spore evolution

Chapter 230 The Backward Tribe

Chapter 230 The Backward Tribe

The Linsen tribe is located in the south of Chen Tianhao's tribe. Chen Tianhao remembered that he took Jin Ming to maintain a flight speed of more than 100 kilometers, and flew for a little over an hour. After deducting the wrong direction at the beginning, the straight-line distance between the two was about [-] kilometers.

This is only a straight line distance. Humans in the Linsen Tribe have no ability to fly, and their speed of walking on the ground is even more unknown, so Chen Tianhao still decided to let the Linsen Tribe develop directly here instead of gathering together like the Jinyong Tribe.

Besides, there is also an advantage here. He can conquer other tribes at any time. There are so many tribes, large and small, around him, and he has not let them go.

If the request of a population of 100 million is not accepted at this time, when will it be accepted?
Not only will the population not be relocated there, but more people need to be brought here. That location is good as a development base.

There is a cliff not far from the back mountain, no enemies will appear, and there are no other enemies in the other directions, so it can be regarded as a good development base.

When the Linsen tribe was incorporated into the tribal alliance, the territory occupied by the Linsen tribe became Chen Tianhao's territory.

At this time, the territorial area of ​​Chen Tianhao's tribe had increased from the previous ten square kilometers to the current thirty square kilometers, and the territorial area had tripled in one fell swoop.

For those who don't know, it's not that the Linsen tribe joined the Chen Tianhao tribe, but the Chen Tianhao tribe joined the Linsen tribe.

Regardless of what other people think, Chen Tianhao is now focused on building a new tribal base after accepting the Linsen tribe.

Looking at the tribe with a large territory but a low standard of living, Chen Tianhao frowned.

Lin Sen on the side was quite panicked, thinking that something in the tribe had offended Chen Tianhao, so he asked nervously, "Clan leader, what's the problem?"

"It's okay, it's just that you live here too shabby."

Chen Tianhao waved his hand.

In fact, those people in Chen Tianhao's tribe lived in the same way before, and they didn't get any better. Even now, most of them have been moved to small wooden houses.

Open the system interface and check the remaining points. After multiple uses, there are still 10800 points left.

Now that it has decided to develop in this place, the fastest way is to exchange the points for the necessary buildings. The 10000 points obtained by conquering the Titan Python have been greatly developed, and these points must be used well.

Looking around, there are towering trees, and there is no relatively open place.

After a long confrontation, it was getting late and the temperature dropped rapidly.

Fortunately, the people in the cave can still rely on a small fire to keep warm. They may find that the ventilation in the cave is not good, so they only dare to burn at the entrance of the cave.

It is a very dangerous thing to light a fire at the entrance of a cave. Within Chen Tianhao's sight, he found a person in front of a cave who was carefully adding firewood. With the cave.

Seeing Lin Sen bringing Chen Tianhao and his party over, the man stood up and nodded, and Lin Sen also nodded back.

"Chief Lin Sen, is it difficult for your tribe to make fire?"

Jin Yong on the side asked his own question. He found that although fire was used in the tribe, everyone seemed to be very afraid of the sudden disappearance of the fire.

After a period of communication, Lin Sen and the others also got to know each other. Hearing Jin Yong's words, Lin Sen was very surprised and asked suspiciously: "The fire came from the sky, of course it must be well preserved, if it is accidentally extinguished , I don’t know when I can get the fire again.”

The people of the Linsen tribe don't use energy cores, so they can't use electric energy to attack.

Without using electric energy to attack, it is impossible to make fire easily.

Their fire is obtained in the same way as other tribes. They all rely on the flames produced when thunder strikes in the sky to obtain fire. This is why those who watch the fire carefully look at the fire.

One of the things that people in the Linsen tribe hate the most is the rain, which makes the preservation of fire a great challenge.

It happened that it rained continuously for more than a month before, which extinguished their fire. That month was the most difficult month for the Linsen tribe.

Not only did they have to deal with enemies from all directions, but they also had to withstand the attack of the cold wind at night, which reduced the number of Linsen tribes by more than 100 people that month.

Since then, people in the Linsen tribe have paid special attention to the preservation of fire.

"is it hard?"

Jin Yong stretched out his hand, and an electric spark flashed and hit the dry grass on the ground. The dry grass was immediately ignited, releasing fiery energy, and was then stamped out by Jin Yong.

He didn't know that Lin Sen and the others didn't have energy cores in their bodies, so he thought that making fire should be quite easy, a small matter of making fire, something that children in the tribe could do.

"Great God."

Seeing the flames that suddenly appeared, Lin Sen immediately knelt down on the ground, followed by others.

At this moment, he was even more convinced that Chen Tianhao and the others were gods sent by the heavens to save them, otherwise how could they even know the skills used by the heavens.

It's not that they haven't seen other energy attacks. In this area, there are a lot of creatures, but there are not many creatures that can use energy attacks. They have never seen an energy attack that can directly start a fire.

Lin Sen had always called Chen Tianhao a god before, and Jin Yong didn't care. Now he felt Lin Sen's frenzy, and quickly reached out to help him up, "Chief Lin Sen, you've broken me."

If he is really a god, it doesn't matter, he is just an ordinary human being, which makes him embarrassed.

It's hard to talk about it, and Lin Sen's kneeling gesture was canceled again.

Chen Tianhao also saw the situation around him, and found that the Linsen tribe was far behind his own tribe in terms of development. Even without his help, Chen Tianhao's previous tribe would be much stronger than the Linsen tribe.

"Jin Yong, you guys cleaned up the surrounding trees and carbonized them directly."

To exchange buildings from the system, you need an open place surrounded by trees, and you don’t need complete trees. Chen Tianhao asked Jin Yong and the others to use thunderballs to attack and burn those trees. Otherwise, we don’t know how to do it slowly. When to go.

Jin Yong and the others responded, cleaned up the surrounding personnel, and began to attack the designated position with thunderballs.

Thunderballs that radiated radiance and sparks were thrown from their hands one by one.


The powerful attack power of the thunderballs is reflected here. These thunderballs are like bombs, blowing up those trees to pieces, and then turning them into charred logs under the action of electric energy.

Lin Sen and the others saw the actions of Jin Yong and the others, and their admiration for them deepened in their hearts.

However, after many times of communication, Lin Sen did not call Jin Yong and the others as gods anymore, but from his trembling hands, it can be seen that his heart is extremely restless at this time, and he is deeply concerned about the future of the tribe. A few points.

(End of this chapter)

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