spore evolution

Chapter 233 Looking for the Winged Man

Chapter 233 Looking for the Winged Man
Chen Tianhao arranged the buildings and personnel, and the Linsen tribe entered the track of rapid development, and there was no need for him to personally teach the subsequent development.

Lin Sen had already contacted Chen Er. Both of them belonged to Chen Tianhao's tribe. Although they had never met before, they became acquainted quickly after they had a common bridge.

Now the Linsen tribe not only has the personnel who Chen Tianhao learned through the points, but also a large number of skilled workers brought by Chen Er.

These are not the people who directly learn from the system, but the workers who are brought in by the old. The proficiency of these workers is not as high as that of the people who directly use the points to learn. In terms of construction, it can be regarded as familiar.

After the wooden house was built, Chen Er brought over these personnel and the fighters Chen Tianhao needed.

Chen Er brought not many people, only 500 people, and 100 construction workers.

Chen Tianhao is now going to the east of the Linsen tribe, to see the Yiren tribe, which ranks fourth in this area.

According to Lin Sen's description, the Yiren tribe is likely to be his former tribe.

If they were really winged people in the process of evolution, Chen Tianhao believed that he should be able to easily subdue this group of winged people.

So far, when Chen Tianhao found other tribes, they were easy to subdue.

The subdued tribes all have one characteristic, that is, they are all human beings. Even the newly subdued Linsen tribe belongs to the human branch, so it is relatively easy to subdue them.

If it is a tribe of other races, it may not be that simple to subdue it.

After politely rejecting other people's companions and confirming the direction, Chen Tianhao went to the Yiren tribe alone.

The Yiren Tribe is about [-] kilometers away from the Linsen Tribe, which is not too far away. It took Chen Tianhao less than half an hour to get there.

What caught Chen Tianhao's eyes was endless, towering mountains, covered by a touch of green.

Standing at the foot of the mountain, you can't see the top of the mountain at a glance. White clouds float among the mountains and forests, like a fairyland on earth.

There are many mountains and cliffs, and birds are often seen flying between the cliffs. The Yiren tribe lives between these towering cliffs.

The number of the Yiren tribe is not large, only more than 2000. According to the number of people, other tribes in this area may be more than them, but the towering mountains and steep mountains make the Yiren tribe the best. natural barrier.

Only when the Wingman tribe attacks other tribes, there are no other creatures to attack them, so even if there are few people, the Wingman tribe has firmly occupied the fourth in command of this area. It is still difficult to fight with the Wingman tribe. The habit of shunting people.

Otherwise, without other natural enemies, the number of Yiren tribe would have multiplied countless times.

The cliff is a natural barrier for other flightless creatures, but for Chen Tianhao, it is quite simple.

call out!
Chen Tianhao soared into the sky, and a blue light rushed to the top of the mountain.

Exuding consciousness energy with all his strength, Chen Tianhao found that his consciousness grew much faster after subduing the Linsen tribe. Now, after only two or three days, his consciousness energy can already cover 3200 meters around.

This speed of increase is frighteningly fast. You know, from the time he traveled to this world to the time he conquered the Linsen tribe, the total distance was only 3000 meters, but now it has reached 3200 meters, and the function of consciousness energy seems to have increased a lot .

He knew it was because of the Linsen tribe, but he didn't find out the specific situation, so he had to give up.

The birds that had been flying freely between the cliffs were startled by the fast-flying blue light and shadow, and fled the area one after another.

The consciousness range of 3200 meters is not too low, but for the mountains surrounded by overhanging cliffs, it seems that it can't really cover it. Chen Tianhao didn't discover the Yiren tribe that Lin Sen was talking about in the first place.

I don't know the specific location where the Yiren tribe lives. The Yiren tribe seldom appears on the Linsen tribe. It is only through the creatures of other tribes that we know the existence of the Yiren tribe in this mountain forest.

The Yiren of the Yiren tribe don't appear often. They only go out to look for food when there is a lack of food. Because of this, they are seen by other creatures and know that there is such a tribe in this mountain forest.

Chen Tianhao started to check from the top of the mountain, and flew over again and again, exploring the movement on the cliff.

Yi people live on the mountain, there must be a big cave, Chen Tianhao put his main energy into the cave on the cliff.

Although this mountain forest is huge, Chen Tianhao's flying speed is not slow.

After flying in the air for about ten minutes, Chen Tianhao discovered that there was a cave in the middle of the mountainside of the highest mountain. The entrance of the cave was small, but the space inside was quite large, and almost one-third of the mountain was hollowed out. The winged people that Lin Sen talked about lived in it.

It's also thanks to Chen Tianhao's consciousness energy, otherwise he really couldn't find Yiren's position for a while.

No wonder other creatures don’t know where the winged people live. Even if they know about this kind of place, they can’t come here. Even if they come, the price is too high. They are against the enemy.

Chen Tianhao went to the entrance of the cave, and the outside of the cave was covered by some vines, he pushed aside the vines and got in.

The first is a crooked cave, and there are various circulation passages in the cave, only one passage is officially leading to the inside of the cave.

"Yes, this type of defense is rare."

Although this defense method is useless in Chen Tianhao's eyes, it is a rare defense method among other creatures.

There were no winged people in the passage of the cave, so Chen Tianhao found the correct passage and came to the cave in the middle of the mountain.

The cave was not as dark as imagined, but instead exuded a soft white light, just like the buildings that Chen Tianhao exchanged for points, all had this white light.

But the white light here is different from the white light emitted by the wooden house. It doesn't feel like a spring breeze, but it gives another kind of gentle feeling.

Under these white lights, a group of "human beings" with pairs of fleshy wings were playing and playing games.

If it wasn't for the meaty wings behind them, Chen Tianhao felt as if he saw a group of children playing there.

However, it was precisely because of the fleshy wings behind them that he knew that this group of winged people was a biological group that he once had during his evolution.

It seems that this group of winged people did not evolve with the "new humans" he edited in the editing center. Without systematic intervention, these winged people also entered the tribal age. It is precisely because of Chen Tianhao's habits that these caves allow them to interact with other birds. Different, don't like living in trees, like living in caves.

When Chen Tianhao was in a daze, Yiren, who was playing in the cave, found Chen Tianhao, an unexpected visitor.

Woo woo woo.

A chirping sound sounded in the cave.

Hulala, Yiren moved closer to the middle from the caves in all directions.

(End of this chapter)

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