to be much better, and it seemed to have more functions, but So little has changed that he hasn't been able to pinpoint what specific changes have occurred.

When he couldn't find any specific changes, he temporarily gave up continuing to explore, but he knew that this change happened after the acceptance of the Linsen tribe, so he could only explore slowly in the future.

"Jin Yong, now the Linsen tribe below has just joined our big family."

Chen Tianhao realized that he and the others were still high in the air, so he flew down, and Jin Yong and the others followed suit.

Lin Sen saw Chen Tianhao coming down from the sky, ran over with his body down, and said reverently: "Great God, I am your pious citizen, I feel that you can accept us."

"I'm not a god. You can call me patriarch in the future or continue your previous name. You can also call me chief."

Chen Tianhao waved his hand, how dare he claim to be a god, he is only a member of the evolution process.

This world doesn't know if there is a god. Even if there is a god, only the God of System that Chen Tianhua said can be called a God, or maybe that God of System is just a powerful creature.

"Okay, God."

"Please call me Patriarch."

"Okay, God."

Chen Tianhao had no choice but to correct him for a while before slowly persuading Lin Sen to call him the patriarch.

As for whether Lin Sen really knew him correctly, or he always thought that he was a god in his heart, and he just followed God's will and called him the patriarch.

Chen Tianhao also knew that it would not be possible to correct it in a short time. Seeing the other people who surrounded him calling him "God" one by one, he knew that he could not change their views.

Among the members of the original Linsen tribe, the person who can allow them to regain their energy core, what else can it be if it is not a god?
Even though the energy cores in their bodies are still very small, they can't even be called energy cores, but they have energy from scratch, which is the power of gods.

They have this kind of power, it is indeed the power of gods, but it is not the false god Chen Tianhao, but the god of the system, the great god.

The data observed by Chen Tianhao's appraiser is only a small part. Through communication with Lin Sen, he has a general understanding of the situation in Lin Sen's tribe.

There are a total of 11590 people in the Linsen tribe. Just like what Chen Tianhao saw with the appraiser, no one in the Linsen tribe has an energy core, and they can only use their own physical strength.

Fortunately, the Linsen tribe belonged to the human branch, so Chen Tianhao's previous ability to use tools was also left to them.

Even if they lose the help of the energy core, their lives are not particularly bad.

In fact, regarding the number of people, when receiving the Lin Sen tribe, Chen Tianhao could find out the specific number of people through the system, but he had been communicating with Lin Sen and did not pay attention to the system.

However, the following information is not simply visible on the system interface.

In this small area, there are four large tribes.

The Linsen tribe belongs to the second-ranked tribe in this area. In the south of the Linsen tribe, there is a more powerful dinosaur tribe, in the west there is a slightly inferior ancient ape tribe, and in the east there is the worst tribe. Wing tribe.

When Lin Sen mentioned the Yiren tribe, Chen Tianhao was taken aback. Could it be that this was developed from his previous race?
Doesn't it mean that after editing the space and editing the image, the clansmen outside will also evolve together?

Chen Tianhao looked at Lin Sen and the others. They also belonged to humans, but they didn't have energy cores in their bodies. Maybe I should go and have a look. If they were really my former clansmen, it would be easy to gather them together.

Not only the Yiren tribe, but also the other tribes that Lin Sen mentioned will subdue them.

Some time ago, I couldn't find any traces of other tribes. I didn't expect to subdue one tribe today, and got news of the other three tribes. According to Lin Sen, there are not only four major tribes in this area, During the period, there were still some small tribes.

It seems that the tribe I started was too remote, so I didn't find traces of other tribes.

With traces of other tribes, Chen Tianhao's tribal development plan has been greatly accelerated.

Under Lin Sen's guidance, the group came to the base camp of the Lin Sen tribe.

It was similar to when Chen Tianhao first came to the real world. Most people lived in caves, but he found that outside the caves, there were already many houses made of leaves and branches.

Compared with the wooden house, it is still very simple, but it can be seen that the Linsen tribe is slowly developing forward, and the wooden guns in Linsen's hands all show the trend of the tribe's evolution.

Without Chen Tianhao's help, it would take many years for the Linsen tribe to evolve into the feudal era.

10 million years? 20 million years?

I am afraid that by then, whether the Linsen tribe will still exist is still a big question.

But none of this will happen. Now the Linsen tribe has officially been included in Chen Tianhao's tribe.

When Chen Tianhao learned about the number of people in the tribe through Lin Sen, he was also taken aback.

Although the humans in the Linsen Tribe don't have energy cores, the tribe they developed is really not small, much larger than Chen Tianhao's current tribe.

You know, Chen Tianhao's current tribe has already integrated the Jinyong tribe, which is equivalent to the addition of the two tribes.

In this way, the Linsen tribe still has more people than other tribes, which may also be related to the geographical location.

One can see that there are many tribes, big and small, all around. It's not that there are few tribes in this world, but that Chen Tianhao's location is too remote.

(End of this chapter)

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