spore evolution

Chapter 234 Subduing the Winged Man

Chapter 234 Subduing the Winged Man
Chen Tianhao already knew the positions of everyone in the cave. He heard the howl of the Winged Man. It was the howling of the discovery of the enemy. This was what Chen Tianhao used when he became the leader of the Winged Man. kind of howl.

The howl of the Winged Man made him feel very friendly, as if he had returned to the time when he was the leader of the Winged Man.

But then again, for the Yi people, Chen Tianhao, as the leader of the Yi people, has already passed through millions of years, and has disappeared in the long stream of evolution.

But for Chen Tianhao, from the leader of the Yiren to the current tribal chief, it took a few years, or even a shorter time, how familiar the howl that had not changed was in his ears at this moment.

The Winged Man's reaction speed was very fast. It took more than three minutes from the howl to the gathering in the cave.

During these 3 minutes, Chen Tianhao stood quietly at the entrance of the cave, like a stone sculpture.

The Wingmen fighters who arrived first did not step forward to attack Chen Tianhao immediately, but stood neatly more than ten meters in front of Chen Tianhao, watching vigilantly.

If it is other enemies, the Wingman fighters will launch the most violent attack the first moment they find it.

But they felt that the enemy standing in front of them seemed a little different, giving them an inexplicable sense of intimacy, which was an involuntary, heartfelt call.

In fact, they felt this way because they belonged to Chen Tianhao.

It means that Chen Tianhao is their most primitive ancestor. From the first single cell division, they are all the same cell, that is to say, they all belong to Chen Tianhao.

It's just that in the process of evolution, the information carried in the cells began to decrease slowly, but no matter how much it decreased, fundamentally speaking, the most primitive information still came from Chen Tianhao's cell.

During Chen Tianhao's journey of evolution, he had diverted his own races out many times. After the diversion, many races would become another race due to changes in the environment, but when these races met Chen Tianhao, a kind of The mysterious sense of calling comes from the most primitive calling.

There was no movement on both sides, just like this confrontation, some children were brought behind the Winged Man.

After a while, the chief of the Yiren tribe appeared among the Yiren.

Different from other winged people, Chen Tianhao's sense of mysterious calling is stronger in his perception.

Suddenly Chief Yiren seemed to remember something, and asked tentatively: "Excuse me, is the old patriarch in front?"

In the Winged Human Race, there used to be such a legend that when you encounter a creature with a strong sense of summoning, you don't have to doubt yourself. This is because you have met the old patriarch, and the old patriarch will lead the race to become stronger.

This kind of creature with a sense of mysterious summoning is not necessarily the same race as itself, it may be any other kind of creature.

The wingman chief didn't think in that direction at first, after all, this was just a legend, and no one had ever encountered such a creature.

"Old patriarch?"

Chen Tianhao was also taken aback. Although he had already confirmed that the group of Winged Humans in front of him was a member of his evolutionary process, it seemed that he had just come here. If he wanted to be the leader of the clan, he had also been the leader of the Winged Humans during the previous evolution process. .

Is that what the other party meant?In this way, he can indeed be regarded as the old patriarch of the Yiren clan.

Only if you can subdue them and help them, whether it is true or not, you must first agree to it.

Thinking of this, Chen Tianhao nodded and said, "Yes, I am the old patriarch."

Chief Yiren looked at Chen Tianhao expectantly. He watched Chen Tianhao's mouth move and made a sound, but he couldn't tell what Chen Tianhao meant when it reached his ears.

He anxiously asked again, "Excuse me, is this the old patriarch?"

Chen Tianhao did not use his consciousness to communicate, but used his mouth to make sounds. Chen Tianhao kept his consciousness around him, which was also a way for him to exercise his consciousness.

This has already caused a situation, Chen Tianhao understood what Chief Yiren said, but Chief Yiren couldn't understand what Chen Tianhao said.

In the absence of alliances, communication between different species cannot be achieved, except through the use of consciousness, a form of communication that transcends race.

"Yes, I am the old patriarch."

The chief of the Wingman asked again, and Chen Tianhao realized that the other party couldn't understand what he said, so he quickly switched to consciousness energy.

"Really you? That's great."

The Winged Chief suddenly increased his voice, and the voice echoed in the cave. The voices of several Winged Chiefs echoed in everyone's ears. After several seconds, they slowly quieted down.

Only the two of them could hear the communication between Chen Tianhao and the Yiren chief, and the people on the side were shocked when they heard the sudden high-pitched voice.

The Yiren chief also realized his inadequacy, and lowered his voice slightly: "Old patriarch, please lead our tribe to develop."

Before Chen Tianhao could make a request, the other party had already made a request to lead them to develop.

"Yes, but I hope you can follow me to my tribe."

The purpose of this time was not to subdue the Yiren tribe. Hearing the other party's request, he naturally agreed.

"All according to the arrangement of the patriarch." Chief Yiren replied with a bow. Since he chose to follow the old patriarch, he naturally obeyed the old patriarch's orders.

After agreeing to Chief Yiren's request, a series of system prompts sounded in Chen Tianhao's ears.

"Congratulations on your successful subjugation of the Wingman Tribe, and you have gained 3000 points."

"The number of pious people reaches: 10000 people, and the religious system is opened."


"Professional skilled personnel reached: 500 people, open the education system."

Chen Tianhao was knocked out by a series of system prompts.

"Patriarch, when are we going to the tribe?"

When Chen Tianhao was pleasantly surprised, Chief Yiren came to Chen Tianhao's side and asked.

"Well, let's go now." Chen Tianhao let go of his desire to check the religious system and education system immediately, and deal with the Yiren tribe first.

"Clan people, sort out the useful things, and we will follow the patriarch to a new place."

The Wingman chief turned and announced to the Wingmen around him.

The wing people gathered very quickly, and they dispersed quickly. After a while, the cave became empty, only Chen Tianhao and the chief wing man were left.

"I still don't know what to call you?"

Although he has subdued the opponent, Chen Tianhao still doesn't know the name of Chief Yiren.

"Patriarch, just call me Feiyi."

The wingman chief replied.

Then the two chatted for a while, mostly Chen Tianhao was asking questions and Fei Yi was answering.

While the two were chatting, the other wingmen brought over what they considered important, and immediately filled up the originally empty cave.

Chen Tianhao looked awkwardly at the things in the hands of the Yi people, stone knives, stone axes and other miscellaneous things.

"I don't want these things. They are available in the new tribe. They have sharper weapons." Chen Tianhao waved his hand, telling them to put down those stone knives and axes.

Then he seemed to remember something, and asked Fei Yi, "Do you have any energy spar here?"

Although he hasn't found the usage of the energy spar yet, Chen Tianhao feels that he should collect more, and he will definitely be able to research the specific usage of the energy spar in the future.

"Energy spar?"

Fei Yi asked suspiciously, not quite understanding what Chen Tianhao meant.

"How should I put it? It's the kind of stone dug out from the head of a creature." There was no energy spar around him, and suddenly Chen Tianhao saw a child holding a transparent energy spar in his hand. It was a spar whose energy had been exhausted. .

Walking up to the child, the child shyly hid behind the adult, Chen Tianhao didn't take the spar in the child's hand, but pointed to the spar and said: "It's this kind of stone, as long as you bring this kind of stone, you don't need to bring anything else. "

(End of this chapter)

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