spore evolution

Chapter 232

Chapter 232

"This wooden house is where you will live in the future."

Chen Tianhao pointed to the wooden house and said to Lin Sen.

When Lin Sen heard that such a beautiful wooden house was actually for his own use, he waved his hands and said, "No way, patriarch, such a beautiful place is better for you to live in."

The other people on the side also echoed: "Yes, patriarch, such a beautiful place should be for you to live in."

"What nonsense are you talking about? How can I live alone in such a big place?" Chen Tianhao scolded with a smile, "Besides, I have my own place, and I specially built these for you."

Chen Tianhao paused for a while, and then continued: "Of course, there are more than 1 people here. It is unrealistic for everyone to live in such a house, but you can build it yourself in the future."

"Can you build it yourself?" Lin Sen's eyes widened, and he couldn't help wondering, can we build such a beautiful and beautiful house?
In my heart, comparing the house I live in with the wooden house in front of me, it is so far away.

"Yes, as long as you study hard, you will surely build a house like this, even a better house than this one."

Chen Tianhao nodded firmly.

It is indeed possible to build a more perfect house, but it is unknown when a building with the same spatial effect will be realized. I am not lying to them, but I just did not say the time.

Lin Sen also nodded heavily, patted his chest, and said firmly: "Patriarch, please rest assured, we will definitely work hard."

After visiting the wooden house, it was completely dark. At this time, the tribal center and the research center were also transmitted and placed neatly aside.

I don't know if it is because of the increase in the number of people, the tribe center has also undergone a little change. It is no longer an empty space, which is divided into various areas by wooden boards.

The research center has not changed much, it is still the same, a table in the middle is used for research, and various tools are placed around it.

It was getting late, and the exchange building was not continued, and the surrounding area was not cleaned up.

The dinner of the Linsen tribe is still the most primitive barbecue. The group finished eating the barbecue casually, and then prepared to rest.

Chen Tianhao and his party were in the new dormitory, each looking for a room to rest. Originally, Lin Sen and the others were asked to stay together, but they refused to say anything and did not insist.

In the evening, Chen Tianhao checked the resource distribution of the Linsen tribe in the dormitory. He just detected the resources in various places, but he didn't have a comprehensive concept yet.

Since this place is to be a base to develop around, besides the tribal center and the research center, other buildings are also essential.

Study the terrain carefully and know what you know.

the next morning.

After breakfast, I led Jin Yong and the others and told them to clean up the designated place.

This is the only downside to redeeming buildings from the system, requiring enough places to be cleared ahead of time.

In fact, this is not a shortcoming. To build a new building, the site also needs to be leveled, and Chen Tianhao only needs to do one of these things, which can be regarded as a big advantage.

The lightning ball attack of Jin Yong and his team, in cooperation with the people of Lin Sen's faction, quickly cleared out the place Chen Tianhao needed.

Logging camps, livestock farms, mining farms, smelters, military camps, farmland, each building has found the best location to build.

It doesn't need to be built by himself, and Chen Tianhao doesn't even need to arrive at the actual location. As long as Jin Yong and the others clean up the location of the construction, he can directly operate it on the holographic map, which is easy to solve.

According to the location reserved last night, all the buildings were built in less than an hour.

Chen Tianhao counted the consumption of points in Linsen Tribe.

Tribal Center: 500 points. (1)
Research Center: 500 points. (1)
Chalet: 1050 points. (1)
Lumberjack: 1000 points. (2)
Livestock Farm: 1000 points. (2)
Mining farm: 1000 points. (2)
Smelter: 1000 points. (1)
Barracks: 1000 points. (2)
Farmland: 1000 points. (2)
A total of 8050 points were spent.

I don't know if I don't draw, Yihua was startled, Chen Tianhao didn't come here and spent nearly [-] points all at once.

Fortunately, there are [-] points gained from subduing the Titan Python, otherwise, even if they found the Linsen tribe, they would have to slowly recruit people from the original tribe to develop here.

Originally, he wanted to build a few more wooden houses. The model of building a dormitory can be regarded as the most effective way to use it at present, but he has more energy than he wants, so he still wants to save some points as a backup.

The more than 8000 points were only used to exchange for buildings, and then he used another 1000 points to build a household registration system for everyone in the Linsen tribe.

Now in the interface of the system, two areas are divided, one is the Linsen tribe, and the other is his base camp.

It is equivalent to the fact that the Linsen tribe is separate from the base camp, but the system is still relatively friendly. It just adds an attribute, and he can still transfer the information of all personnel at any time.

After the humans of the Linsen Tribe entered their household registration, the rest of the work became much easier.

According to each person's best aptitude, the building is equipped with staff. In addition to the researchers, each building is equipped with five people, and then ten people are taught construction skills, which cost a total of 5500 points.

It took 8050 points to exchange buildings and 5500 points to learn skills, a total of 13550 points.

This large-scale exchange and learning made Chen Tianhao's originally rich family fortune suddenly empty, leaving only 1000 points.

This is still subduing the Linsen tribe, and some points were obtained during the construction process, otherwise it is not enough.

The remaining 1000 points will be used for later research. Through the chat tool that comes with the system, let Chen Shitou and Chen Baiyun lead two people with intermediate research skills.

Fortunately, at the beginning of the base camp, there were more researchers with intermediate skills, who could easily solve the research problems of the Linsen tribe.

However, Shitou and Baiyun are still researching with Chen Yi and the others in the research center, so they can only come back after their research is over.

In addition, Chen Tianhao also assigned a complete management team with Lin Sen as the main leader for the Linsen tribe.

Fortunately, the allocation of management personnel does not need to consume extra points, allowing Chen Tianhao to keep a few points that were about to bottom out.

With these buildings and personnel, the Linsen Tribe, as Chen Tianhao's new base camp, will surely enter a period of rapid development.

After the appearance of many new buildings in the previous base camp, some vacancies began to appear.

Chen Er, as the Minister of Internal Affairs of the entire base camp, will deploy personnel according to the actual needs of various places. When there are vacant personnel, most of them will be sent to transport coal.

Coal mines are the main energy source at present, and it is not too much to have more coal mines.

But when Chen Tianhao knew that there were other tribes around the Linsen tribe, he knew that the development period was coming.

As long as those tribes are subdued, their own territory will inevitably be greatly improved.

Chen Tianhao seemed to see his bright future, and immediately contacted Chen Er with a chat tool, "Chen Er, under the condition of ensuring the stable development of various types of work, you send all the idle personnel to my side."

As the main manager of the tribe, Chen Er can share some functions through the system.

When conquering the Linsen Tribe, Chen Tianhao had already shared the map of this location with the main managers.

(End of this chapter)

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