spore evolution

Chapter 231 New Dormitory

Chapter 231 New Dormitory

While Jin Yong and the others were cleaning up the site, Chen Tianhao flew into the sky, exuding consciousness energy, and began to investigate the new territory.

Using consciousness energy as a detection tool, after a long period of training, Chen Tianhao's consciousness limit range has reached a range of three kilometers.

Within the scope of his consciousness, all the movements of the various creatures inside are clear.

Fortunately, Chen Tianhao can selectively block. Now he just needs to detect the distribution of resources in the territory in order to arrange the arrangement of buildings later.

Otherwise, keep observing the surrounding situation, even if there is no sound, you will be overwhelmed by messy information.

After the Linsen Tribe joined, the fog of war on the holographic map had dissipated, and the new territory, with an area of ​​more than 20 square kilometers, was clearly visible.

Cooperating with Chen Tianhao's flying speed, the consciousness energy quickly detected the distribution of resources in the new territory clearly, and the corresponding data was updated on the holographic map.

When Chen Tianhao returned to the ground, Lin Sen had just sent someone to clean up the place carbonized by Jin Yong's thunderball.

"Everyone stand back a little."

Chen Tianhao first exchanged for a tribal center.

Under his operation, on the newly cleared land, from the bottom, there was a soft white light shining. After a while, the building with the wooden house as the base began to appear slowly.

Jin Yong and the others have long known that Chen Tianhao has the ability to appear buildings out of thin air, and they are no strangers to it.

However, the humans in the Linsen tribe had never seen such a phenomenon before, and they exclaimed, astonished.

Hearing the collective exclamation around him, Lin Sen quickly glanced around, fearing that the exclamation of the tribe would affect the appearance of the wooden house.

Lin Sen had already regarded Chen Tianhao and the others as gods with great powers. Now that he saw the wooden house that appeared out of thin air, his belief that Chen Tianhao was a god strengthened a bit.

And at this moment, Chen Tianhao felt that his consciousness energy had grown slightly.

"Hey, what's going on?"

Chen Tianhao was full of surprise, he didn't understand why his consciousness energy had become so much stronger, after searching for a while, he didn't find the reason, and he didn't investigate it further.

Before the tribal center was completely teleported, the new research center also started teleporting.

After subduing the Linsen tribe, Chen Tianhao's territory reached a new height, just enough to establish another research center.

The number of research centers indicates the speed of technological progress of the tribe. It is naturally better to have one more.

Although I don't know if there is anyone in the Linsen Tribe who can use the research center, Shitou and Baiyun are at most dispatched from the first research center to take charge here, I believe they are also qualified for independent research.

After putting down the research center, continue to exchange the log house.

This time he didn't waste it so much. After exchanging for a wooden house, he directly used the points to expand the space inside the wooden house, which saved a lot of money instead of wasting points like at the beginning.

Although there are many points, if you can save, you will save.

However, the space in the wooden house cannot be increased infinitely. When the points are used to expand to 2000 square meters, the system gives a prompt, "It is impossible to continue to increase the area. If necessary, please upgrade the building level."

Unable to continue to increase the area, I had to give up. A wooden house with an area of ​​2000 square meters is already considered very large. You must know that the standard football field in the previous life was only 7140 square meters, which is more than a quarter of the size of a football field. .

After the largest area of ​​the wooden house was finished, Chen Tianhao also discovered that he could actually plan the wooden house through the holographic map.

This seems to be a function that has been used before. When the hospital was separated, construction workers were used to separate it. I don’t know when this function was triggered.

With this feature, he is ready to turn the log cabin into a dormitory.

According to the dormitory model when I went to school in the previous life, the wooden house is divided into small rooms, and there is a long corridor outside the room.

According to the standard model, the wooden house is roughly divided into 100 small rooms, each room is about 15 square meters, and it can accommodate 4 people in the case of pure living.

In the end, under the division of Chen Tianhao, this wooden house can accommodate 400 people. If there are bunk beds, this number can be doubled to 800 people.

In this wooden house renovation, in addition to the wooden partition walls, beds for 400 people were also given away. Other furniture was not given away. If necessary, they can only build it by themselves.

The transformation of the wooden house was very fast. While the tribal center and the research center were still in the transmission process, the wooden house had completely appeared in front of everyone.

The appearance of the wooden house is not good-looking. There is an ordinary wooden door in the middle, and the top is covered with unknown hay.

Lin Sen looked at the wooden house in front of him in surprise, just this kind of ordinary wooden house, in his eyes, it was much better than the "house" he made himself.

"Go in and see?"

Pointing to the wooden house, Chen Tianhao invited Lin Sen.

Lin Sen nodded, feeling extremely excited. In this short period of a few hours, he couldn't count the number of times he was excited. Fortunately, he is in good physical condition, otherwise, he might faint from excitement.

Chen Tianhao led the way, and the group entered the wooden house.

After entering the wooden house, there is a different world inside.

Everyone seemed to have traveled through space and came to another world.

I saw that the originally narrow wooden house had turned into an incomparably vast space.

There is a corridor directly facing the door, and there are also corridors on both sides. The structure of the wooden house at this time is like a "Tian" character. The corridor extends in all directions, and the dormitory is in the middle.

The wall is made of fresh wood, and there are various patterns on the wall. Under the unknown dye, it becomes lifelike, as if it came to life.

Looking up, the ceiling is a very ordinary wooden board, but it exudes a soft white light, which is not dazzling, and the eyes feel much more comfortable after looking at it too much, as if there is a kind of magic power.

Lin Sen opened his eyes wide, looking at everything in front of him, and his devotion to Chen Tianhao deepened in his heart.

In fact, not only Lin Sen and the others were shocked by the wooden house, Jin Yong and the others were also shocked by the wooden house.

Jin Yong has seen the wooden house before, and they also know that the inside will become empty. The rest room used for training these days is a similar wooden house.

But all of this is an empty space, and the furniture inside is all made by workers.

The furniture that has just been made can achieve basic functions, which is already very good.

Unlike the wooden houses seen now, the patterns on the walls are lifelike, giving them a different sense of impact.

Chen Tianhao was also shocked. Those patterns on the wall had already been seen on the holographic map, but when he checked it on the ground, it was a different scene.

Chen Tianhao casually opened the side room and entered.

There are four wooden beds in the room, neatly placed together, the wooden bed is very ordinary, nothing special, just a place to rest and sleep.

However, except for the positions of the four beds, there is still a lot of space on the side. After they move in, these positions can each place their own things.

The other rooms are basically similar. After Chen Tianhao and his party looked at the two rooms, they left the wooden house.

In fact, according to the situation of this wooden house, Chen Tianhao also found a more important thing, that is, a house with 400 people has only one exit, which is easy to cause confusion.

However, it is not bad to have such a house to live in now, how can they manage so much, and they can only manage it by themselves in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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